40k Flashback to Chaos: Slaves of Darkness 1988

slaves to darkness realms of chaos

Flashback to the origins of the Grey Knights, the Horus Heresy, and all that great Chaos styling that resonates even today in our latest RETRO 40k feature.

Hey there Warhammer fanatics! Today Rob is giving us a glimpse into the dark and storied past of Chaos with the awesome Realm of Chaos book!

Back in the heady days of Rogue Trader Space Marines were naught but mortal men and the Imperium was a far different place.  This short bit of fluff text contains the miserable fate of Inquisitor Thrax and his poor scribe after exterminating a Space Marine chapter that had fallen to Chaos.


Back in the Rogue Trader days there were a LOT more unit stats in the Warhammer universe.  These older books also were styled like illuminated manuscripts with amazing demonic artwork in the borders of the pages.

Guide Page

This book is one of the first places where the ancient enminity between Khorne and Slaneesh appeared.Chaos GodsCheck out the whole video in the link below for origins of the Grey Knights, and the Horus Heresy itself!