Wait, is That a Primaris Azrael Model?

primaris azrael walWhile Azrael is still technically a normal Marine in the game, that hasn’t stopped hobbyists from converting him up to be a Primaris Marine!

This awesome piece is coming from hobby maniac Kinder at the Wobbly Modelers. Azrael is ready to lead his forces standing in a fresh set of decked-out Primaris armor. Let’s dive a bit deeper!

Azrael Keeping His Primaris Secrets: Army of One Showcase

primaris azrael 1Using what looks to be Valdor’s Custode Lion pelt, Azrael has is hung over his right shoulder and rocking an eye-catching freehanded clock in gold and red.

primaris azrael 2Keeping the freehand paint job rolling, he’s even got his right boot custom engraved in a light-green highlight.

primaris azrael 3Of course, with his new bigger self, he’s able to carry around some much more potent plasma firepower as well. Rocking the power of a Hellblaster and Intercessor in one hand with a power sword in the other, he’s definitely someone you don’t want to see on the other side of the battlefield.

primaris azrael 4With highlights in all the right places as well as his classic wargear on-hand, at first glance you wouldn’t even think this is just a crisp conversion! He looks like he needs to be sold in a clam pack on the shelf already! Fantastic job on this incredible Dark Angels piece. Hopefully, the new Primaris body will help him hunt down the Fallen a bit better.

With GW’s slow release of Primaris characters, do you think this has led some hobbyists to become more creative and bring their favorite characters to life in a new Primaris form? Do you prefer Primaris conversions over regular Marine bodies?  

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