Creature Caster Teases More New Model Artwork LATEST

By Wesley Floyd | April 5th, 2020 | Categories: Creature Caster, Warhammer 40k Rumors

creature caster rumorsCreature Caster has been on a roll lately. We’ve seen a plethora of new models on the way and they’re not stopping. Check out this new piece of artwork.

Creature Caster has continuously pushed the limits of their models, constantly dropping magnificently grotesque pieces that are perfect for tabletop games and displays. We’ve just seen the Death Elemental on top of other models revealed. But now, there may be more ahead… Check out the artwork for this nightmare of a creature.

Creature Caster Teases More New Model Artwork LATEST

creature caster new artwork canukmeraWhat madness is this? Could Creature Caster be embracing their Canadian roots and actually be considering a Canukmera?!? What team are you, moose, goose or beaver?

They went on to say:

Hi all. The Canuckmera is something we have always wanted to do, but always had a doubt that there would be demand. If you are all seriously interested in the model being made then please like, & share and get your friends to do so also. And please comment on what base size and height you want this crazy creature to be! With enough interest this might just become a reality!

Coming from Creature Caster’s Facebook page, they just dropped some artwork like a bombshell. Showing a moose, a goose, and beaver all jumbled into one nightmare creature, this would be the last thing you want to stumble across on a camping trip…Except for maybe Man Bear Pig.

man bear pigIt also looks like this thing will be called a Canukmera. While the artwork is incredible, we don’t know exactly how big it’ll be. Because this piece is so unique (let’s face it, there’s not really any other model out there like this), it’ll probably be one of their bigger models. The longer you look at the art, the more disturbing it gets. It’s got boils, skulls, and a few screaming lost souls up around the moose’s neck.

We really don’t have anything else to go off of besides the artwork. We haven’t seen any 3D renderings or have any kind of date for when it’ll drop so keep your eyes peeled in the days ahead.

And of course, if you would like to see this model get produced, make sure you speak up and let Creature Caster know.

After seeing this from Creature Caster, what will you be using the model for? Is it a perfect alternative for Beasts of the Realm in AoS? What about a Lord of Change? 

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!