GW New Releases Roadmap For Christmas & Early 2022

new-gw-releases-marchDon’t miss the latest GW new releases roadmap into early 2022 featuring tons of minis for most of the Warhammer games that are on the way!

Love GW miniatures? Well, the new release roadmap is back and more loaded than ever. We’re not joking either we mean loaded, there are a ton of minis on the way!

Between rules leaks and rumors for Eldar and Chaos, there looks to be all sorts of releases coming for them as well too.

GW New Releases Roadmap For Christmas & Early 2022

Table of Contents & Article Summary

kruleboyzBefore diving into the confirmed release, let’s cover some rumors about what battletomes might also be among the first releases for this new edition.

Gloomspite Gitz

gloomspite gitz age of sigmar how to playAgain, this is about a 3-year-old book, with how much things have changed with AoS in that time, not to mention a new edition, they need a little bit of work. They are still performing okay but could use some reworks.

We’re not sure what new minis they will get, as their model line isn’t that old. Still, they will probably get a new champion or two, or at least a couple of reworks.


ogor mournfang 'Let’s just say we are hoping beyond hope this is true, and that basically, they get a rehaul on almost all of their minis! We don’t even care about the book so much, just the need for some new minis! S0rry gluttons, your time may have come…

A large portion of their units is from before the change over to AoS, meaning they haven’t been touched in years and years. This could be a massive overhaul, or if GW doesn’t feel like it, maybe they just redo a unit or two. Let’s just hope that’s not the case!

Beasts of Chaos

sc beastsYou know an army needs a rework when the pictures on the site for multiple of their units are still on square bases. It’s like GW just didn’t even care enough to change them to the new format over the years.

So, yeah, they need a rework and new minis! Maybe they and Ogors can come in a new starter box together with all new minis! One can dream, but according to these rumors, we don’t have that long to wait until we know for sure

RUMORS New Bundle Box Sets Coming to Age of Sigmar

The first box is said to be Gloomspite Gitz vs Beasts of Chaos. This box is going to be full of new minis, so be on the lookout! We have also heard of Gitz vs. Slaves to Darkness too.

Then supposedly will be Start Collecting for Ogors, with Ossiarch Bonereapers getting the box after that. Slaves to Darkness are also getting some love in the way of an upgrade sprue (like the Cadian one) and brand new Chosen.

Lastly, we’re not sure about the box, but the upcoming Oath Breakers (Chaos Dwarves) will be kicking off the “Broken Realms” of the new edition, but that’s supposedly not coming until 2023.

Gloomspite Gitz vs Beasts of Chaos?

gloomspite gitz trollThis will be a dual army box, meaning if you play either side, you’ll be getting new stuff! The gobbo side of things will see a new Scuttleboss on Giant Spider. While the old mini isn’t too bad, it’s really nothing to write home about.

While that’s nice, Beasts of Chaos will be getting a whole host of new minis! They will be getting three new minis, Doombull, Bullgor, and Jabberslythe. All three of those kits really need a rework (not to mention everything they have). 

Gloomspite Gitz & Slaves to Darkness AoS Battlebox?

60030209010_GloomspiteGitzBattletomeArtThe Gitz Battletome is about a 3-year-old book, which is quite old with how much things have changed with AoS in that time. Not to mention a new edition of the rules.  If we had to guess they may need a little bit of work. Whereas the Slaves to Darkness have not grabbed as many updates as we would expect for them or even had new models in quite some time (start collecting box aside), so hopefully they get some awesome new minis.

We’re not sure what new minis Gloomespite Gitz will get, however, as their model line isn’t that old. Still, they will probably get a new champion or two, or at least a couple of reworks.

Start Collecting Ogors

According to the rumors, they will be getting a new box along with their upcoming new book. In that, they will grab a new plastic Slaughtermaster/Butcher. This is great because they’ve needed an update for a long time. Not sure if they will be grabbing other new minis or not, but at least they can look forward to one new one for sure. 

 Ossiarch Bonereapers

bone kings ossiarch bonereapers age of sigmarThey received some new stuff for Underworlds, so that’s usually a good precursor to new minis for AoS. This probably won’t happen for a while, but it looks like they will be getting a new hero on foot and Mortek Archers. So two new units is something you can’t complain about!

Slaves to Darkness

slaves to darkness chaosLast but not least, it looks like Chaos will receive some love. Maybe not as much as they need, but some. With  Chaos Warriors and Knights getting an upgrade sprue very similar to what they just did with Cadians. Luckily, they will also be getting brand new Chosen, which really need it because they don’t look very loved by the Chaos Gods right now. 

But remember, these are all rumors after all…


malerion walIt all started when they did a preview of Shadow, Iron, and Broken Realms and revealed this shadowy artwork. It reminded us of Malerion taking a new form. Some of you may have heard of the name “Malerion” aka Malekith aka the Witch King before from the world that was… We’ve also seen a little short story of him talking to Morathi and the fact that he is finally manifesting himself into the mortal realms.

Well, he needs an army to lead, so we expect them to be kind of like dark elves in a sense. We haven’t seen any minis, but this looks like GW has been setting them up for a long time now. If you want to read more about the initial time we thought they were coming, check that out here.

According to this new rumor though, these will be near the end of 2022 at the earliest…

Looking into 2023

seraphon lizardmen wal horIt looks like Seraphon vs. Skaven will be the first battle box of 2023, but that’s pretty far off and not super confirmed. So take that with as much salt as you need, we’ll just have to wait and see on yet one more thing.

Global disruptions seem to be putting more and more releases farther and farther out. Before we used to be able to tell about when a new edition of any game would drop.  These days however look for more time to pass in increments of years between editions as well.

