Welcome back 40K fans! Today Juice is bringing us a classic style battle report answering the question, can Dark Eldar compete in 7th edition?
Brian Delgado is back at the Long War bringing his killer Iron Hands army up against Juice’s Dark Eldar army (painted courtesy of Fast and Ready Painting!). Today Brian and Juice are playing a classic game format, pure Kill Points!
Juice’s new Dark Eldar are all loaded into vehicles, tons of Lance weapons, and a huge number of Kill Points make this list a delicate balance between power and frailty!
Not a Single model in this army is from any faction other than the Dark Eldar Codex, making this a rare pure Dark Eldar force at 1500pts!
Delgado’s Iron Hands successors chapter is loaded for bear! A huge number of ultra resilient Bikers make up the core of this force. Backed up by a Marine Demi company, this is a burly marine force for 1500pts!
The Marines and Dark Eldar are arrayed and ready for combat! Lets see how things work out!
Check out the whole video battle report in the link below!