Latest News & Product Reveals From Ministravaganza 2023

ministravganza-amg MinistravaganzaHere’s the latest news and rumors from AMG and their Ministravaganza 2023 for Marvel Crisis Protocol, Star Wars Legion, Shatterpoint, and more!

It seems like AMG is getting a particular set of questions quite a lot, so instead of responding one at a time, they just put out a big announcement covering their games, when new minis are coming out, what’s next, and, of course, Ministravaganza 2023!

While you might not agree with all the answers, it’s nice to see a company put out a press release dealing with the most common issues players seem to be having.

Let’s dive into the latest announcements from AMG.

AMG Updates Players on All Their Games & Ministravaganza 2023

You can check out our coverage of AMG’s 2023 Ministravaganza at the links below:

Let’s start with the Ministravaganza 2023 news.

We are excited to announce that Ministravaganza will take place September 14th -16th and will feature product updates, behind-the-scenes panels, and painting streams for Marvel Crisis Protocol, Star Wars: Shatterpoint, and Star Wars: Legion.

Well, it’s great to have a solid date, and it’s not that far away at all! Three of the major games are probably getting tons of new minis in this preview.

What’s the cadence for announcements – when will we know when you’ll talk about things if you won’t talk about future products? 

Announcements will always happen when and how they need to in order to support the games, our plan is to have key updates twice a year alongside Adepticon in March and Ministravaganza in September. 

Like most companies, they seem to have a set plan for announcing new miniatures, and updates for games!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Questions

Shatterpoint on sale

Why have there been so many Star Wars: Shatterpoint announcements and posts compared to the other game lines?

It will never be exactly even when it comes to which game has spotlighted releases or announcements. Different games are at different places in their development and you can’t compare apples to apples in that way. This spring at Adepticon, we announced the pipeline for roughly the next six months in order to share our excitement and set your expectations on what’s coming for the our games. We are planning to build on this kind of communication in the future. While we can’t always be specific about when things are coming during panels, it should help guide your expectations regarding how many products are coming your way. There are still items that we touched on at Adepticon that haven’t been announced for pre-order, so you’ll still have those to look forward to.

In terms of Star Wars: Shatterpoint – it’s the new kid on the block. Just like we did with Marvel: Crisis Protocol at release, it’s important for us to release an increased cadence of Star Wars: Shatterpoint products to create enough variety for players at the outset. Keep in mind that you don’t know what’s coming beyond what we’ve been able to tell you at Adepticon, via social, and/or through other events. There may be things you don’t know about for other game lines coming.

Obviously, with Shatterpoint being a new game, they are going to talk about it more, but just like with MCP, they released all kinds of stuff in the beginning.

Where’s __ character? 

We will never answer wishlisting questions here or on social. We are unable to speak to specific future products before they are approved and announced.

Again, this makes sense, as they can’t reveal hidden releases whenever someone asks on socials.

CT-411 Commander Ponds shatterpoint rules

When is the new website coming?

Our hope is to launch in August. We pushed back the launch to ensure that Shatterpoint could be included in the launch. We’re excited as we have been hard at work behind the scenes to make sure our community will have a great new resource. 

Why do my Star Wars: Shatterpoint expansions have so many cards?

Our expansion packs are designed to be multi-lingual so that we can support the global communities where the localized versions of our games are played. Combining all the languages into a single box helps to keep the costs down globally and ensures more communities have access to Shatterpoint.

We absolutely acknowledge that the language agnostic cards (here’s looking at you, order cards!) do not need to be duplicated and this has been corrected in future releases beginning in 2024.

There are a lot of cards in the expansions, so it’s nice they know it and are working on it. Either way, it’s better to have more cards than not enough.

X-Wing & Legion Questions

New Star Wars X-Wings Sets feature

Are Epic Ships coming to X-Wing?  

We are focused on the core game at this time.

This isn’t a huge surprise, as the core game does need some work, but it’s still a little sad.

What’s going on with Star Wars: Legion – Spec Ops?

We are still incorporating the second round of feedback from the community. When the final version of the game mode is ready to launch, we will make a formal announcement on social.

