Creature Caster Orc Forge Guard Model REVEALED!

By Wesley Floyd | September 30th, 2020 | Categories: Creature Caster, Warhammer 40k Rumors

creature caster rumorsCreature Caster has another Orc in store just in time for this year’s Orktober- check out the new Orc Forge Guard model.

Creature Caster sent us these images of their latest Orc to be hitting the hobby tables- the Orc Forge Guard looks to be the same size as their Patriarch and Matriarch minis at the bottom of the next image:

Creature Caster Bundle

Creature Caster’s Orc Forge Guard Model Spotted!

orc forge guard 1This guy might be the perfect frontline Warboss alternate model you were looking for. Why wear armor when you can just carry a huge slab of steel in front of you? Check out that weapon too! It’s a power drill with two little blasters built-in.

orc forge guard 2


orc forge guard 3It looks like there are some spare bits that’ll be coming with this guy, and there’s a maskless head bit as well as a giant Orcy pistol that’s top and bottom-loaded.

orc forge guard 4Checking out some early design work, we can see how the mini evolved. The shield has been detailed even more and the hammer looks to have been swapped for the drill/Orc pistol combo.

orc forge guard 5This guy is looking sweet and some Instagram painters already got their hands on the mini early! If you want to check out how they’ll be throwing some paint on this dude, be sure to check them out!

Note: They’ll probably be posting them up at different times as they get finished with their projects so you may need to check in a few times for any updates!

Don’t forget the Orc Forge Lord model from last year that is decked out with a mechanical, up-armored punchin’ arm and a nasty hammer.

How do you like the Orc Forge Guard? Is he going to be the next Warboss to hit your 40k collection? Is he also a great piece for an RPG character? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today! You can also support us on Patreon and get ad-free access to the site, plus a ton of minis that helps support some of the best creators out there!