Necromunda’s Release Roadmap Updated By GW

EscherNecromunda’s House of Blades expansion has a new updated roadmap timeline, so be sure to check out everything we know on the Escher gang next.

We saw the House of Chains drop first for the Goliaths. These guys got a new book with some rules and an all-new model range to add to the existing gang. Escher was scheduled next for the House of Blades. However, because GW was forced to shut down for a few weeks, Warhammer Community hit us with an updated roadmap.

Everything We Know on House of Blades

necromunda house roadmap graphicWe’ve seen the coming Escher support in store for Necromunda a while ago. Here is everything we’ve seen on the girls from a few months back.

necromunda house of blades 1 This was labeled as coming in Q2 of GW’s release schedule. So technically, they might’ve already been out by now if the crisis hadn’t shut the world down. However, we’ve been seeing a bunch of new girls headed their way: 


necromunda escher matriarch 1New Matriarch model to get more wargear


necromunda pet phelynxPhelynx models

necromunda escher wyld runnersWyld Runners

necromunda escher death maidensDeath-Maidens

Other Necromunda Models On the Way

necromunda rogue doc


necromunda gang lookout


necromunda cawdor rattus tatterskin

necromunda enforcer servalen 1On top of everything on the way exclusively for Eschers, we’ve got some Underhive Informants which look to be a hirable asset to gangs in campaigns, as well as a new Cawdor mini named Rattus Tatterskin and an Enforcer named Scrutinator-Primus Servalen coming too.

Plus now we know of some chonky Ogryns that are on the way as well:

Necromunda’s Release Roadmap Updated By GW

escher artEarlier in the year, we showed off the plan for the future of Necromunda. Unfortunately, the global lockdown took us on a little diversion, but we’re back on track now! So, we’re pleased to show you the updated version of our Necromunda roadmap and give you a sneak peek at some of the rules for the new Escher Wyld Runners.

House of Blades will explore the background of the Eschers, while House of Iron will shed new light on the Orlocks, going deeper than ever before. Fans of these Houses will find themselves a comprehensive reference guide, filled with lore, expanded gang rosters and new tactics with which to rule the underhive. Followers of the other Houses will want to pick them up too, as they are incredible resources for Necromunda.

necromunda roadmap updateLooking at the new updated roadmap for the “House” releases, the Eschers were pushed back to Q3. That means we’ve got a few more months of waiting before we get these girl’s rules and their kits into our hands.

escher wyld runner 1To keep the Eschers fans satisfied, they also dropped some stats on the Wyld Runners.

escher wyld runner 2These girls are going to be armed with a Wyld Bow. Because it’s just a recurve bow, the range that it’s most effective is 9″. However, these weapons are going to be versatile with three different unique ammo options filling different roles. You can set targets on fire, poison them, or knock them around as you see fit. The biggest weakness to the weapon is its ammo check. If you end up rolling poorly, you might go all game without being to shoot your super ammo again.  WHC also left us with this snippet pointing to how they’ll interact with the gang.

Wyld Runners can provide some crucial fire support in the early stages of a campaign, and they’ll quickly become incredible fighters in their own right thanks to their Fast Learner rule, which means they’ll soon be racking up advancements. Eventually, they can be promoted to a Gang Matriarch, allowing them to take advantage of the special rules of Escher Champions too.

While things may be pushed back a quarter, at least we’ve got some rules to look forward to!

Will you be running a group of Wyld Runners in your gang? Do you prefer the Death-Maiden models? What’s your favorite gang to play currently?

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