This was announced a little while ago but is still in development.

Generic Community Questions

Klaw & M'Baku Marvel Crisis Protocol feature

Why is it so hard to set deadlines and stick to them once announced?

On paper, this frustration makes a lot of sense – however we set our release dates almost a full year in advance and there are a lot of checkpoints across development, localization, marketing, factories, distribution, and customs. Any one element experiencing change can cause a delay later in the pipeline. We will always work to make sure that whenever possible we stay ahead of the messaging for you, or jump in to provide clarity when we do experience delays.

While it can be frustrating to see deadlines come and go, they do plan far in advance, so we can’t be too critical.

If you’re not making changes yearly to all the games, then why do you make them when you do?

At AMG our philosophy is that changes should happen only when they need to happen and not on some kind of regular schedule. Much like how people only take an antibiotic when they have an illness that needs to be treated by an antibiotic, errata, points updates, or rules updates are all ways to treat specific issues. However, just like with medicine, there are numerous ways that issues can be approached and treated beyond just updating points or card erratas. For us, doing these things is a last resort, as it may address the problem, but it is the option that carries a significant amount of risk. 

It’s important to remember that we are working 2 or more years ahead. That work is all predicated on the foundation of what currently exists. And, most importantly, that 2 or more years ahead work is all at different stages of the production process. So making a change to something now, could easily have a ripple effect that negatively impacts something that is currently being printed, meaning we have no way of changing it before it hits shelves, without, you guessed it, more errata. 

The more changes to the printed game, the more difficult it becomes for players to have a smooth game experience. Not all players engage with the games at the same level. Some players might not even be aware there are update documents in general, others might know that an update happened a year ago. Really only a small percentage of the most engaged players know at all times everything there is to know about the game. And even they can struggle to remember which update is what when this tool is used too often.  

This is why we take our initial development so seriously. Fixing balance issues after the fact, whether with errata or points updates, is a massive undertaking that has far reaching impacts. Some of which we can adjust for, but many we simply can’t without falling down the dangerous spiral of more errata or points updates. It is always our goal and the primary focus of our design and development team that the game rules are perfect when they leave for the printers, because we know that errata and updates are a tool of last resort. And neither of them should ever be used as tools to shake up the meta, if we want the games we work on to be as healthy and long lasting as possible. 

Like all tabletop games, they work pretty far in advance. So instead of having set change dates, they seem to work on them as needed and try to get the game working from the beginning.

While some people may not like the pattern, they do a pretty decent job of updating rules.


AMG Game Updates, News & Reveals From Ministravaganza 2023

Well, let’s start with the official Day 1 roadmap from AMG:

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 17We gave more details on products announced at Adepticon!
  • Rivals Panels: Battle for the Throne featuring King T’Challa and Killmonger, Usurper. Showed art for 4 tactics cards including Synthetic Heart-shaped Herbs, Bast’s Blessing, K’Liluna’s Glory, and Trial by Combat.
  • Kingdom of Wakanda Terrain Pack and Icons of Bast Terrain Pack.
  • Wakandan terrain packs introduce new optional terrain rules with One-Shot Vibranium Spill and One-Shot The Panthers Stood Watch.
  • Showed miniatures and art for Bishop and Nightcrawler.
  • Spoiled cards for Nightcrawler.
  • Showed tactics card art for Children of Atom, Mutant Traitor, and Preserve the Dream. Spoiled tactic card for Mass Transit.
  • Showed miniatures and art for Iceman and Shadowcat.
  • Spoiled cards for Shadowcat.
  • Showed tactics card art for Faithful Companion, Hold Still, and Untapped potential. Spoiled tactics card for Xavier’s Dream.
  • Showed miniatures and art for Professor X and Shadow King
  • Spoiled cards for Shadow King.
  • Showed tactics card art for Mind Wipe and Astral Plane. Spoiled tactics card for Cerebro.
Reviewed Pre-Adepticon Announcements
  • Scarlet Spider and Gwenom
  • Sinister Six
Upcoming releases:
  • Mojo Ball – new game mode!
  • Silver Sable and Shang Chi
  • Mighty Thor (Jane Foster), Lady Sif, Thor Odinson, and Loki.
  • Two New Asgardian Terrain Packs are on their way.
  • Eternal hunger…

Here’s the roadmap, but let’s break it down with pictures!

