Bishop Blasts Onto The Scene With X-cellent MCP Rules!

Bishop MCPEnergy wielders, beware: Bishop is making his way to MCP with some new rules in the Bishop & Nightcrawler pack!

We got to see Bishop previewed at Ministravaganza (along with his card), but now we get to take a further in-depth look at his rules and gimmicks. It’s time to check out the energy-absorptive man of the hour! If you’re reading this after 3/1/2024, you can pick him up from your favorite local store. Let’s jump into the rules!

Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Bishop & Nightcrawler: $39.99

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Marvel Crisis Protocol X-Men Models 4These are two super cool characters in the comics, and they have a bunch of fun shenanigans in the game.

Marvel Crisis Protocol X-Men Models 5

Two iconic mutants join Marvel: Crisis Protocol in this new pack! With his mutant ability to teleport, Nightcrawler is able to land a decisive blow or help get his teammates out of the line of fire at the perfect moment. He is joined by Bishop, who wields advanced weaponry and his mutant ability to absorb and redirect energy in tandem.

Marvel Crisis Protocol X-Men Models 6

Together, they enhance any team, but especially the Uncanny X-Men and X-Force affiliations with their abilities and 3 Team Tactic cards.

Bishop Blasts Onto The Scene With X-cellent MCP Rules!

MCP Bishop Side 1

Bishop enters Marvel: Crisis Protocol as a Threat Value 4 character. He has 6 Stamina on his Healthy side and 3 for his Physical and Mystic defenses and 4 for his Energy defense. When he dove into the time portal he was carrying his standard issue XSE Blaster. This energy weapon boasts an impressive Range 4 with 5 dice and generates power for Bishop equal to the damage dealt. Additionally, if the enemy is too close, the superheated energy will cause the target to gain the Incinerate special condition.

Bishop’s next attack takes the energy he absorbs and sends it back at his enemies. Return with Interest is an Area 2 attack that can be Physical, Energy, or Mystic and allows him to spend extra power to add additional dice to every attack! There is also a chance that his targets will be Pushed away from him and gain the Slow special condition.

Bishop’s first superpower is Absorbed Energy Conversion which costs 3 Power to use. He uses his absorbed energy to throw nearby terrain features or characters of Size 4 or less Medium distance.

He seems like a pretty solid Threat 4 character! His primary attack is decent, and Return With Interest can be super powerful with extra power, but it is quite expensive. Then, being able to throw size four terrain and characters is always fun.

MCP Bishop Side 2

His second superpower is Mutant Energy Absorption. Bishop’s mutant power allows him to absorb energy from attacks directed his way. This superpower demonstrates this by allowing him to use each Wild result in his defense roll to change the Critical, Wild, and Hit results in his attacker’s roll to Blanks. He then gains 1 Power for each die in the attack roll changed this way. This superpower applies to all attack types making it very useful for generating Power and avoiding damage.

Unfortunately, all this stored energy has to go somewhere and if it isn’t released it can harm Bishop. Overload is an Innate superpower that will punish him for holding too much energy for too long. At the start of the Power Phase, if Bishop has 8 or more Power, he will take one damage due to the stress of holding so much of it. Players may want to send Bishop into the thick of their enemies to make use of his Absorbed Energy Conversion and Return with Interest to limit the amount of Power he is holding each Round.

Finishing up his card we find three potent Immunity superpowers–Incinerate, Poison, and Stun–as his ability to absorb energy makes it impossible for these special conditions to stick to him.

Considering he has some expensive powers, Energy Absorption is a tremendous free power that not only turns attacks to blanks, but he absorbs the attacks! However, he takes damage when over eight power, so keep an eye on your energy levels when you activate him.  Lastly, he has three immunities, which should help him stay on the board longer.

Click Here to Get Your New Marvel Crisis Protocol Minis!

Will you pick up the Bishop & Nightcrawler pack up, and what do you think of the new MCP rules for Lucas Bishop? 

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