Can Kharn Defeat The Blood Angels? Traitor’s Hate Report


Do the Chaos Gods truly favor the bold? Will the Emperor’s endowment be enough to stop Kharn? These questions and more will be answered on this episode of..

If you like videos we got a super sweet one for you today, Traitor’s Hate VS Angel’s Blade! Maybe you just can’t watch it all right now? Never fear! We got a quick recap down below. Check it out!

 Round 1

Captain Karlean commands his angels to hold fast until the 1st Company arrives. Meanwhile, Kharn and his army lunges forward filled with bloodlust.


Round 2

The first company arrives, however the locator beacons are out of position! The drop doesn’t go as planned. 2 out of 3 units fail to come to grips with the traitors. The squad that does hit the mark quickly goes to work and turn the berserkers into pulp. The Stormravens fly on and unleash a volley of fire upon the Obliterators, who threaten to annihilate the out-of-position terminators before they can land their blows. The Obliterator’s armor protects them and only one will fall. Captain Karlean commands his forces forward into the fray.

Kharn charges forward and gets into combat with a squad of tactical Space Marines and Terminators. The Obliterators fire a wave of plasma and evaporate two terminators whose storm shields malfunction.


Round 3

Having established air superiority, the Storm Ravens retaliate and unleash another round of fire into the obliterators. The Chaos gods show their favor and keep the tainted warriors standing.

The Terminators find their footing and crash into the Obliterators, the gods cannot protect them from the hammer of the emperor.

Another squad of terminators make it the battle doling out imperial justice to the frenzied berserkers.

However, the heart of the battle looks to overcome these successes as Kharn dismantles the loyalist forces in front of him as he’s done countless times before. A lone Terminator sergeant bears the brunt of Kharn but he is unable to absorb all of Kharn’s fury. Kharn easily rips through the brave sergeant. The blood flowing, Khorn bestows his might upon Kharn who then finds Captain Karlean.

20161013-angels-and-kharn-089The two fight for dominance, although in the end only one will win. With a fell swoop Kharn demolishes Captain Karlean.

The Center is lost.

In the rear of the battle, the remaining Terminator sergeant sends a dark warp smith back to his Chaos gods. The warp smith is ravenous though, and sends his tentacles to drag the sergeant down into the eye of terror with him.


Turn 4

Seeing the mission quickly slip away from the Blood Angels, the Stormraven pilots switch to hover mode and unleash their rage into the Berzerkers.

Meanwhile the remaining warp smith has the last laugh as he kills two Terminators

Seeing the Stormraven vulnerable, Kharn drives Gorechild axe into one of it’s engines causing it to crash and explode.

The Obliterators fire off a furious volley into the remaining Stormraven, severely damaging it.

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Turn 5

The remaining Terminators run headlong into Kharn but the Chaos gods intervene and invigorate Kharn once again to smash his way through what remains of the 1st Company. The final Stormraven is wrecked by the Obliterators and Chaos is triumphant.

traitors hate