New Wakandan Miniatures & Cards

MCP previews 2While we saw this revealed before, it’s nice to see it painted up, and they mentioned it will be coming at the end of this year or early next year. So, if you want to play out a super iconic battle, this will be perfect!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 18This is the first official picture of the cards; both have all kinds of fun abilities and can smash through their enemies! T’Challa has some super powerful attacks, and even his free attack has 6 Strength, can re-roll dice, and even push the enemy.

Then, Killmonger can buff up your forces, is very mobile, and has some strong attacks.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 19We also saw a new terrain pack with some rules as well!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 2Just like with the other rivals panels, you’ll get some one-shot missions to go along with it. Both of these look to be pretty fun with plenty of extra rules and give the terrain some extra significance.

Tons of X-Men Reveals!

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol PreviewsIf The X-Men are your thing, they are getting new models and plenty of new Team Tactics cards! They also gave us plenty of close-ups of all the models.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 22

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 23Not only did we get more close-ups, but they also showed off the card for Shadowcat! They mentioned this is still somewhat early in her journey, meaning she’s not at her full potential quite yet.

Not only can she attack with Lockheed, but she’s very maneuverable, has stealth, and can help the rest of your team dodge attacks like crazy!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 20

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 3We also got the Nightcrawler card, and as you would expect, he can teleport all over the place, can jump to enemies attacking him, is great at dodging, and is super hard to target!

Gen Con Marvel Crisis Protocol Previews 5


Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 7

Last but not least, we got the Shadow King card. He has powerful attacks, can get a bunch of extra attack dice, can remove damage from himself, gains free power, damages tons of characters at once, and more!

New X-Men Team Tactics Cards

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 24They only showed off one of the cards out of 4, but Xavier’s Dream is quite the card. You can negate all sorts of damage, which only costs 1 per team member.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 21Mass Transit is a great way for Nightcrawler to transport his team, making him much more valuable.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 25Cerebro is very interesting, as it not only buffs them up a lot but also lets the charcater ignore stealth and LOS.

Brand New Reveals

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 9First up is Mojo Ball, an entirely new way to play the game! They didn’t give out many details, but it sounds like a fun way to play with your favorite characters.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 10Spider-Man might have the most different miniatures in the game, and it looks like another one is on the way for Scarlet Spider and the Venom version of Gwen!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 11We saw these as renders, but it’s far better to see them in full! Plus, getting a giant fist to smack people around is a great way to play Sandman!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 12 Silver Sable and Shang Chi are also making their first appearances for the game. Some people were hoping Sable would get Grunts, but maybe that’s still in the future! 

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 13They aren’t forgetting about Asgard, as Mighty Thor (Jane Foster), Lady Sif, Thor Odinson, and Loki are all getting miniatures. Not only that, but they are also grabbing two new terrain packs. 

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 14


Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 15The new terrain looks amazing and it should be super fun to throw down your minis on the table with this terrain.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Roadmap 16Last, they showed off this picture but didn’t say anything about it. We’re saying it’s Dracula, but some people are going with Morbius. Take your pick!

Changes to Marvel Crisis Protocol Character Cards & Rules: AMG Ministravaganza Day 2

As we evaluate the state of the game, we have decided to rebalance several existing characters in Marvel: Crisis Protocol. The print & play document with the new cards/stats is available now for you to enjoy.

