FIRST LOOK REVIEW – Curse of Khaine

By Rob Baer | November 29th, 2014 | Categories: First Look

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The Spikey Bits Video Underground is back! Civilizations are rising and falling in the Olde World, and even the Elves are not immune.

The End Times have pitted brother against brother (literally) as the Elves struggle to unite and fend off the Daemonic incursions from the north.


If you are a fan of the Elven lore, this may be the book for you.  The new Curse of Khaine follows the same two book format that Nagash and Glottkin did, and sets up the fourth and (final?) book of the series.

Checkout our exclusvie First Look  of the End Times: Curse of Khaine below in my latest video review. Check back on Monday for the full break down, and more! -MBG