Gloomspite Gitz Endless Spells & Warscrolls SPOTTED

By Wesley Floyd | January 10th, 2019 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Gloomspite Gitz, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Don’t miss all the new warscrolls for the Gloomspite Gitz that were spotted showing their Endless spells and wave one release rules!

Spotted on Imgur, The Gloomspite Gitz Endless Spells, as well as some Warscrolls for the newer units, were spotted. There’s actually been a full preview on the new unit’s Warscrolls already. So, let’s go over these Endless Spells first!

Endless Spells Warscrolls




Scuttletide is the Endless Spell that looks like a wave of Spiders. It normally goes off on a 7 but if it’s a Spiderfang Wizard casting it, you add 1 to your roll. It also has to be set up within 6″ of a terrain feature.

Essentially, this acts like a wall that dishes out mortal wounds on a 5+ to anything that ever comes within 1″. Spiderfang units are unaffected.

Scrapskuttle’s Arachnacauldron

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As for the Arachnacauldron, you can probably guess this is the giant spider-legged pot. The Arachnacauldron goes off on a casting value of 5 and actually has to be set up within 1″ of the caster so make sure you have room for the model!

The cauldron is a buff-type Endless Spell letting the caster it’s near know all of the spells from the Moonclan as well as giving them a +1 to cast and unbind rolls.

There IS a cost to unlocking this kind of power. Each turn after you summon it, you’ll have to deal out D3 mortal wounds to a unit within 3″. If no one is close enough, those mortal wounds will go straight to the Wizard that summoned the cauldron.

Mork’s Mighty Mushroom

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The Mighty Mushroom is obviously the mushroom model and goes off on a 6. Once you successfully cast it, place the mushroom 6D6 away from the caster. Once the model is set up and at the start of each battle round, roll a D6 for each model in each unit within 8″ of the model. on a 5+ they take a mortal wound. This is the Tactical Nuke of Age of Sigmar!

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Last but not least, the Malevolent Moon is the Bad Moon look-alike. This spell goes off on a 6 or higher and moves 12″.

The moon dishes out D3 mortal wounds to anything it crosses over on a 2+ and gives negative casting modifiers to Wizards who get to close. (-1 to cast  9″ away and -2 to cast 3″ away).

All in all, it looks like these spells have more utility and accent the army very well. They are designed to disrupt the enemy until the Grots get close enough as well as give a slight upper hand to the faction that can last the duration of the game if it’s not dealt with.

Loonmasha Fanatics

loonmasha fanatics

The classic Fanatics are still moving a 2D6 and are wearing T-shirts for armor. These guys can hide in the ranks of your regular Grots and all of the sudden, hop out in a flurry of ball and chains! These guys may hit on a 4+ but don’t underestimate their damage. If a squad of 5 makes contact with an enemy, that’ll be 5D6 attacks doing D3 damage a pop.

Of course, if you roll double on the charge, everyone takes at least 1 mortal wound around them (to give the feel of these guys recklessly slinging their weapons about).

And last but not least, these guys have a rule called whirling Whirling death. This unit fights at the start of the combat phase before sides alternate picking who gets to fight. These guys are glass cannons so they won’t stick around for long. It’s nice to see that they’ll have a rule that lets you get your bang in for your buck

SporeSplatta Fanatics

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sporesplatta fanatics

The Sporesplatta Fanatics look to be more of a support unit. They can beef up Moonclan Grots by giving them an extra attack from the spore clouds given off by the Puffshroom Frenzy. 

Another neat trick up their sleeve is that they create a spore cloud that blocks Line-of-sight to other friendly units from the enemy as long as these guys are closer.

Splat just increases your chances of dishing out mortal wounds to the friendly unit and units around them (friend or foe) if you roll doubles on your charge.

Boingrot Bounderz

boingrot bounderz

boingrot bounderz rules

The Boingrot Bounderz are a new Squig unit that’ll be coming to Glomspite Gitz. These guys move 2D6 like normal Squig units and have a nifty 2″ Pokin’ Lance.

Boing Smash turns these guys into a potential mortal wound engine in bigger squads. You’ll roll a D6 for each model in this unit within 1″ of an enemy after a charge. For each roll of a 4+, the enemy unit suffers a mortal wound.

Remember those Lances we were just talking about? Lances of the Bounderz also adds 1 to the wound rolls for attacks made with them after they’ve charged.

Make sure you head on over to Imgur to take a look at more of the Warscrolls if you’re still interested! At the end of the day, Gloomspite Gitz are looking to be the “wacky” army with some devastating damage output. Don’t sleep on these little green men from the forest!

Let us know what you think about the Endless Spells and the faction in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.