RUMORS: Forge World Airbrush Paints Re-Releasing With Contrast

forge world airbrush paints contrast


Forge World’s previous line of airbrush paints may be coming back to stores worldwide with the release of Citadel Contrast in June!

Don’t call it a comeback, these paints have been here for years! It looks like Contrast Paints weren’t the only kind of hobby product we’re getting after all.  Spotted all over social media today, there are rumors of the return of Forge World airbrush paints via Games Workshop trade.

Forge World Airbrush Paints Coming Back As Direct Order

fw paint

Coming from what looks to be a Facebook thread, a user posted a previously unseen new release sheet that seemed to indicate the discontinued Forge World paints were coming back.

Compare the list above to the lineup of FW Airbrush paints launched in 2015 and discontinued last year when they raised prices and started to distribute globally.

airbrush paints forge world

Believe it or not, there were some rumors about “new” airbrush paints recently. However, with Contrast paints revealed, we thought that those other rumors might not have been as accurate as we thought.

Previous Paint Rumors


You might remember these rumors a while back. The rumors spotted on Faeit definitely talked about what we now know as contrast paints, however, there was another half that we thought had already fallen to the wayside. It looks like those rumors could turn out to be true after all…

No colored plastic.
Instead a new massive paint release in May/June (the timeline was mentioned and not confirmed by the other sources). This will be a huge expansion on the current paint range.
This will include airbrush paints with the return of old paints and a new “blending” type of paint that will be very slow drying.

We don’t know all the fine details like if they’ll be out for a limited time as a promotional for contrast paints, or if this is even 100% true.

One thing is for sure, however, we should be able to tell if the Forge World paints are coming or not in about a week’s time. Just solely going off of what was spotted in the Facebook post.

New Citadel Contrast Paint June’s GW Releases REVEALED

Get ready for two more weeks on the GW hype train as Contrast paints are the first new releases for Games Workshop in June! Read More

Would you like to see old Forge World airbrush paints come back? Which color did you use the most back in the day? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.