Lumineth Realm-Lords Warscroll Battalions Rules

lumineth realmlords wal Here are all the bonus rules you’ll get from taking the Warscroll Battalions for the Lumineth Realm-Lords in their new Battletome!

Spotted on imgur, we’ve got a close look at the composition of Warscroll Battalions as well as what bonus rules you’ll get for taking them! Let’s jump into the latest.

lumineth realmlords battletome sheetIn case you missed it, we also already saw the confirmed points on the Battalions and other units. Albeit, they were from a Deutsch translation. You can still tell what you’re looking at for the most part.

Lumineth Realm-Lords Warscroll Battalions Rules

lumineth alarith stoneguard 2


Lumineth Realmlords battalion alarith templeStarting with the Alarith Temple, these guys are the tankiest you can possibly get. With a 4+ save (now re-rollable) on the Stoneguard, you can refuse to come up off of an objective. These guys move 4″ anyway so who cares about only piling in for 1″ when you fight- you hardly move anyway!

Plus, your opponent could always get greedy and pile in as much as he can if he gets the charge off (and with a 4″ move, he probably will).  At 120 pts for the Battalion and three units minimum, this isn’t too shabby. Although seeing that you get the most benefit for the number of Stoneguard you have, you’ll probably want to max them out if you pay for the Battalion.

Lumineth Realmlords battalion auralan legionFor the Arualan Legion, Scinari is going to be at the head using weaponized depression to kill her enemy. For this, you’ll have to take a MINIMUM of four squads total. However many Sentinels you bring, you also have to take that many Wardens. Sentinels are Bowmen and Wardens are Spearmen if you were curious. The bonus is that your entire army is basically mystic shielded if they stay close together.

We’ve already seen how Wardens want to be in base-to-base combat for their bonus rules to kick in so this is a great Battalion. It’s also only 120 pts, but seeing that you’ve got more mandatory unit options it’ll almost always be costing more than the Alarith Temple.

Lumineth Realmlords battalion dawnrider lanceNext, we’ve got the Dawnrider Lance. This one is already unique because there’s no obligatory Hero role that you almost always see in a Battalion. The max unit size for Dawnriders is twenty which means you can have a one-drop 60-man cavalry list (excluding some Battleline and Heroes) which is already gross.

As for their bonus rule, they get a bonus on the charge allowing them to reroll 1’s for free. Being that they’re a cavalry unit, if you’re smart you should almost always get the charge off with these guys first. Rerolling 1’s to hit isn’t game-breaking but it’s a nice little bonus.

The Super Battalion- Teclian Vanguard

lumineth realmlords teclian vanguardThis is the super Battalion for the Lumineth Realm-lords and good luck fitting that into a 2,000 pt list. This is the only way you can bring Teclis in a Battalion. At only 80 pts, it’s not terrible (even though you have to pay out the $%& for all the other Battalions. All this gives you is a 6+++FNP, which considering how tanky the army can potentially be, isn’t horrible.

What do you think about the Lumineth Realm-Lord’s Battalion support? Can you spot one that’ll be turning up all across tournament tables?

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About the Author: Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd

Wesley Floyd headshotJob Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018


About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.