When the Deathrattle Skeletons rise from the graves of the ancient world, things have gone seriously wrong for the living!
Read MoreKamal van de Pol, Author at Spikey Bits - Page 2 of 3
Savage Boarboys form a dangerous and deadly vanguard of the Orruk war clans, if they come charging full speed, things are going to die!
Read MoreChaos Warriors are possibly the most iconic warriors for Chaos, and they are an essential part of the marauding forces!
Read MoreVulkite Berzerkers are some of the fiercest warriors the Fyreslayers have to offer, beware these insane fighters!
Read MoreReikenor the Grimhailer is a frightening being to behold who will not only kill his enemies’ but reap their souls!
Read MoreThe Putrid Blightkings are some of the most blessed of all of Nurgle’s mortal followers, beware if you see them on the field!
Read MoreWhat’s scarier than a giant spider? An Arachnarok Spider with hordes of goblins on top trying to spear you obviously!
Read MoreThe Vanari Auralan Wardens are the backbone of most Lumineth Realm-lords armies, wielding some of the best weaponry in the Mortal Realms.
Read MoreSkaven Plague Monks are not something you want to run into anywhere in the Realms of Sigmar unless you want all the plagues!
Read MoreKhorne Blood Warriors lore is all about some of the craziest warriors to ever grace the mortal realms- check it out!
Read MoreStormcast Vanguard-Raptors are unparalleled marksmen who help keep the Mortal Realms safe with their immense skills!
Read MoreBladegheist Revenants lore is all about endless torture. They died horribly in life, and their afterlife hasn’t been much better…
Read MoreVaranguard Lore is all about some of the most fearsome warriors to ever fight against Sigmar, if you see them, the end is near.
Read MoreStormcast Liberators lore may be about the most common of the Eternals, but that doesn’t mean they can’t change the tide of a battle!
Read MoreGrundstok Thunderers lore is all about some insane dwarves who just can’t help but bring the biggest weapons!
Read MoreBlood Knights lore is all about some of the most experienced warriors the Soulblights can field, check it out!
Read MoreToday we’ll be taking a look at some Freeguild Guard and how these humble heroes have changed the course of many battles!
Read MoreStormvermin are some of the most hardcore scariest Skaven warriors to ever grace the realms of Sigmar, check it out!
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