New Infantry Scale Models From Creature Caster SPOTTED!

By Wesley Floyd | December 19th, 2019 | Categories: Creature Caster, Warhammer 40k Rumors

creature caster rumorsCreature Caster looks to be expanding its line of models once again. Check out this artwork of new infantry miniatures supposedly in the works!

An Industry Insider sent us some artwork of some classic Creature Caster design. What makes this especially unique is it looks like Creature Caster might be expanding into whole infantry squads!

Early Creature Caster Infantry Artwork SPOTTED

creature caster infantry design 1

From an industry insider:

No release date on these pics yet, but here comes a new step into 32mm Infantry models

These were both said to be based on 32mm and looking at the first mini, it’s putting off a real Plaguebearer alternate model kind of vibe. Plaguebearers are cool, but if we could see a whole squad of thirty of these dudes marching onto the table, 40k games would be a lot scarier.

Even if 40k/AoS isn’t your kind of game, this looks like an awesome cave-dwelling mob for games like D&D!

creature caster queen of ruin 1

If you actually look closely at the Queen of Ruin, one of Creature Caster’s newest models, the little dudes falling out of her stomach appear extremely similar in the face and body.

creature caster infantry design 2


master of executions

For the second Infantry model mentioned, this girl has had all of her skin sliced off and is carrying a bundle of heads. She sits somewhere between a Master of Executions and a Daemonette! We’re not sure where Creature Caster pulls their inspiration from but these designs are definitely a step above the normal run-in-the-mill mini.

Overall, with these two minis previewed which one looks best to you? What would you use them for? Would you like to see them released as a whole squad?

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