Draigo, The Size of a Primarch?

draigo art funnyEver wonder what Draigo would be like if he was the size of a Primarch? Check out this awesome conversion for one of the baddest Marine heroes out there!

Coming from Peagull Painting on Instagram, Draigo is being shown in a new light. With Grey Knight undoubtedly giving a helping hand to the Dark Angels in Psychic Awakening, here is an awesome conversion of Draigo!

Draigo Reimagined: What is He Was the Size of a Primarch?

draigo aoo2It’s definitely been the Grey Knight’s off-season from the start of 8th edition. With FAQ after FAQ inadvertently pushing Grey Knights into the state of near-unplayability, we’re hoping that a brighter horizon is ahead for the mysterious Chapter. So here’s Draigo reimagined!

Draigo has always been seen in his classic set of Terminator armor but have you thought about what he’d look like if he was the size of a Primarch? Draigo took his wrist-mounted storm bolter and flipped it around the underside of his arm to make room for that bigger (and honestly better) shield made from a Knight Titan.

draigo aoo 3From the artist:

Was finally able to get some good light box photos of the Draigo/bobby G I converted for a friend a while ago. Super happy with it still & one of my favorite models I’ve ever done

Using Guilliman’s body as a base for the whole operation, it looks like he chose a Paladin’s helmet, an Imperial Knight shield, some giant book, and a tattered cape as the main pieces for the conversion. The more you look at Draigo, the more detail you can spot!

draigo aoo 4


draigo aoo 5The wind-blown tattered cape combined with the purity seals flowing in the same direction really makes for an awesome model. It looks like Draigo is standing on a war-torn world with a powerful breeze blowing his armaments aside.

draigo aoo 6All in all, this is a beautiful rendition of one of the most iconic Space Marine characters lore-wise. It would be nice to see even more heroes become scaled up as conversions in the future!

So far, Guilliman and Abaddon reign supreme in terms of bigger/badder character bodies that aren’t fully Daemon Primarch status.

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Would you like to see Draigo cross the Rubicon Primaris? Would it make sense for him to given that they technically “don’t exist”? 

And who could forget the Flash Gitz classic featuring the Supreme Grand Master himself:

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