Don’t Forget The 40k Big FAQ Drops In April (normally)

new in the faq gwWhoops, did we all just forget that normally there is normally a big 40k FAQ in April?  With 2020’s Adepticon canceled, will we see an FAQ this time?

Whenever there’s a tournament that has a huge amount of attendees, GW looks at the results and makes changes to their games accordingly. Adepticon has historically been one of those tournaments and the 40k Big FAQ drops shortly after the event.

faq 2019 3However, 2020’s Adepticon was canceled thanks to COVID-19 and now we’re left scratching our heads if we’ll even see an FAQ. What would even change?

Some Top Changes From Last Year’s Bit 40k FAQ

Blood angels danteThe big April 2019 FAQ dropped a bit after Adepticon (it took time for the GW team to adjust accordingly). But we did end up seeing a bunch of problems fixed. Some top changes were:

lootasLootas Deffguns were changed to roll a single D3 for the whole unit and multiply the result by however many models. That saved time so players didn’t have to roll 10+ D3 dice and counting the result before shooting.

faq gsc

GSC also got their deepstriking shenanigans reigned back…

faq deathwatchDeathwatch was the only Space Marine faction that missed out on Bolter Discipline. Although it makes sense because they have insane ammunition bonus rules.

faq knightDominus Knights got nerfed to a 3CP rotate shield strat at a maximum of a 4++ invuln.

faq flyAnd finally, one of the biggest changes was that Flying units could move over screens in the charge phase once again. This repaired the knee-jerk reaction that GW made when Jump Pack units were shaping the meta. Who would’ve thought that things that can fly SHOULD be able to jump over the bubble wrap and get to the problem…

Will There Be Changes This April?

Blood Angels Chaplain Dreadnought: White Metal GamesThe question is, Will there be a big April FAQ for 40k this year? With the big event where GW pulls the results from canceled, we may not see any big FAQ at all. On that note, GW has been consistently updating factions here and there…

Especially over the course of the past few months. They’ve steadily reigned back Space Marines to where Iron Hands are actually fair now and Assault Doctrine armies are a bit more competitive.

If the FAQ doesn’t come in April, once the worldwide social distancing comes to an end, we might see some FAQs trickle in here and there after a few other decently big 40k events conclude. But until then, we also have to ask…What changes need to be made to the game?

What Changes Could Be Made to 40k?

iron hands space marine wal feirrosThe big nerf needed at the forefront of everyone’s mind was Iron Hands. Chaplain Dreadnoughts have also been a big problem in the recent past. But with Space Marines handed a nice big helping of NERF-O’s, we were really looking forward to seeing what the next OP list was for Adepticon.

Are there any units out there that are way too undercosted? Are Eldar Flyers still a big issue? Is there anything out of the new Saga of the Beast book that is obviously too OP for the tabletop? Is this the most stable 40k’s meta has been in a while?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!