Well, let’s start with the new rules changes and updates for Marvel Crisis character cards from AMG; these are all the affected characters:

  • Amazing Spider-Man
  • Black Bolt
  • Black Cat
  • Blade
  • Daredevil
  • Deadpool
  • Doctor Voodoo
  • Elektra
  • Hela, Queen of Hel
  • Malekith the Accursed.
  • Ronan the Accuser
  • Taskmaster
  • Thanos, the Mad Titan
  • Thor, Prince of Asgard
  • Winter Soldier
  • Wong
  • Cable
  • Colossus
  • Cyclops
  • Wolverine
  • Storm
  • Jean Gray

Here are the latest details on all the Marvel Crisis Protocol character card rules updates and changes.

cable balance updateCable was challenging to balance due to his long range, but now he looks better with buffs to closer range, allowing him to be strong but less oppressive at his max range.

colossus rebalance

Colossus got a speed buff and now can’t be pushed with his Organic Steel ability.

cyclops rebalance

Cyclops got his Optic Blast changed, and speed of sight gives him a little more power.  Plus check out that new team ability for X-Men Blue!

deadpool rebalance

Deadpool now generates power with Bang but saw changes with Stab, and You Can’t Spell Legendary Without Leg Day. These make him a better mid-range switch-up model.

jean grey rebalance

Jean Grey got new art, an extra ability, and Pierce, making her a great offensive model.

storm rebalance

Storm got updates to lower her constant movement shenanigans, and then cover turned into a defensive re-roll. She also can make brutal area attacks now.

wolverine rebalance

Wolverine got new art and a slight buff to hopefully get him in a sweet spot because this mutant was just not seeing play anymore.

amazing spiderman rebalance

The big change here is more power! Spider-man now gains power on crit, from his builder and when he gets damaged as well.

black bolt rebalance

Black Bolt saw some changes to make him stronger, as well as defensive for his allies (like the old cap.) Depending on how you line up Whisper now, you could have a huge impact offensively as well.

black cat rebalance

Black Cat saw some flexibility added to her card. She gained the bleed ability on her builder, and she prevents modifications to incoming attacks much like Domino does.

blade rebalance

Blade mainly got pursuit on his glaives, which helps out his other attacks by seemingly tying their ranges more efficiently together.

daredevil rebalance

Daredevil got some switch-ups (he was a little too strong before) to get him using Devil’s Deliverance a lot.

doctor voodoo rebalance

Doctor Voodoo was also a little too strong and now has many functionality changes revolving around his throw, possession, and spirit.

elektra rebalance

Elektra got a small change to her throwing blades and an errata for clarity.

hela queen of hel rebalance

Hela got changes to her numbers and her claiming souls.

malekith the accursed rebalance

Malekith got a slight NERF again, trying to bring them more in line. In short, he lost the Wild Pierce ability to make him slightly less Killy.

ronan the accuser rebalance

Ronan got more beefy, making him a little better overall.

taskmaster rebalance

Taskmaster got a shield throw buff to make him more in line with the other shield throw models.

thanos the mad titan rebalance

Thanos got an art update, and his Deaths Decree is now once per turn. He was just a little too good.

Thor, Prince of asgard rebalance

Thor also got an art update, plus minor adjustments to some of his numbers, making him slightly better.

winter soldier rebalance

Winter Soldier saw a slight NERF since his buff was maybe just a little too good last time around.

wong rebalance

Wong got better with Doctor Strange in tow to solidify his role as a backline healer.

You can download all of the new Marvel Crisis Protocol Character Cards Rules by clicking here.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap Revealed: AMG Ministravaganza Day 2

Well, let’s start with the official roadmap from AMG:

We gave more details on some packs announced at Adepticon!
  • Lead by Example Squad Pack featuring Plo Koon (Primary), Padawan Ahsoka Tano (Secondary), Commander Wolffe (Secondary), and 104th Wolfpack Troopers (Support). Plo Koon cards spoiled.
  • Fearless and Inventive Squad Pack featuring Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker (Primary), Leia Organa as Boussh (Secondary), and Lando + R2-D2 (Support). Leia’s stat card was shared.
  • Fear and Dead Men Squad Pack featuring Darth Vader (Primary), Stormtrooper Sergeant (Secondary), and Imperial Stormtroopers (Support). Stormtrooper Sergeant stat card shared
  • Ee Chee Wah Mah Squad Pack featuring Leia, Freedom Fighter (Primary), Chief Chirpa (Primary), Paploo (Secondary), and Ewok Hunters (Support).
  • Yub Nub Squad Pack featuring Logray (Primary), R2-D2 + C-3P0 (Secondary), Wicket (Secondary), Ewok Trappers (Support). Logrey stat card shown
Upcoming releases with painted minis:
  • Sabotage Showdown Mission Pack – adds a new Mission Set to your games of Star Wars: Shatterpoint, giving you new objective layouts that pose unique tactical challenges for your strike teams to overcome.
  • That’s Just Good Business Squad Pack feat. Hondo Ohnaka.
  • Certified Guild Standards Squad Pack feat. Mandalorian and Child, Greef Karga, and IG-11.
  • You Have Something I Want Squad Pack feat. Moff Gideon and his troopers.
  • Today the Rebellion Dies Squad Pack feat. Iden Versia, Gideon Hask, Del Meeko, and Imperial Special Forces Troopers.
  • Real Quiet Like Squad Pack feat. Han Solo, Chewbacca, and Rebel Commandos.
  • The Bad Batch Confirmed!
  • New Terrain feat a womp rat.
Teasers for the far future:
  • Ghost Crew Posters…
  • A Grand Admiral looms…

