Is Titanicus or 40k Next on Games Workshop’s Schedule?

Adeptus Titanicus warlord painted

Games Workshop has been busy pumping out new releases lately. Now that all of the White Dwarf preview AoS kits are out, What’s next?

Over the past few months, we’ve seen Age of Sigmar blossom into a new edition, a truckload of models released after previews, and multiple conventions held like Warhammer Fest and the Forge World Open.

Is Titanicus or 40k Next on Games Workshop’s Schedule?

We know that the Kill Team reboot is right around the corner as well. So what could be next on Games Workshops schedule? Let’s take a look.

Age of Sigmar

sigmar AOS

All of the kits that were spotted in the July’s White Dwarf magazine post are out and can be bought on Games Workshop’s website. But with that being said, there are still some kits on the way that were in Warhammer Community’s most recent previews. What will be next for AoS 2.0 once these drops?

aventis firestrike Is Titanicus or 40k Next on Games Workshop's Schedule?

Aventis Firestrike

the black coach

The Black Coach


Stormcast Sequitors


Nighthaunt Chainrasp Hordes

We’ve seen Age of Sigmar get completely revamped with new models and units to back it up. Now that most of the model previews are on the shelves, what’s next? will we start to see more and more books get released to bring other factions up to speed?

Will new models be on the horizon for factions that get new books? It’s all up in the air right now but hopefully, we can see more armies get updated and become more competitive. Currently, older armies that were in fantasy are getting thrashed by newer factions.

Titanicus Box Game

Adeptus Titanicus Unboxing & A Titan Goes Missing

Going back to Warhammer Fest, it looks like everything spotted at the event has been released except for Titanicus. While we do know a lot about it already, we don’t know everything.

We are still seeing previews of accessories like terrain and trains that will have an effect on the game in some way.fw open titanicus 12

The box set is supposed to be the most expensive set we’ve seen but it should also have some of the best value inside. What else could be previewed as Titanicus pulls up the rear from Warhammer Fest?

Don’t Forget About 40k

codex orks space wolves

Though 40k looks like it’s been on the backburner in terms of releases, we’ve still got the Space Wolves and Orks Codexes coming out this year. Ghazghkull is supposed to be getting a new model and we haven’t seen any word on that.

genestealer gunslinger New Genestealer Cult Models SPOTTED


It’s also important to remember Genestealer Cult will be getting a book at some point. We can’t forget about the new models we’ve already seen previewed at a Warhammer event this far out! Genestealers are getting a nasty little gunslinger and an even scarier Aberrant-type model.

Plus we know the Rogue Trader skirmish game is on deck so to speak as well, especially because we just got some new background pics were spotted recently.

rogue trader wal

There’s also been a rumor floating around that Ynnari will get their own codex. They’ll need a lot more units in their army to really flesh out a codex. Could that be an open door for new models to appear?

Do you have any idea for what’s next on Games Workshops schedule? What faction would you like to see get a book in AoS next? What else would you like to see previewed for the Titanicus game? Will we be seeing new units for factions in 40k when they get their codex? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.

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