Oath Breakers

chaos-dwarfWhile it’s been a really long time since we’ve seen a full-scale release for them, we’ve seen minis released here and there for a long time now from Forge World- which have since disappeared.

Let’s be honest, this would just be a really cool rework of an army that never really got its day in the sun (well maybe they did about 10 years ago). With these being the last of the three mentioned, we’re not really sure when we would see them, but they are probably who we are most excited for!

They have some really cool old minis to style the new army on and with the sculpts GW has been putting out, they could look amazing! Unfortunately, according to the rumors, they won’t be hitting the game until 2023 or later…

GW Announces Cursed City Re-release & New Expansions!

Cursed city relaunch

This set sold out quickly when it was released, and many of you have been in touch to ask if it will be back. Today we can confirm that it will indeed rise again. For those of you that missed out the first time round, this is your chance to get your hands/bestial claws on some of the best Citadel miniatures of 2021, as well as the amazing co-operative Warhammer game. Look out for news on exact release dates in the new year.

Cursed city relaunch 2

Finally, if it’s not enough that Cursed City is returning, it will also be accompanied by expansions, so your adventure into Ulfenkarn can grow and continue with even more dramatic twists and turns. Spoiler alert: Radukar isn’t dead – he’s just really, really angry!

Here’s a closer look at Curse City from our Unboxing video when it was released the first time around:

The box originally sold for $199 so we expect the re-release to go for around the same, which would be nice because it is more expensive on the secondary market. Again, they didn’t give an exact date but we hope it’s sooner than later! If you want it this second time around, don’t miss out again as we’re not sure how long it will be available.

Infernal Master & Castellan Crowe (From Hexfire)

Still out there to be released separately are both of the models from the Hexfire Box. Plus the Grey Knights and Thousand Sons rumored Combat Patrol boxes as well.

Hexfire box

As far as pricing goes we originally thought the characters would be $35. However, after looking at the sprues, they may be as high as $40-45 each when releases seperately. Just something interesting to note.

They are currently selling in the $50 range on eBay.

RUMORS: New Eldar Models Coming, Get Hype!

Normally we don’t put “rumors” into the roadmap, unless they are just too strong to discount, like these Eldar ones…

new eldar models 2These rumors (and composite image above) come from Aeldari Warhammer 40k Discord, which you can sign up for here.

Let’s start with the one that is a little less speculative. When you look at these two pictures side by side, it really looks like this could easily be the model. The blood effects on the old one are, shall we say, old.

So it would make sense for the new model to be much bloodier, bigger, and just way better. This isn’t the first rumblings we’ve heard of a new Avatar either, so let’s just hope this is true. This would also most likely mean a big buff as well. Because we all know GW likes to buff units when they get new minis.

You can check out the rest of the new Eldar rules and model rumors here.

New 40k Models Via Kill Team?

new eldar modelsNext up, there is new artwork on some of the Kill Team Octarius freebies featuring Eldar. These look very much like new Rangers and that makes sense with what some industry insiders have told us: a new kill Team box with redesigned Eldar models inside.

jetbike feature rGet Your Jetbike Three Pack Now!

Rangers are the perfect KT unit for Eldar. So it’s possible they get the new Rangers in a box, then a couple of months later, they release the full 40k codex with a new Avatar (that we think we saw above) and maybe Farseer. Plus, we’ve heard some rumblings of new Harlequin models as well that may also be coming in some sort of Kill Team offering as well.

40k Kill Team Roadmap

Kill team roadmapThis doesn’t give a ton away but if this is true then we should be seeing more new releases on the way for Kill Team. Then, after that, the start of the year will bring another wave of releases.

40k Kill Team Starter

40k Kill Team Starter

This beauty brings you all of Kill Team’s key elements to make learning the principles of the game easy. In addition to a double-sided card gameboard and a variety of Orky scatter terrain, it also contains the full complement of Kill Team miniatures for the Orks and Death Korps of Krieg.

If you missed out on Octarius this will probably be a cheaper version if you want the minis and rules. The terrain inside is just going to be scatter terrain, so that means no big pieces. Still, if you’re trying to get into the game this will probably have value for sure, but at a lower price point than the Octarius Box.

40k Kill Team Starter 2


40k Kill Team Starter 3

The Kill Team Starter Set is the easiest way to learn the game, as it’s been designed specifically for new players. It comes with a Recruit Edition booklet – a 56-page how-to-play guide including a series of tutorial missions – as well as a compact version of the game’s full Core Book and all the tokens you’ll need to play.

As we said, if you’re getting into the game, this will probably be the easiest and cheapest way to do it, if you missed out on Octarius that is. Now, let’s get to the exciting part, the Orks and DKoK are getting separate boxes on their own!

Orks & DKoK Boxes

40k Kill Team Starter 4

No, we weren’t teasing you – by popular request, the Death Korps of Krieg and Ork miniatures from Kill Team will indeed soon be available separately (around the same time that the Starter Set hits the shelves).

While we don’t have an exact date, they usually don’t reveal the boxes more than a month or so out. It is interesting they are putting these in Kill Team-specific boxes, let’s hope that doesn’t mean anything bad for the release of more DKoK. We’ll have to wait on that one!

GW Confirms New Tau 40k Codex First in 2022

We had already suspected the rumors were true based on the correct predictions of new Tau and Sisters in the Chalnath box, and also the exact contents of the Black Templars release as well.