Now let’s take a look at the reveals.

Fleshed Out AdeptiCon Reveals

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 19First, we have Plo Koon leading the new expansion pack, and with the Disney Plus show out, it makes sense to have Ashoka in here too!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap


Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 2He’s excellent at leading your forces, as he gives characters free moves and can give them his defensive expertise! His stances give you a ton of versatility, and he has some of the better defensive abilities we’ve seen.

We love to see these “X” pattern trees.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 3This is one of the most iconic moments in all of Star Wars history, so being able to play with these versions of the characters is just amazing!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 4Leia has some excellent abilities to push enemies and herself, add dice to her attack rules, and give you extra momentum tokens!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 7Don’t lie to yourself; you love Ewoks. We all love Ewoks, and getting to play them in more Star Wars games is always good.  Plus another Leia model!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 8This is going to be a separate pack focusing on Logray. Logray has a ton of abilities! He can remove conditions, make other Ewoks attack better, is very stealthy, gives better defensive rolls, and can make Ewoks move faster.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 5If you are a fan of the Darkside, Vader is your guy! This model looks to pair up well when next to the new Luke miniature too!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 6These are all very flavorful, as they can move straight across the board, suppress enemy units, give themselves better shooting, and somehow have sharpshooters! An excellent little nod to Imperial accuracy there!

Upcoming Releases

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 10


Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 9The new Sabatoge Showdown Mission Pack will give you new objective layouts that should change how the game plays and let your tactical acumen show! 

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 11The That’s Just Good Business Squad Pack featuring Hondo Ohnaka has some of the coolest sculpts we’ve seen for the game. 

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 12There’s not much to say about this other than it’s fantastic! Who doesn’t want to play with characters from the Mandalorian?

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 13The You Have Something I Want Squad Pack is similar to the Legion models and should add some serious firepower to your forces. 

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 14Today, the Rebellion Dies Squad Pack has many characters, featuring Iden Versia, Gideon Hask, Del Meeko, and Imperial Special Forces Troopers.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 15They are pushing heavily into Endor for this next round of minis, and we’re here for it.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 17The Bad Batch is a fan favorite, so even seeing it confirmed is terrific! While we didn’t have any miniature reveals, you can expect to see them soon.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 16We also saw a new terrain piece with a Womp Rat front and center!

Looking Into the Future

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 18We saw some Ghost Crew posters, but not much else for them quite yet.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Roadmap 20Well, we can’t really see this being anything other than Grand Admiral Thrawn! Known for this ruthlessness and strategy, he should be quite the character to add to your forces.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap Revealed: AMG Ministravaganza Day 3

Well, let’s start with the official roadmap from AMG:

STAR WARS: Legion Roadmap panel summary:
  • We gave more details on some packs announced at Adepticon!
Geonosian Warriors are on the way! Spoiled cards for Force Pike Warrior, Geonosian Warrior, and Sonic Cannon Warrior.
Sun Fac and Poggle the Lesser miniatures and cards revealed.
Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister Cards Revealed
  • Upcoming releases:
Clone Commandos Confirmed – DELTA SQUAD is on the way!
Range Troopers
LM-432 Crab Droid
Rebel Saboteurs
  • A major Legion project is we are working to resculpt all old soft plastic releases to hard plastic. Resculpts are scheduled to begin dropping in stores in 2025.

