Save Hobby $$ Carrion Empire Value Breakdown

flesheater court wal

With the Carrion Empire box coming, let’s take a look at the break down for the value of everything that comes inside. Which faction are you going for?

If you haven’t heard, Carrion Empire is a starter box coming out soon with Skaven and Flesh Eater Courts. There’s actually going to be two new models (one for each faction) coming inside the box and they’re both characters. Let’s look at the projected value of everything.

Carrion Empire Box Set $160

carrion empire box

Carrion Empire is an Age of Sigmar starter set featuring two factions that are both getting additional releases at the same time. Plus skaven and Flesh-Eater Courts are getting two exclusive characters in this set as well, that we mentioned above. Make sure you check out the rules for the new characters if you haven’t already seen them.

Let’s go over the contents of the box so you can decide if you want to split it with a friend or just buy your force separately.

Flesh-Eater Courts

flesh-eater court

  • 20 Crypt Ghouls $40
  • 3 Crypt Flayers $47
  • 3 Crypt Horrors $47
  • 1 Abhorrent Ghoulking $25 New model, however, we can guess it’ll be around the $25 price-point.

Total Cost: $159

Skryre Skaven

skrye skaven wal

  • Doomwheel $33
  • 3 Stormfiends $62
  • Warp-Lightning Cannon $33
  • Warlock Bombardier $25 – Another new character found in the Box Set. Following most individual characters, he will probably stick around $25.

Total Cost: $153

So it looks like thee overall value of the models inside the box will be $312

The Box is a Deal

skaven horde AoS 2.0 Taking Clan Skryre to 2000 Points

If you wanted to buy each model separately for just one faction instead of the Box Set, you’ll be spending almost exactly the same amount.  Added up by individual faction, you’re essentially getting one faction for free. Of course, there’s no real reason to start two separate armies at the same time for the same game. So the best part is that if you have a friend interested in getting into AoS you can split the box and reap even more value!

Remember, that both of these factions are getting an overhaul with Battletomes, Endless Spells, and more. So you’ll probably be spending even more money on whichever faction you choose shortly after.

Ultimately, Games Workshop left Age of Sigmar fans a fantastic deal to take advantage of. You and your friend may want to even buy two or three boxes! The units inside are staples to the army that will always be relevant.

What do you think about the value of Carrion Empire? Which faction do you want to play? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.