Here’s what Warhammer Community had to say:

On the T’au side, the snazzy upgraded Pathfinders can be used as a normal unit in your T’au army. Their kit won’t remain ornamental for long, though – brand new options for Pathfinders will be arriving in an upcoming codex. In fact, Fire Caste commanders among you will be excited to discover that it’s one of the first new codexes coming in 2022. 

Of course, now Tau may be delayed until later in 2022 due to the delays for Adeptus Custodes, and GSC codex books now.

These rumors are compiled from two different sets with some promising news for all Tau players. First off, it doesn’t seem like the Pathfinders will be the only kit, but it doesn’t seem like this won’t be a full release either like the one we are seeing for the Black Templars.

Most of their model in the Tau line are fairly old (about 10 years or so) but the miniatures themselves all still look pretty good (okay- except maybe the Vespid). So we personally expect GW to focus more on the rules than the models when it comes to updating Tau. 

Why? Well if GW just gives the current models better rules, then we think that will just lead to more sales overall, which is what GW seems to want when they update an army.

TauFirst up, according to rumors, it looks like January is the release date for the 9th Edition Tau 40k codex, but if there are any big delays, it might get pushed to February. Still, that’s really not too far off either way.

Next, it’s rumored they will receive a few other models other than just the Pathfinders with one being a plastic Darkstrider model. We’re not sure if these will also be upgrade sprues or brand new kits. However as we said before though, GW probably doesn’t need to give them a huge model update to get people to buy them.

They simply need rules that make them more fun not only to field but also play against and people will buy them. Right now they basically aren’t selling. Since the minis are so cool, it just comes down to rules to get them moving off store shelves. So hopefully in the update, they give them some fun mechanics.

New Tau Codex Cover

Tau Codex

It’s about to get even better with Codex: T’au Empire on the way early next year. How early? We’ll get to that, but it’s close enough that we’ve been able to get some markerlights trained on the cover so you can see the beautiful art right now. Codex: T’au Empire will arrive in early 2022, and with the Genestealer Cults and Adeptus Custodes codexes also landing in the same period.

We’ll see how they do the release, but we expect the other two codices will come out a little early and then the Tau stuff with the Darkstrider. Still, with how strange the releases have been, we’ll have to see. Either way, it’s good to have this confirmed for all Tau players out there! As of right now, it looks like the Darkstrider is going to be the only mini they get, but we’re sure we’ll see some rules soon and what to expect with the new book.

New Tau Pathfinders & Darkstrider


As you know the community had whispered that the Darkstrider would be the new character update. Since he is still Finecast its one of the only logical choices. Named characters are the most popular when GW decides on reworking a model.

Take a look at the preview image spoiled by Warhammer Community.

Darkstrider Pathfinder

 Before we go, we’ve seen one more Pathfinder sneaking around the edge of our vision, and we managed to catch a quick snap of them. Who could this be?

New Darkstrider Mini

Darkstrider new


Darkstrider new 2

Did you wonder who the mysterious silhouetted figure was in our Kill Team article on the T’au Empire? It was none other than Sub-commander El’Myamoto, better known as Darkstrider. 

The model is actually pretty interesting with him and the drones. Obviously, it’s much better than the old Finecast one and hey, it’s not Finecast! So that right there makes this way better. They also showed a couple of rules for the new mini.

darkstrider rules

The new miniature sees Darkstrider carefully releasing one of his drone familiars, with his trusty pulse carbine, Shade, tucked under his right arm.

This is a serious increase of both damage and AP from the last version, so nothing wrong with more firepower!

darkstrider rules 2

Darkstrider’s optical scanner incorporates a highly advanced structural analyser, enabling him to direct the fire of his kin at the weak points of their targets with ruthless precision.

This is very similar to his old ability. So not much changed here, we’ll just have to wait and see what else they give him in the book.

Reductus Saboteur & Blade Champion

Reductus Saboteur 2


Blade ChampionEven though you could have scored the Shadow Throne box, you still can’t get these separately. So hopefully we will be able to soon. Now let’s check out the rules we’ve seen for them so far!

Reductus Saboteur

Reductus Saboteur

Starting with Genestealer Cults we see a weapon that the new Reductus Saboteur will use.

As you might expect for a demolitions specialist, the Reductus Saboteur is equipped with explosives of every description, from blasting and demolition charges to frag grenades. What’s more, before battle is joined, a Reductus Saboteur will saturate the battlefield with remote explosives that they can detonate from afar when the enemy draws near – and they’re especially effective against larger, more cumbersome targets.

This new weapon Remote Explosives looks fantastic. Getting a decent amount of shots with Blast and a triple base-damage modifier against vehicles and monsters built-in, make this thing an absolute powerhouse of damage.

Because the damage bonus is so high, you’ll probably want this character to chip away at vehicles and monsters any time it can, as a damage potential of 18 is pretty dang high for a solo unit with a ranged attack…

reductus explosives preview

As if that wasn’t enough, they can perform a special Plant Explosives action, leaving a booby trap in place for an area denial threat. Should your opponent ignore the danger, they’ll suffer explosive consequences.

This is a unique rule because your opponent can choose to ignore it or avoid it. If they ignore it, you get to control the field and affect your opponent’s decision-making, which is powerful in a competitive scenario. If they ignore it, you get a decent amount of mortal wounds for free!

cloaked clandestine preview

Even if your opponent attempts to hunt them down, they’ll find that these masters of concealment are all but impossible to pinpoint while in cover thanks to their combination of Cloaked and Clandestine abilities.

Getting another +1 to saves while in cover is pretty big, making the Reductus Saboteur even harder to take down if you place them correctly and thanks to their decent range, it shouldn’t be too hard to do and still be effective. Additionally, not being targetable within 12″ makes abusing its own 24″ range much easier!

