Horus Lupercal, End of the Imperium – Army of One

Come see a fresh look at the amazing character figure from Forge World that embodies the infamy and sense of purpose for the most recognizable figure in the Grim Dark, Horus Lupercal.

Triumph of Ullanor

You are like a son and together we have all but conquered the galaxy. Now the time has come for me to retire to Terra. My work as a soldier is done and now passes to you for I have great tasks to perform in my earthly sanctum. I name you Warmaster and from this day forth all of my armies and generals shall take orders from you as if the words came from mine own mouth. But worlds of caution I have for you for your brother Primarchs are strong of will, of thought and of action. Do not seek to change them, but use their particular strengths well. You have much work to do for there are still many words to liberate, many peoples to rescue. My trust is with you. Hail Horus! Hail the Warmaster!
—The Emperor of Mankind, the Triumph of Ullanor

If you click on the Army of One link you’ll be able to scroll through some great looking figures, all at once.

Army of One Galleries

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