
Eldar News, Rumors, Articles & Updates

Welcome to the realm of the Eldar, where the latest rules, model releases, point changes, and updates for this ancient faction. Here, we jump into everything about this ancient Warhammer 40k faction come together. Uncover their unmatched elegance, psychic mastery, and the precision of their warriors with the links below:

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From the deadly speed of the Swooping Hawks to the mysterious visions of Farseers, follow the ongoing tales of the Eldar as they battle to protect their dwindling people and hold back the forces that threaten the galaxy.

Here’s your source for the most up-to-date news on the Eldar’s strategies, heroes, and their fight to reclaim their destiny

Get ready to paint some glowing runes on your miniatures. Lots of weapons and creatures in the Warhammer universe need glowing runes. Learn how to paint them here!

Read More | October 3rd, 2019