It seems like it always gets -1 to hit regardless of being in cover, which could also make this unit an absolute menace to deal with for your opponents to deal with.


We’ve even included the points value of the Reductus Saboteur so you can start using this demolitions expert in your matched play games right away.

Without seeing the full book, it’s hard to determine how good something actually is for the points like the Reductus Saboteur. So whether you think this is way too much or little, wait for the full book before you make the final decision on that.

Now onto the Blade Champion for Custodes!

Blade Champion 40k Rules

shadow throne blade championFirst up for the Champion we get a peek at his weapon profile.

vaultswords preview

This phenomenal warrior has mastered three different fighting styles with which he can cut his way through every type of enemy with contemptuous ease. With six Attacks as standard, he can hit a whopping 12 times when using the Hurricanis technique!

The way that this is worded seems to imply you get access to all three options with one weapon loadout! If that’s true, this model will be nigh unstoppable in melee and can easily put a hurting on a variety of target types. Assuming the Blade Champion can get into melee he will be a huge force multiplier.

consummate Swordsman preview

That’s where his Consummate Swordsman ability kicks in, for his skill with a blade enables him to fend off the attentions of even the deadliest foes.

Even more so, you can feel free to challenge any model in melee thanks to his extremely good defensive ability Consummate Swordsman which makes 1-3 hit rolls auto fail! Not to mention if they actually get a hit through, he gets a +1 bonus to his save in melee.

legacy of combat preview

Another trick up the Blade Champion’s auramite sleeve is his Legacy of Combat ability, which extends the range from which he can make Heroic Interventions and, crucially, allows him to strike first in melee as well. 

All that and we didn’t even mention that the Blade Champion has a Leadership characteristic of 11. That’s a statement of adamantium willpower and determination if ever there were one.

Fight first rules are critical to melee-centric models, being able to alpha strike opposing units and prevent as much swing back damage. His additional ability to intervene from further away is a great boost to mobility, allowing him to abuse his CQC defensive buffs more frequently.

Blade Champion Points

Unlike other members of the Adeptus Custodes, Blade Champions don’t take part in the Blood Games that constantly test the matchless defences of the Emperor’s Palace – their duty is to train relentlessly to perfect their skills as a warrior. The old adage that the best defence is a good offence is exemplified by the Blade Champions, for they protect the Master of Mankind through their ability to defeat any threat, no matter what form it takes.

At 110 points, we’ll have to see the full statline, but based on what we’ve seen so far he should be pretty strong! Especially when you consider everything in Custodes is so high costed, 110 doesn’t seem too bad.

All the New 40k Adeptus Custodes Model & Rules Rumors

Codex release MapLet’s start with the reveal from GW as they said a Xenos and Imperial book are coming in December. Conveniently, this rumor has a Xenos and Imperial army coming in December as well!

Oh, wait scratch that, GW announced a delay to their roadmap:

codex delay 40k adeptus custodes genestealer cults warhammer

While we previously expected the Adeptus Custodes and Genestealer Cults codexes to arrive alongside Shadow Throne, it’s fair to say that the process of shipping things around the world is still not without its challenges.

Despite the Herculean efforts of the teams that work to get new Warhammer into stores and homes every week, these codexes are now expected to land early next year.

They went on to say Shadow Throne should arrive in time for Christmas 2021.  Previously that all lined up with this rumor from Reddit:

rumors GSCYou may notice that there is not only everything in there about the Black Templars release, but they also predicted the Sisters and Tau release for Kill Team as well, both from a post back in August!

So from what we know now about the new Shadow Throne box set and all the new Adeptus Cutodes and Genestealer Cults reveals during the Warhammer Day preview, it looks like these are the two new books coming in the December (now January) release slot!

Adeptus Custodes Rules Rumors

custodes codex 9th edition

Next up are the rumored rules we’ve seen. Let’s take a look at the actual rules rumor from Reddit.

custodes rules rumorsWith so many other armies moving up in wounds, it makes sense they would give the buff to Custodes as well. The rumors say they are getting a new Lieutenant, so we’re not sure about the other new character rumors here, so we’ll see about that.

Adding army-wide heroic intervention could be a really cool idea, but they would need more if they tone down all their Stratagems. Bumping up the damage on weapons to D3 is seriously nice, especially bumping the Misericordia up to D2. It will make taking them basically an auto-include unless they go way up in points as well.

Genestealer Cults Codex Rules Rumors

Gsc codex 9th edition

Let’s take a look at the Genestealer Cults rules rumor from Reddit.

genestealers new rulesThere are some decent changes here, most notably, the change to ambush. While it’s a really cool mechanic, over time it sort of makes all your games feel similar.

The Saboteur is supposedly the new unit coming along with the Custodes/GSC Battlebox, and DS only 3″ away from something is really nice, but no charging is pretty lame.

Overall, the changes to the deployment side of things just seem like something they needed, so let’s hope that all comes true. Gaining cult creeds would be super strong for everything and adding some strength to Rending Claws would give the army a nice boost.

Adeptus Mechanicus Battleforce

Warhammer 40k Battleforces 4We’re only including this one because it was delayed until January, so it’s technically not coming out until 2022.

GW Reveals New Space Marines Captain in Gravis Armour


space marine captain

The last time that we saw a Captain in Gravis Armour was back when the Dark Imperium boxed set launched. He’s clearly been learning some new skills – he can now wield a chainsword or a power fist instead of his power sword. We note that he’s still not mastered the shovel as a weapon yet, though.

