Death Guard

Death Guard Articles, News, Rumors & Updates

Welcome to the festering heart of the Death Guard, where you’ll find the latest updates on rules, model releases, and point changes. Here, we’ll look at all things related to this grotesquely resilient Warhammer 40k faction.

Plague-ridden warriors, twisted wargear, and the blessings of Grandfather Nurgle fuel their inexorable march through the galaxy. Check out the links below for updates on their revolting champions, disgusting Daemon Engines, and unyielding plague hosts.

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From the grim Mortarion himself to the relentless ranks of Plague Marines, this is your stop for the freshest intel on their putrid campaigns.

Stay on top of the news and see how the Death Guard spreads the blessings of disease and decay across the stars in their eternal war against the Imperium.

Let the rot spread and glory to Nurgle!