Lumineth Realm-Lords Spirit of the Mountain Rules SPOTTED

lumineth realm-lords walCheck out the rules for two of the units in the Lumineth Realm-Lords faction-  Spirit of the Mountain and Scinari Cathallar.

Spotted on Imgur, here’s a look at two of the Warscrolls coming inside the Lumineth Realm-Lords Battletome. Get ready for the Spirit of the Mountain and Scinari Cathallar.

Lumineth Realm-Lords Spirit of the Mountain Rules SPOTTED

spirit of the mountain warscroll 2Starting off, 12 wounds with a 3+ Save is super chunky. A 3+ save is hard to come by in AoS already. But with a 12-wound bank, these guys won’t be rolling over for just anybody. On top of that, it’s got a 30″ range D6 damage attack. While it’s only a single attack, a 3+/2+ at -2 Rend is decent.

For the World Hammer, it’s got a gross 3″ range which means he can comfortably stand behind a shield wall and still be relevant. To make things even worse for your opponent, he’s getting four attacks that have a max potential of five damage. That’s 20 damage from one weapon if you roll right. 

Being an actual spirit of a mountain, if he stands still, he’ll get to add +1 Attack to melee weapons with All but Immovable. That puts this guy over the hump of being able to solo a thirty-man squad. With max buffs, he can do up to 37 damage.

Ponderous Advice will let you pop a Command Ability for free as long as you keep an LRL Aelf hero within 3″ of the Spirit of the Mountain for a turn.

Giving a the model an element of protection, he can slam the ground and make an enemy unit -1 to hit. This range goes down as he gets hurt but still definitely useful.

lumineth realmlords alarith stonemageNow, if you plan on running multiple of these guys, an Alarith Stonemage is going to be an auto-include. If you have a Stonemage within 12″, they ignore the degrading statline with Stonemage Symbiosis. That’s bonkers strong as they already start to degrade after two wounds.

As one final cherry on top, he’ll come with a Command Ability that’ll let you add +1 Attack to a unit of LRL Aelves that is wholly within 18″.

Scinari Cathallar’s Warscroll

LUMINETH REALMLORDS oracle scinari cathallar


scinari cathallar warscroll 2For Cathallar, she’s on the other end of the spectrum in terms of durability. At 5 Wounds with a 5+ Save, you’ll want to keep her out of harm’s way.

This is a weird rule, but Emotional Transference lets you ignore battleshock for a unit on a 2+. On top of that, you can pick an enemy unit within 18″ and force them to take a battleshock test. They also have to add to their roll however many models were killed from the friendly LRL unit you chose. -Definitely a unique rule that we’ve never seen before.

She’s also a basic Wizard with her own special spell called Darkness of the Soul. This goes off on a 7 and is a powerhouse utility spell. You pick a unit within 18″ and until your next hero phase, whenever that unit tries to do pretty much ANYTHING, you roll 2D6. If you beat their Bravery, they can’t do that action. That will devastate horde-type armies like Skaven and Gloomspite Gitz.

The overall theme of these Warscrolls shows that the Lumineth Realm-Lords are almost ready to hit the table with unique rules mechanics we’ve never seen before. Compared to some armies like Ogors, these guys are pretty complex so it’ll take a little bit of time to nail all of the rules.

What do you think about the Warscrolls from above? Will you be running a list full of Spirits of the Mountain and Stonemages? Is Scinari Cathallar a potent utility unit that can shut down an entire flank?

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