Here’s the roadmap, but let’s break it down with pictures!

Fleshed Out Reveals From AdeptiCon 2023

Star Wars Legion Roadmap

We start with the same Geonosians that they showed off on day one when discussing the various painting techniques to get them knocked out.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 2

They talk a little about the balancing changes that they worked through to get the stats where they currently are.

Weighed Down helps to keep them in check as they started way too good at some objectives, and Death From Above helps to enforce the use of higher elevation to make them feel like flying bugs, similar to their free jump.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 3

A look into the unit cards shows us two different heavy weapons options off the bat: Force Pike Warrior and Sonic Cannon Warrior. Excitingly, the Force Pike is a flip card that’ll allow your Genosians to make overrun attacks.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 4

We also get to look at the operative and commander that are coming out, Sun Fac and Poggle. They also talk a little about their move away from flight stands to help the immersion and make the scene seem less inherently like a game.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 5

When looking at their stat cards, it looks like Poggle is taking a much more support-centric role, with much less combat efficacy and mobility than his more ruthless counterpart.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 6

Sun Fac’s command card lets him help a couple of Genosian Warriors around him and himself.

Poggle, on the other hand, has some pretty cool options, ranging from returning defeated miniatures to the battle and upgrading Sun Fac from Direct to Coordinate with the other Genosian Warriors.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 7

Next, we get to look at the new Inquisitor operatives teased earlier at Adepticon this year.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 8

A cool thing to note is that these two have the associate keyword, which means, for example, instead of running a Operative Darth Vader, you could run both of them instead, which can give you the bonus of multiple activations at the cost of slightly less overall power.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 9

Fifth Brother’s You Would Question Me command is fun from a flavor perspective. The fact that they are both fighting amongst each other to try and secure these tokens fits the duo well.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 10

Being able to contest force pushes in addition to Demoralize 1 seems like an excellent ability to take up a training slot.

Upcoming Releases

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 11

In the future, the Republic Clone Commandos will be coming to Legion alongside the Bad Batch.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 12

The Delta squad will also be released as a part of the Clone Commandos unit!Star Wars Legion Roadmap 13

We also got a peek at the Range Troopers featured in the Solo movie as an option for the unit.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 14

The LM4K Crab Droid is in the sculpting process to be an option for droid armies in Legion.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 15

The Rebel Saboteurs are also in the sculpting process, inspired by the normal townsfolk who’ve decided to stand against the empire with what little they have.

It even has a little Loth cat to stick on one of your units!

New Star Wars Legion Miniature Resculpts Into Hard Plastic

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 16

Commander Vader is one of the most dramatic changes in forms of quality and detail with the change to hard plastic.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 17

These are the new Stormtroopers re-sculpts, which look much more detailed in hard plastic.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 18

Leia and Luke are both getting re-sculpts to better capture their likeness for the hard plastic miniatures as well.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 19

They previewed the new Rebel Troopers unit for the resculpts and the different customization options.

New Battle Forces Rules

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 23

The commander for your Experimental Droids Battle Force gets this neat pool of surge tokens at the start of your activation phase that lets your other units (excluding the heavy) utilize a set of small buffs as a free action.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 21

This new MagnaGuard is mandatory to run the Experimental Droids Battle Force, unlike your standard MagnaGuard.

The Prototype Tank droid offers the ability to issue an order at range one during the Command phase at the cost of the Transport keyword.

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 22

The new Wookiee Defenders battle force rules are pretty interesting, including the ability to count the Wookiee Warriors (Noble Fighter) units for army building, allowing you to run up to six of them!

Star Wars Legion Roadmap 24

The Fluttercraft is rocking the new Attack Run keyword that lets it manipulate its speed until the end of its activation.

Click Here For All the Latest From Ministravaganza 2023!

What do you think about the community update and the latest roadmap for Star Wars Shatterpoint, Marvel Crisis Protocol, and Star Wars Legion? 

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