At least he’s coming with more options than we sometimes see with these types of releases. They also don’t really say he’ll be exclusive, so maybe he will just eventually join the ranks of the normal lineup (doubtful though).  One other thing to note about this model, his face is actually pretty cool! So luckily it looks like we won’t see a Ventris treatment right at the end of the year.

space marine captain 2

Along with his swanky new servo skull, the Captain also comes with a choice of heads. The new Space Marines Captain in Gravis Armor will be available soon.

The new Space Marines Captain in Gravis Armor has some pretty cool options overall and looks like a fun miniature to hobby on either before the year ends or to start the new one!

RUMORS: New Plastic Horus Heresy Starter Set Pics Spotted!

What appeared to be pictures of a new Plastic two-player Horus Heresy set featuring a Contemptor Dreadnought along with a Spartan Tank surfaced on Reddit.

Horus Heresy Box 1


Horus Heresy Box 2


Horus Heresy Box 3


Horus Heresy Box 5


Horus Heresy Box 6Note that these are photos of images on a monitor which are probably legit “leaks”. (we say leaks in quotes because many hobbyists have their doubts that GW is not leaking images intentionally to follow up with cheeky announcements to build hype for their products).

And why wouldn’t they? It’s literally worth millions of dollars in sales for them to do so…

Plus new rumors are even saying the release date on this set may have been moved up, and the Spartan may actually be a dual kit- which would be pretty neat!

Fafnir Rann

fafnir rann

A celebrated officer of the Imperial Fists, Captain Rann was charged with the defence of the strategically vital Lions Gate Spaceport. He later joined the Templar Brethren, fighting alongside Sigismund and earning ever greater glory.

Not to mention he wades into battle with not one but TWO axes! Something about the blender that these guys must create in assault just screams, stay very very far away.

fafnir rann details

He’s a veritable mountain of stubborn strength, even for a superhuman Space Marine, wielding his signature twin power axes.

Dominion Zephon

Dominion Zephon

Zephon, while not high-ranking, always seemed to find his way to the centre of the action. His body was shattered in battle just before the events of the Siege of Terra, and his extensive augmetic surgeries brought him into contact with a Tech-Priest by the name of Arkhan Land

This new Jump Pack character is right at home in the Blood Angels and can probably find a use in some 40k lists as a smash captain alternative mini with some conversion work.

Dominion Zephon details

He fought alongside the Adeptus Custodes, was recruited by Malcador the Sigillite, and fought on the front lines of the siege, fearlessly protecting and inspiring the soldiers at every turn. This incredible model shows his unusual bionic limbs, as well as the grace and fury of the Blood Angels.

With all the unique aspects of this model, it should make for a pretty fun painting and hobbying challenge too!

Black Library’s Warhammer Preview Online

bl online preview banner

If you’re a fan of action-packed Warhammer fiction, then you’re in for a treat this weekend, as Black Library’s got a Warhammer Preview Online all to itself. As you might expect from an end-of-year special, you can look forward to oodles of exclusive reveals of upcoming books that will be arriving in 2022.

So much of these books and lore that you like are just that, what you like! So be sure to check out the full Warhammer Community post to read more in-depth about whichever of the books below peak your interest! There are also a few author Interviews if you have a favorite or two you’d like to hear directly from.

Now let’s check out that book lineup!

Kragnos, Avatar of Destruction

Kragnos, Avatar of Destruction

With the return of the God of Earthquakes, the Realm of Beasts is in for some seismic upheaval in more ways than one.

Eisenhorn Xenos (Limited Edition)

Eisenhorn Xenos Limited Edition

If you enjoy reading about the gritty underbelly of the Imperium, and how forces within and without seek to manipulate things to their will behind the scenes, you’ll love this book, which kicks off the story of Inquisitor Eisenhorn. Does he bend the rules to do what’s ultimately right, or is he little more than a dangerous radical? You decide.

Eisenhorn is a fan favorite, so if you are interested be sure you pick up this book ASAP when it finally does drop!

The Successors

The Successors

From storied successors including the Crimson Fists and Flesh Tearers to lesser-known Chapters like the Emperor’s Spears and Consecrators, you’ll be spoilt for no-holds-barred Adeptus Astartes action.

The nature of Successor chapters and their unique attributes help make 40k one of the most interesting sci-fi settings, so this book is sure to be great on that basis alone.

Saturnine (PB)


The fourth instalment of the Siege of Terra series, Saturnine, is coming soon in paperback, and it sees the fighting escalate to new heights across the perimeter of the Emperor’s Palace.

If you were unable to get it before, rejoice as the new Paperback should be easier to get a hold of (and cheaper!).

Battle of Lion’s Gate Space Port Map

Battle of Lion’s Gate space port

What’s more, you can keep track of where all the action takes place with a map focusing on the Battle of Lion’s Gate space port, wrapped in vinyl for an opulent feel and stunning presentation.

Witch Hunter, Cadian Blood, and Astorath: Angel of Mercy

Witch Hunter, Cadian Blood, and Astorath Angel of Mercy

We’ve also got two Reader’s Choice books up for reprint, Witch Hunter and Cadian Blood, as well as the hardback of Astorath: Angel of Mercy – available for the first time since its release as a super-special edition last Christmas.

Another set of books you might have missed, these should all be great picks for anyone interested.

Sigismund: The Eternal Crusader (Limited Edition)

The Eternal Crusader

Sigismund: The Eternal Crusader will reveal everything there is to know about the stoic First Captain of the Imperial Fists and will be available as a limited edition hardback as part of the Black Library Celebration 2022.

With the Black Templars recent update, this book might go quickly, so be sure to grab it while you can after it goes live.



