8th Converted Tzeentchy Daemons Vs. Dark Angels

dark-angels-captainWelcome back 40K fanatics! Today Juice and Austin have another awesome Long War battle report! Dark angels versus Tzeentch Demons!

Today the forces of Juice’s Dark Angels are going up against the undead demonic hordes of Austin’s Tzeentch Demon army!

Mug Shots

Austin’s Tzeentch army is chock full of fantastic conversions and awesome paint jobs.  His Magnus conversion is based off the Age of Sigmar Nagash model, and the entire army is themed towards undead demons.

Undead Demons

Juice’s army is a lot fewer models, but no less deadly than Austin’s!  Lead by Sammael this combined force of Deathwing and Ravenwing is ready to smite some demons!


After setup, Austin wins the first turn. Sadly Juice is unable to seize the initiative and the armies of Tzeentch being their insane march agains the Dark Angels!


Check out the whole battle report in the link below to find out who wins!