New Atriarchs of Onslaught Preview Creature Caster!

creature caster wal horThree awesome new models are on the way from Creature Caster as they just previewed their Atriarchs of Onslaught and they rock!

Creature Caster has been pumping out the models lately and we’re loving it! They are known for their amazingly detailed minis and these new models are no different. You can order this as a set or individually very soon, but not quite yet! The new minis won’t be available until February 19th, but that’s really not that far away!

The new Atriarchs of Onslaught from Creature Caster harness their rage to become efficient killing machines – check out the new minis!

Creature Caster Feature r

They also have teased the idea that more of the Atriachs may be coming later on, so if you like the look of these, you might even be able to grab more minis! For now, though, let’s jump into the preview, and some pretty sweet concept art they shared with us.

Atriarchs of Onslaught Set:

Atriarch of onslaught setIf you want to save some cash and just get all three of the new minis, might as well grab them all in one buy. Also, you’ll only get the victim if you buy the set, so you get one more mini fort cheaper! If you love Creature Caster, go check out everything else they have to offer.

Let’s let them tell you a little more about these amazing minis:

All demons of Onslaught are haunted with a powerful inner rage that, when left unchecked, leads to self-destruction. 

Through unique combinations of dedicated combat training, weapon crafting, and meditation, this gruesome threesome has learned to control and channel their rage into advanced combat strategies. What once was a weakness is now their most powerful asset on the battlefield.

The Atriarchs of Onslaught will be sold both individually, and in a set that comes with an optional victim for the Priest.

Cremator of Onslaught$79 CAD (for the set)

Cremator of onslaught


Atriarch of onslaughtWhat can you say about this mini other than it’s amazing! We just love that he’s shooting skulls at the enemy in some kind of insane fury.

The Cremators of Onslaught are pariahs born of loss. Onslaught horns are nearly unbreakable, and quickly regenerate from minor cuts and scrapes. They are a representation of strength and honor, revered as sacred objects by all Onslaught Demons. In truth, it is easier to kill a Demon of Onslaught than it is to damage their horns

Anarchist of Onslaught: $79 CAD (for the set)

Anarchist of onslaught


Atriarch of onslaught 2It’s awesome to see how close they can make these to the concept art. This mini has an awesome feel to it and we can’t wait to see some of these painted up.

All Onslaught demons are haunted with a powerful inner rage that, when left unchecked, leads to self-destruction. The Anarchists have learned to channel their rage into physical manifestations of power. They can shape the fire within into an axe made of flame, an incredibly sharp and blazing sword, or a powerful inferno of spiraling flames. It is very difficult for their enemies to parry their manifested weapons, as they are able to alter the solidity of their weapons at will, by phasing them in and out of existence. Their flaming weapons can shift from being as solid as metal, to as ethereal as air in the blink of an eye.

Priest of Onslaught: $79 CAD (for the set)

Priest of onslaught


Atriarch of onslaught 3Just to note, when you buy this demon by itself, you don’t get the victim with it. So if you really want to show off the true evil of this one, might as well get the whole set!

In a civilization built entirely around blood, rage, and violence, the Priests of Onslaught are perhaps the most conscious killers. Rather than succumb to the rage that courses through their DNA, they have trained themselves to harness it with slow and calculated movements. Priests of Onslaught are able to remain motionless for days or even weeks, as an internal battle against bloodlust rages within. When they finally spring into action, it is with lightning-fast precision.

That does it for this preview, just some amazing new minis! Be on the lookout and make sure to grab these cool demons!

Learn More About the Atriarchs of Onslaught Here!