Gotrek has been slaying across the realms ever since his reemergence in, well, Realmslayer. His latest epic adventure, Soulslayer, is coming next year as a hardback.

Gotrek is and has always been a fan favorite, because who doesn’t love an angry dwarf slaying everything around him? Either way, this one is sure to be another great addition!

Throne of Light

Throne of Light

Throne of Light continues the action from The Wolftime and sees the Indomitus Crusade push ever further from Holy Terra to face fresh new tribulations.

Throne of Light (Limited Edition)

Throne of Light limited edition

It’ll be available as a paperback and shiny special edition.

The Triumph of Saint Katherine (Limited Edition)

The Triumph of Saint Katherine limited edition

Let’s take a closer look at what else is on its way in 2022, starting with the thrice-blessed limited edition of The Triumph of Saint Katherine, by Danie Ware.

Ahriman Eternal (Limited Edition)

Ahriman Eternal limited edition

From one limited edition to another – this time, Ahriman Eternal by John French, the fourth instalment in the series. This book comes in a stunning display case, complete with a variety of esoteric arcana and more besides. If you seek the boon of Tzeentch, this is surely the way to do it!

With Chaos fans being so dedicated, this very unique limited edition is sure to sell like hot cakes!

Huron Blackheart

Huron Blackheart

The Master of the Maelstrom, Huron Blackheart, is set to star in his very own novel, courtesy of Mike Brooks. In Huron Blackheart, which will be available as both a hardback and special edition, the lord of the infamous renegades known as the Red Corsairs must adapt to the unfolding events of the Era Indomitus or die trying.

Speaking of chaos, the only release here getting both a normal and special edition is this one! Huron is an interesting character, so if you want to learn about him this is the book to do it.

Assassinorum: Kingmaker

Assassinorum Kingmaker

Assassins and Imperial Knights. It’s a match made in (a grimdark version of) heaven. Robert Rath’s upcoming novel, Assassinorum: Kingmaker, coming next year in hardback, sees two deadly killers become embroiled in the politicking of a Knight world in turmoil.

Hallowed Ground

Hallowed Ground

Richard Strachan’s hardback novel Hallowed Ground will make for a great follow-up read to Kragnos, Avatar of Destruction, as not only is it also set in Ghur, the Realm of Beasts, but it kicks off in the aftermath of Kragnos’ return.

Ravenor Rogue (Limited Edition)

Ravenor Rogue

And finally, Dan Abnett has another treat lined up for fans of his Eisenhorn books in 2022. His Ravenor spin-off series is also getting some love with the return of book three – Ravenor Rogue – soon to be available as a signed special edition.

As another fan-favorite series, if you are interested you’ll have to keep your eyes peeled on release day because this will almost definitely sell out!

New Primarch Model Revealed For Horus Heresy

horus-heresy-icon-logo-wal-hor-titleThe last Primarch is here for the Horus Heresy, as the Warhawk of Chogoris Jaghatai Khan finally makes his glorious appearance on the tabletop.


Jaghatai Khan video

Jaghatai Khan, Horus Heresy Model

Jaghatai Khan black backround

Jaghatai Khan, the Primarch of the White Scars is fiercely proud and something of an outsider among his brothers, though as much by his own choice as the neglect of his kin. He revels in the hunt, but it’s once he’s run his prey to ground that Jaghatai excels – his lightning swiftness with a blade is such that many consider him the most skilled swordsman of all the Primarchs.

Jaghatai Khan detailsOf course, as with many of the Primarchs, he comes with a scenic base, on which he has slain a Death Guard Marine. If his figure was not imposing enough, he is sure to have deadly stats on the battlefield, as he was/is arguably the best sword fighter of all the Primarchs, who are already among the best in existence.

And if you’re a lore hound, he was actually spotlighted in the recent book Warhawk where he and Mortarion go head-to-head. You can check out that book here!

Reading about Jaghatai is one thing – unleashing him on the battlefield against the Traitor Legions is quite another! You won’t have long to wait before you can field the master of lightning warfare in your games of Horus Heresy, as he’ll be available early next year.

Orks Still not Released on Their Own

Beast SnaggasWhile not part of the Beast Snaggas, they finally made a mini for the Warboss in Mega Armour! It looks amazing and even has a little Grot shooting his gun for him. He’s in the combat patrol but not separately available yet.

New Ork Boyz

Speaking of rumours and legends, some of you with the eyes of skilled Tanith marksmen noted something unusual on the new Gaunt’s Ghosts box at the weekend. Are those new Ork Boyz pictures fighting the Cadian Shock Troops on the back of the box? Yes, they are! We’ll save you squinting at a grainy pic, here is one of da new Boyz in all their glory. First Beast Snaggas and now new Boyz – 2021 looks like the year to be green…

Orks Combat PatrolThe new Boyz and Deff Koptas are available in the combat patrol but not on their own yet.  Also worth noting all that dope Ork terrain from Kill Team Octarius may eventually release on its own as well.

GW Reveals Exclusive New Minis for Warhammer+

Exclusive miniFirst up is the Vindicare Assassin, this looks like a 3D render, but that is only half right. While it is a prototype 3d print it’s an amazing diorama model for what hobbyists will get down the road. They basically have a year to nail it down. Still, this is honestly pretty sweet! Not sure what base size this will be on, but it will make a perfect centerpiece for you to really sink your teeth into and let your painting ambitions go crazy. This makes sense for a model as it can be used by so many factions, so any Imperial player can take advantage of it.

