Archaon Unleashes His Varanguard: LVO AOS Army Showcase

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Archaon was spotted on the AoS tables at the 2019 LVO. Check out this amazing army and its crisp paint job that was turning heads at the event.

The 2019 LVO brought players from all around the world under one roof to roll dice. And with so many hobbyists under one roof, there were some amazing armies to check out. In the realm of AoS, let’s dive into this amazing Archaon army!

LVO 2019

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Archaon Unleashes His Varanguard: LVO AOS Army Showcase

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Archaon and his Varanguard were spotted ransacking a village on a cool display board at the event. While matching bases with a display are always a plus, the real awesomeness lies in the amount of detail in each model.

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As if Archaon himself wasn’t inspiring enough, a Chaos Warshrine was spotted spewing litanies of hate and inspiration to the elite warriors. Take a look at the amount of sheer detail that went into the eyes of the shrine. It looks like it’s been daemon possessed itself! Beyond that, each ridge of the shrine’s horns have been hit with an edge highlight. It’s a subtle detail that can take hours but looks so good if done right.

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Moving onto the Varanguard, each unit represents one of the four Chaos gods, starting with Khorne first.

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Even the Nurgle-themed Varanguard can’t escape the mischievousness of Nurglings. Look at the Nurgling in the background pulling the tongue out of his friend’s head.

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And finally, Archaon himself on his terrifying Daemon mount went where he pleased knowing he had full favor of the chaos gods behind him. He’s a powerful unit that you don’t see too often on the tabletop, but this hobbyist really put some love and time into him! Great job!

What do you think about the Everchosen in AoS? Would you like to see them get a Battletome? Should Varanguard be cheaper? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!