Eldar Codex Points & Datasheet Changes SPOTTED

By Juan Lopez | October 22nd, 2017 | Categories: Eldar, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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With the new Codex: Craftworlds set to release next week, we are getting a closer look as to the points and datasheet changes that are inside!

Seen in a review by WintersSEO and teased by Warhammer on Twitch, the Codex: Craftworlds is bringing a slew of point cost changes. The best part? They are all point cost reductions. Several character and unit abilities have also been changed. Let’s dive in and see what has changed!

Multiple units have seen point cost reductions as have weapons. Just to get them out of the way now, Wraith Knights have not had any point cost changes. However, their Titanic Ghost Glaive has gone down by 35 points to 30 points total. Also, all named characters have gone down in points. The ones listed were the ones clearly identified.


  • Dire Avengers down by 2, now 8 points.
  • Banshees down 3, now 9 points.
  • Striking Scorpions down 4, now 13 points
  • Warp Spiders down 4, now 10 points
  • Crimson Hunter down 23, now 120 points
  • Crimson Hunter Exarch down 48, now 135 points
  • Falcon down 49 points, now 125 points
  • Farseer Skyrunner down 24, now 130 points
  • Night Spinner down 20, now 135 points
  • Spiritseer down 22, now 44 points
  • Vaul’s Wrath Support Battery down 47, now 30 points
  • War Walkers down 11, now 50 points
  • Vypers down 14, now 50 points

Jain Zar

Named Characters

  • Eldrad down 30, now 150 points
  • Baharroth down 10, now 110 points
  • Karandras down 18, now 150 points
  • Maugan Ra down 19, now 140 points

Ranged Weapons

  • Avenger Shuriken Catapult down 2, now 5 points
  • D-Cannon down 5, now 45 points
  • Scorpion’s Claw down 8, now 12 points
  • Singing Spear down 10, now 4 points
  • Star Cannon down 15, now 15 points
  • Twin Scatter Laser down 13, now 17 points
  • Twin Shuriken Cannon down 7, now 17 points
  • Twin Star Cannon down 32, now 28 points

Melee and Equipment

  • Ghostaxe down 5, now 10 points
  • Forceshields down 2, now 6 points


Now, moving on the unit and characters changes. There are definitely more and we will see once we have the codex in our hands. Here they are in no particular order.

  • Ghost Helm: Addition: if bearer self-inflicts damage due to Perils of the Warp, you can add +3 to your saving throw.
  • Banshee Mask: Enemies cannot fire Overwatch at you.
  • Acrobatic ability for Jain-Zar and Howling Banshees: Addition: “You can move and charge in the same turn in which you Advanced. If there is an enemy unit within 15″ you can declare a charge since you always add +3 to your charge roll.”
  • Range of the Melta Bomb on the Fire Dragon datasheet has gone down from 6″ to 4″
  • D-Scythe ability changed to no longer include rolling once for the number of attacks. You now roll once for each Wraithguard firing a D-Scythe.
  • Lasblaster for Swooping Hawks now an Assault 4 with 24″ range.
  • Warp Jump Generator ability: Addition: “A unit that uses Warp Jump Generators to Fall Back can still shoot in the Shooting Phase.” They also have the ability Warp Strike: “At the end of any of your Movement Phases, you can use their Warp Jump Generators to enter the field more than 9″ inches from enemy models.”
  • War Walker ability change: Scout Vehicle: “During deployment, set up this unit up on the enemy’s flanks.” They can no longer scout 12″.
  • Wraithlords are now Toughness 8 and now have 4 attacks instead of 3.
  • Vaul’s Wrath Support Battery has 5 Wounds instead of 4. Its Vibro Cannon has gone up 10 points to 30, is now a Heavy D3, and does a flat 2 Damage. The Vibro Cannon‘s ability has been tweaked with the addition of “If this weapons inflicts damage on an enemy unit, that unit cannot Advance in its Movement Phase unless it has the <Fly> keyword. Shadow Weaver has also gone up 4 points to 25.
  • Fire Prism has new ability: Pulsed Laser Discharge: “If a Fire Prism moves under half its move speed, it can shoot its Prism Cannon twice in the next Shooting Phase. The Prism Cannon must use the same profile for both shots.”
  • Heavy D-Scythe on hemlock Wraithfighter has gone from Strength 10 to Strength 12.
  • Heavy Wraithcannon went from Strength 10 to Strength 16.


So there are the point cost and datasheet changes that are in the Codex: Craftworlds. Our very own Rob Baer will soon be getting a copy, so expect his review and tips soon.

What do you think about the changes you have seen thus far? Are you hyped to play your Eldar? Where their unit or points changes that you were hoping for? Let us know in the comments below!

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