Exclusive mini 2An Orruk takes the spot for AoS. The mini looks pretty sweet, but the one thing that’s hard to tell is how big it is. They said the skull on the back is an Ogors and the skull in its hand is a Stormcast. So this is just going to be giant! The Choppa itself is probably bigger than some minis out there. Again though, you won’t get this mini until you are subscribed for a full 12 months.

Warhammer Underworlds: Blackpowder’s Buccaneers


Blackpowder’s Buccaneers video

Coming straight from Warhammer CommunityBlackpowder’s Buccaneers are the very first expansion Warband for Warhammer Underworlds: Harrowdeep. And how fitting the first is a pirate!?

Blackpowder’s Buccaneers

Blackpowder’s Buccaneers are the first warband expansion for this season of Warhammer Underworlds, following the Harrowdeep boxed set. They consist of an ogre pirate and his gnobblar crew – and being a pirate, he of course has to have a menagerie, so he’s also accompanied into battle by his pet parrot and a monkey. Not just any monkey, you understand – Mange is a monkey with a terrible attitude and a knife that’s perfect for cracking open crab shells. 

This Warband is led by the big Ogre known as Blackpowder, with his repurposed (and probably stolen) firearm. He’s also managed to corral some Gnooblars and animals to help him be a menace to other warbands.

There was a little talk about which was the best warcry animal, monkey or crab, and I gotta say… Team monkey all the way.

Blackpowder’s Buccaneers end screen

The Slopper & the Scabber Set to Join Necromunda!

The slopper


The slopper 2

He’s a Slopper, a hanger-on who’s truly useless in a fight, but whose… uh… culinary skills are quite handy for bringing injured gangers out of recovery – presumably when they realise that the alternative is another week with nowhere to hide from his cooking.

So while he may not be too helpful in a real fight, there’s nothing wrong with getting your gangers healthier faster! Plus, the model is just really out there and that makes it fun.

The Scabber


The Scabber 2

Whatever passes for style in the dingy recesses of the sump, this feller has it in spades. Scabbers are fences who can get rid of unwanted illegal goods on the Black Market – and maybe turn up a few other items that you DO want.

Another cool mini that has more impact in a campaign than just in an actual battle, which is really cool and adds a ton to the narrative side of things!

The Scabber rules

Clad in what passes for high fashion in these parts, the Scabber is also, shall we say, hapless in a firefight – but their unparalleled access to illicit loot more than makes up for it.

Just a super flavorful rule that will save you some credits!

New Blood Bowl Rat Ogres Lumber to the Field soon!

Blood Bowl Berserker

A Rat Ogre is an amalgam of mutated muscle created by the fleshcrafters of Clan Moulder. They tower over even the largest Stormvermin, and can tear an opponent limb from limb with effortless ease, even as they choke the life from another with their prehensile tail.

The mini is pretty cool but isn’t anything too crazy when compared to the normal Ogre. All the extra staples and such do give it a cool feel but again, nothing too crazy but still a fun mini.

Blood Bowl Berserker

Its combination of speed, strength, and animalistic ferocity makes the Rat Ogre a formidable asset. Indeed, were it not for its wild nature, a Rat Ogre could almost be considered the perfect Big Guy. It possesses a brutal blend of Strength 5, Frenzy, and Mighty Blow (+1). That usually means two bites at the (face-smashing) cherry, and easy mode when it comes to crowd-surfing rival players – where they will no-doubt be horribly dismembered.

Not only does it have high strength and good attacks, but it also has a prehensile tail that makes it harder for your foes to get away when they get in its grasps.

Aeronautica Imperialis Necrons Night Scythe & Night Shroud Bomber

Necron Aeronautica

Either way, let’s check out the new models!

Necron Aeronautica model

Yes, the Necrons are coming to Aeronautica Imperialis, and while their ships may look like croissants, they’re not just here for breakfast. Flying into enemy territory first is the Night Scythe. Just like its Warhammer 40,000 counterpart, it’s armed with a pair of tesla destructors and can be used to transport troops deep behind enemy lines.*

If you’d rather do away with that transport capacity,** you can alternatively add a heavy death ray and upgrade your ship into a Doom Scythe. And who doesn’t love a death ray?!

Looks like the Necrons new kit makes both a Doom Scythe and the traditional Night Scythe version as well in Aeronautica Imperialis!

Night Shroud Bomber

Aeronautica Imperialis necron

It’s not just fighters that the Necrons are bringing to the party though, they’re also sending in the Night Shroud bomber. It’s faster than a Phoenix Bomber, and while it’s not quite as manoeuvrable, it does allow you to drop death spheres on your enemy’s emplacements.

GW has shown a lot of previews recently and with Aeronautica Imperialis not seeing any spotlight, speculation had started that this game system perhaps was on the way out. Well, that is not the case for now at least, as GW has revealed the first of the new minis for AI.

With Necrons taking flight with two new ships, it’s sure to ramp up interest in Aeronautica Imperialis again!

New JOYTOY Action Figure Scale Invictor Warsuit & Blood Angels

joytoy GW release feature rA new action figure scale JOYTOY Invictor Warsuit and more Warhammer 40k Ultramarines and Blood Angels are on the way for wave two!

It looks like JOYTOY is branching out from just the regular Warhammer 40k Space Marines and adding in some heavy hitters!

joytoy GW release rWarhammer Community unveiled the next wave and even a sneak peek at what’s to come!  The good thing is something other than Ultramarines are on the way, but of course, they had to add some more blue boys to the mix. Let’s check out everything on the way!

Blood Angels & Ultramarines

joytoy GW release 4


joytoy GW release 5

The Blood Angels have dispatched their own Death Company Intercessors. Decked out head-to-toe in their signature black armour and red crosses, they cut a striking figure. Like their battle-brothers from Macragge, each figure can go with or without their helmet – and since this is the close combat-hungry Death Company we’re talking about, all four have chainswords and bolt pistols to supplement their bolt rifles. 

