Top 20 Conversion Corners of 2017

By Drago | December 26th, 2017 | Categories: Best of, Conversion Corner, Top 10, Warhammer 40k News


Come see the Top 20 most popular Conversion Corner articles of 2017. These fantastic “must see” models are an inspiration to us all!

wings of sanguinius

#20 Wings of Sanguinius: Conversion Corner

he Blood Angels have a few champions that are written about across the galaxy. One of them is Mephiston! Take a look at this fierce conversion!

Raven guard

#19 Swooping In: Black Dragons Conversion Corner

The Black Dragons strike in the cover of darkness and leave your dead body as a surprise for the morning after! Take a look at this fearsome conversion!

Nurgle Alchemy

#18 Nurgle’s Choice: Conversion Corner

Nurgle’s Daemon Princes are the most survivable in the universe, mainly because they’re creating the plagues! Take a look at these gnarly conversions!

#17 Mortarion Re-Positioned: Conversion Corner

Some people were not very pleased with Mortarion’s pose, so why not make him more dramatic! Take a look at this great reaper conversion!

nurgle hor wal

#16 Conversion of Flies: Custom Sculpted Nurgle Titan

When Nurgle creates a Titan he doesn’t intend on ever losing it. So he bloats it up with plenty of diseases and famine to spread around!

Death Guard Wal Hor

#15 Hellbrute of Nurgle: Conversion Corner

The Death Guard have some of the most resilient warriors in all of 40k. They become even more resilient when they become a hellbrute!

Ork Genius

#14 Da Orks Loot a Redemptor: Dakka Conversion

When Orks are losing their war machines left and right, no need to worry. Just kill some Space Marines and steal their goodies!

wulfen walpaperwulfen walpaper hor

#13 The Best Mount Ever: Conversion Corner

The Space Wolves are some of the craziest Space Marines in the galaxy. I think it’s due to the drinking! Take a look at this amazing conversion!

nurgle hor wal

#12 Possessed Contemptor: Nurgle’s Newest Conversion

When the mighty god Nurgle gets a hold of a dreadnought, you know all sorts of amazing mutations are about to happen! Come see this amazing transformation!

space wolves logan grimnar

#11 Ferocious Conversion: Space Wolf Style

The Space Wolves have some of the scariest looking lords in all the galaxy, mainly due to the hair and teeth! Take a look at this fierce Conversion.

blood angels redemtor

#10 Defender of the Imperium: Redemptor Conversion

Some Marines are so stoic that they will carry on their sacred mission, even after death! Check out this amazing conversion!

#9 Chaos Forges Their Own Redemptor: Conversion

Chaos Space Marines build their dreadnoughts, not just from the dead, but also from daemonic energies! Come take a look at today’s Conversion Corner!

Primaris Space Marine

#8 It’s Hammer Time: Primaris Conversion Corner

The Space Marines were more then happy to let Cawl swell their ranks with the likes of the Primaris Marines! Take a look at this Primaris conversion!

night lords

#7 Night Lord Strikes: Conversion Corner

The Night Lords love to strike terror into the hearts of their enemies. They do so by employing many horrifying tactics! Take a look at this conversion!


#6 Spreading The Good Word: Conversion Corner

The Word Bearers were the original Chaos Marines. They’ve been down with the daemons longer then anyone else! Come take a look at today’s Conversion Corner!

warhammer 40k space marine wal hor

#5 Thundercats Dreadnought: Conversion Corner

There are many chapters of Space Marines in the galaxy that it is hard to keep track of all the lesser known ones! Take a look at today’s Conversion Corner!

nurgle knight

#4 Who’s Piloting This Knight? Conversion Corner

The mighty Death Guard bring all manner of death machines with them to battle, including their own knights! Take a look at these gnarly conversions!

Primaris Space Marine

#3 Primaris Techmarine: Conversion Corner

The Space Marines have always maintained and kept their weapons and armor up to top standard, mostly thanks to their Techmarines!

dark angels walpaper

#2 Primaris Dark Angels Rise Again: Conversion

The Dark Angels have been around for a long time, and now they are expanding their numbers with Primaris Marines! Take a look at this awesome conversion!

magnus hor

#1 Straight ‘outta Warcraft: Magnus Conversion

Magic is the source of a lot of creature’s power, but one creature uses it extremely well! The great battle has begun. Are you prepared?

How about those conversions?! If these models don’t get you fired up about the hobby, I don’t know what will. Let us know if some of your favorites made the list below.