Warhammer 40k Action Figures For 2020

primaris-new-releases-bandai-action-figureThere is a ton of new Warhammer 40k action figures both announced, and coming in 2020. Check out the status of all of these license products from GW.

From Bandai to McFarlane Toys and now, even Green Wolf Studios, our horizons are broadening up quite a bit on getting our hands on 40k-themed action figures. If you’re curious about all that’s either currently out or is on the way, then look no further.

Here Are All The 40k Action Figures On The Market Right Now

Let’s talk about what’s been released first…the Bandai Ultramarine Intercessor.

We’ve got a video review on this guy too if you’re wanting to look at the overall quality.

bandai intercessor 1Painted Bandai Ultramarines Intercessor

bandain space marine pricing

So with Bandai, this was the first action figure we ever saw from a partnership with GW. Costing $100 and having a cap of 9,000, these guys sold out pretty quickly.

ebay bandai marine 1Even though you can’t buy them through the GW webstore any more, you still may be able to find them on the secondary market.  Oh yeah, you’ll also be paying a pretty penny. Check out what they are going for on Amazon currently right now.


McFarlane Toys Intercessor Figures

For Mcfarlane Toys, they have released some “budget” Intercessor action figures. First, there was the pre-painted Intercessor and eventually, they released a blank Marine as well for people to paint in their own Chapters.

mcfarlane action figure space marine


mcfarlane action figure space marine



The details on these guys are great and with an initial price tag of $20, you could buy five of these for one Bandai Marine. However, now, they also look to have dried up, pre-order wise.

There’s still a chance that you can find them on the secondary market like eBay and Amazon, but shipping times may be delayed and you may end up paying more.

If you did pre-order them already, they are still showing as shipping Sept. 30 with an Oct. 2 delivery date here in the states.

Now that we’ve talked about what’s been released, let’s go into what’s on the table!

Bandai Imperial Fist & Salamander Intercessors

bandai walBandai just announced they are doing another round of Intercessor figures taking on the Imperial Fists and Salamanders!

bandai imperial fist 1

bandai imperial fist 2The Imperial Fists action figure represents a Primaris battle-brother from the sixth squad of the Chapter’s Third Company. He is armed with an auto bolt rifle that’s fitted with an auxiliary grenade launcher, and he also comes with a combat knife. He has three choices of hand for each arm, allowing you to pose him in a wide variety of ways as he defends the walls of Terra.


bandai salamander The Salamanders is armed with an ornate bolt rifle inspired by a design in Codex Supplement: Salamanders. His markings show that he belongs to the second squad of Second Company, and like the Imperial Fists figure, he comes with a combat knife and a variety of hands to hold the weapons in

bandai salamander 2Both of these action figures are going to stand 8″ tall with 53 different joints to pose them in. You’ll also be able to order the Imperial Fist and Salamander on September 12th FOR ONE WEEK ONLYOnce orders close, you won’t be able to grab one for yourself. On that note, where the Ultramarine Intercessor was limited to 9,000, this time around there’s an unlimited supply on these guys.

Anyone who orders them in that open week will get one, but you won’t be getting them until sometime next year (2021)

GW didn’t give any ideas on price but we saw the Ultramarines Intercessor sell for $100 on GW’s webstore. It’s up in the air if the Imperial Fist/Salamander action figures will be any different.

McFarlane Toys Necron Warrior & Assault Intercessor

mcfarlane action figures 9th edition duoPre-orders have been up on the McFarlane Necron Warrior and Assault Intercessor for a while, and although these guys aren’t out just yet, they’re bringing something new to the table and are expected to release Fall 2020.

mcfarlane action figures 9th edition 2


mcfarlane action figures 9th edition 4These are the first two action figures we’ve seen that don’t follow the plain jane Intercessor with bolt rifle look. Shoot, the fact that the Necron is the first-ever non-Primaris action figure is exciting enough!

But like the other McFarlane action figure release, these are some great budget options for fans. For anyone who’s interested, there are some stores that are selling three action figure bundles (Necron, Assault Intercessor, and unpainted Intercessor) on Amazon although you aren’t expected to get them until early 2021 if you order them.

Green Wolf Studios Working On Cadian Officer

green wolf studiosThe latest word of companies jumping on the 40k action figure train is Green Wolf Studios. These guys normally produce hyper-realistic action figures for both real-world and sci-fi soldiers. However, they’ve just announced that they’re working on a Cadian Officer and showed off a few progress pics.

green wolf studios cadian officer render 1


green wolf studios cadian officer render 2The dude will have a nice beard going, a scar running across the center of his face, and a removable Officer’s cap. Also, speaking about the bionic eye, Green Wolf Studios put some thought into why he would have one in the first place…

green wolf studios cadian officer render 3Cadian Officer with Bionic Eye, we had so much fun trying to rescale the bionic eye and adding our own touches to it. The head will have the look of a fresh battle wound in the form of a slash mark across his face which caused him to lose an eye. Hope you like what we have done here.

green wolf studios cadian officer render 4


green wolf studios cadian officer render 5Every Cadian Officer needs a LAS pistol. Our version will have removable magazine with some great little details on it.

It’s safe to say that action figures with a 40k theme are steadily growing in popularity. The fact that we’re seeing two figures that aren’t Marines (the Necron and Cadian) means that we could continue to see companies steadily branch out into all factions like Orks, Eldar, and Tau soon!

What do you think about all of the action figure support coming? Do you own any of these we’ve talked about?

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