These look pretty sweet and it will be awesome to have something other than Ultramarines out there! These look really cool and with the options for wargear and helmets, we are pretty excited for them.

joytoy GW release 2


joytoy GW release 3

Like the Incursors and Infiltrators before them, these Intercessors are about 10cm (4.75”) tall and feature 25 points of articulation for dynamic posing. They look phenomenal up close too, with full edge highlighting and painted details down to their squad markings.

Warhammer Community didn’t give us an exact release date for these but we expect them to be out before too long now that they’ve revealed them!

JOYTOY Primaris Librarian Action Figure

Librarian JoyToy

With 28 points of articulation, and a soft plastic cloak made that remains vivid and durable as you pose him, this is the first Character model that JoyToy has made for Warhammer, and it’s stunning.

So many points of articulation. Also of note… like of real note… is a soft plastic cloak. Praise the God Emperor.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t HATE fabric and plastic mixed together — but I don’t like it either.

Librarian with interchangeable hands and helmet

In case you were wondering, he comes with extra hands and you can ditch his face for a helmet. He’s basically a bigger version of the GW Primaris Librarian — which is cool to see in a large-scale action figure from JOYTOY.

We also have a 360 look at him posted by JOYTOY on bilibili.

JOYTOY Invictor Warsuit Action Figure

Yep, he’s removable- check out the JOYTOY Space Marine action figure alongside his Invictor Warsuit. So cool!

JOYTOY space marine alongside his Invictor.

Standing 30cm tall with 45 articulated joints, hydraulic rods in the thighs, maximum stability, special gear joints let this beast of a toy stand tall in an incredible array of poses.

For those countries that have landed astronauts on the moon, this thing is basically a foot tall! Okay, fine, the size of the Invictor Warsuit is 11.81 inches according to Google, but still…

JOYTOY space marines action figures INSIDE his Invictor Warsuit.

I guess the only question left is, who’s going to be the first one to try and slam the new JOYTOY Librarian action figure into the Invictor Warsuit? Probably a Blood Angels fan if we had to guess!

So we expect these to be out at the same time as Games Workshop labeled them as Wave 2, however, we know there are still more models to release that have been previewed already by JOYTOY below.

JOYTOY Invictor Warsuit 40k Action Figure Size Revealed

There are a few new images regarding the Warsuit, so let’s start with the official outlets. Coming from Billibili, we’ve got a look at the final version of the JOYTOY Invictor Warsuit Space Marine Action Figure in a video showcase.

This simple video shows off what we can safely assume is one of if not the final version of the Invictor Warsuit and it looks dope! As you can tell by the figure in front, this will be the same scale as the previous JOYTOY figures, which means this warsuit is actually pretty big.

Next, we’ve also got some official images from JOYTOY via a Gcores article.

joytoy warsuit standingSince it is the same scale as the previous figures, that means if you purchased the old ones, they might be able to slot right into the new warsuit after it releases!

joytoy warsuit poseWith this being such a big model, there probably won’t be much pose-ability, but that was to be expected. At the very least it looks like we can make it look like any of our own tabletop model poses.

There was also this comparison shot posted on Facebook thanks to Singlemedia.

joytoy warsuit side-by-sideThis shot shows off another war suit with size comparison to the previous JOYTOY marine, once again showing off the sheer size of the new figure.

Finally, there was an image spotted on FB with someone actually holding the warsuit!  We assume it is from the Beijing Roadshow that JOYTOY participated in recently.

joytoy warsuitIf the other images were harder to realize the size of the new Warsuit, this one makes it a piece of cake! This thing is massive! The person holding it even used two hands to support it. While their hands may be smaller (or larger), this definitely makes us realize the absolute CHONK that this Action figure is at nearly a foot tall.

Now that also means it will most likely be more than the $25 each the figures cost, but we’ll have to wait and see… Luckily with it seemingly finished, that’s hopefully not too far away

Rumored JOYTOY Warhammer Action Figures on the Way

We found these pics over on Fauxhammer let us in on these new pics as well as the list of rumored new Warhammer 40k JOYTOY Action figures.

Let’s check out the list of everything that may be on the way, then check out some of the actual pics we’ve spotted.

  • Primaris Assault Space Marines – Ultramarines (CONFIRMED)
  • Death Company Space Marines (CONFIRMED)
  • Primaris Librarian (CONFIRMED)
  • Primaris Chaplain
  • Primaris Captain in Gravis Armour
  • Primaris Invictor Tactical Warsuit (CONFIRMED)
  • Sisters of Battle (this one is unclear, the translation is bad, but we know (have heard) we are getting “Arbites”?)
  • Chaos Space Marines – Black legion
  • Chaos Space Marine Terminators – Black Legion
  • Chaos Champion – Black legion
  • Chaos Space Marines – Thousand Sons
  • Orks

Fauxhammer said they cannot confirm these rumors, but the community seems to agree with them so far from what we have seen.

If these are right that would be amazing as Chaos would be grabbing figures and even some Orks look to be thrown in there. Apparently, this is all also just in 2021, so if that’s true, we could see an insane number of figures before the year is out.

Either way, it looks like we don’t have long to wait now to see if these are true, as we already know the Librarian and war suit are official.

If you missed the lastest few previews from GW this year, you can get all caught up on those from our coverage below:

All the Newest GW Model Previews For 2022 & Beyond

What is your favorite upcoming release? Which of these will you be picking up?

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