While I’m not prepared to spit in the face of Games Workshop and players across the world by leaking actual pictures of the new Flyers, I did make a video on the newest flyer to date, the Storm Eagle Assault Gunship. Let’s pause on talking about the new Storm Eagle for just a second- I […]
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The latest tabletop gaming editorial discussions, insightful analyses, industry trends, and expert opinions on all things related to miniature wargaming.
This little diddy popped up over on White Metal Games’ (WMG) blog the other day, comparing Spikey Bits and Horde of Bits’ servicesI’ve featured WMG’s conversions on here before, as they seem to make some really great stuff to fill the gaps that Games Workshop leaves us, from time to time. I guess they may […]
Read MoreMBG back again with the last, for now at least, of my Games Workshop 2012 Release Schedule musings.Last time I talked a lot about the all the rumored upcoming releases, but what about post 6th edition? What do we have to look forward to this fall? So today’s rant will be about late year releases. […]
Read MoreFinecast miniatures are either a blessing in disguise or a disgrace to the community, depending on who you talk to. Personally I have never had an issue with the models, and any of our customers that have had issues were taken care of by Games Workshop Customer Service ( 1-800-394-GAME). One thing is for sure, […]
Read MoreMBG back again with Part Two of my Games Workshop 2012 Release Schedule musings.Last time I talked a lot about the upcoming 6th Edition release, if you missed that, be sure to check it out here for a little back story on this article. Today I’m going to dive into a discussion on the 2012 […]
Read MoreMBG here with a little new stuff diddy. First off let me say that I have no concrete facts to back any of these predictions on (or where I heard the facts that I do have, I can not say). Why should you even listen to me in the first place? Well I’ve been pretty much in the trenches, so to speak, […]
Read MoreThere is an old saying when it comes to doing something; that you either are good, get good, or give up. When it comes to playing games of 40k I think the same thing can probably be said. To me it seems like there are tiers of players in everything out there under the sun, […]
Read MoreWell I don’t sparkle, but so far I seem to be aging like a vampire. Ever wonder who the Man Boy Genius (MBG) is, or what he looks like? Check out this video interview by the Rocky Mountain 40k from the Feast of Blades tournament, but forgive me as the exhaustion from the weekend and […]
Read MoreWell it’s official, work vacation is over, and soon enough all the kids will be back in school (if they already aren’t). Here at Spikey Bits though, we can’t stop- won’t stop, lol. Checkout the articles from the break that you may have missed (and don’t suck / are worth reading). First off we started a new segment here called […]
Read MoreWell with another year of blogging behind us I went back and pulled up the top Spikey Bits articles of 2011. You may say they are our greatest hits of last year, lol, either way if you missed them…. now is you chance to catch up! Check them out! 10.) Conversion Corner- Sphinx Pattern Defiler 9.) […]
Read MoreHappy New Year to you all!!! Well another year has gone by, and as you may know according to the Myans? we all only have about 12 months left to finish up all our hobby projects! I for one will probably fall short. Sigh, I’m thinking I have about a five year backlog on projects at the very least, and […]
Read MoreYou’ve probably noticed by now, that usually at the end of most of my posts are two small lines of advertising for the Spikey Bits Online store (see that- just did it again, lol). Occasionally (mostly when I post on BoLS) some people make negative remarks about those two little lines of text…. all alone […]
Read MoreWelcome back to another polite rant/ clarification about a topic I feel very strongly about, the Necron Leak by Beast of War. First of all I wanted to clear up several serious points that were bugging me. I do not think the leak was a bad thing for the hobby, personally I enjoyed seeing the photos and can not […]
Read MoreYEAH! NECRONS! The stagnant months of no rumors are gone, people are excited and all is well with the 40k Universe again? Or not? This may be very, very, bad for the hobby as a whole. Stick around read the whole article, take it all in and let me know where you stand. This is a complex and […]
Read MoreSo a few weeks ago I posted about how I let my buddy Master Shake borrow my Iron Hands, counts as Blood Angels, for ‘Ard Boyz round two. I haven’t fully showcased them on here yet, but basically they’re a converted marine army with tons of bionics. The army itself is pulled together with Adepticus Mechanicus bits, […]
Read MoreHey guys! Instead of writing actual content that would be fun and useful to the majority of readers I just wanted to get on here and write a bit of satire about some things swirling around the interwebs yesterday. Remember kids this is only satire, and I don’t even believe half of it (except the […]
Read MoreCongrats to the winners, another first round has come and gone. This was the article I was going to write about my awesome games and how I qualified for ‘ard Boyz ( notice how I said “was”). Well that didn’t happen exactly (although I will be politicking to get in still). Instead me and my buddy were cheated by […]
Read MoreWell I guess its been about a year now since GW game out with the Vendetta Model, and with it ignited a rules firestorm that still flares up to this day. The one question remains; How do you play it? Good Question. Is it a skimmer? If so why is it on that $#%*-ing stupidly […]
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