GW Reveals New Necromunda Informants, & Eschers Models

necromunda hor walpaperSuprise! Necromunda is getting two new informants models, and new releases for the Eschers in the days ahead. Check out what’s just been previewed.

Warhammer Community shed a little more light on the Escher support that’s on the way. We’ve already seen a few teasers here and there of what they would be getting. However, now we’ve got another look at what appears to be hirable models and more!

GW Reveals New Necromunda Informants, & Eschers Models

necromunda underhive informantIn the next expansion that’s on the way to Necromunda, it looks like GW will be taking a look at some ex-gangers and low-lifes that’ll pretty much do anything for a couple of credits. We don’t know the full details on how these models will work. But here are some looks at the models ahead.

Rogue Doc Model

necromunda rogue docOne of the new models is a Rogue Doc. An ex-chymyst for the Escher gang that’s taken a life on her own giving medical service for credits.

Whispers say lots of them are former Eschers who couldn’t make it as Clan Chymists and now scrape together what creds they can by patching up gunshot wounds. You’d have to be desperate to use them, but there’s plenty of desperation in the lower levels…

necromunda patch up ruleBringing a Rogue Doc has its benefits. It looks like she’ll be a safety net for fighters that have the potential for getting killed or seriously maimed. On the flip-side, she won’t be able to bring them back to full health since her medical expertise is a little shoddy. Pretty neat.

Gang Lookouts

necromunda gang lookout Gang Leaders – especially the paranoid ones – are using Gang Lookouts to watch the borders of their territory for rivals closing in. Some of them are even using their Lookouts to lead enemies into an ambush. 

There’s not been any word on how these will work. But if we had to take a rough guess, they might have a way to disrupt how many credits a gang gets after a match in a campaign. Or maybe even negate a gang card that the opponent tries to play.

Escher Matriarchs Get More Weapon Options

necromunda escher matriarch 1Back on the topic of Eschers, which we’ve already seen a lot of support previewed already, their Matriarchs are getting more weapon options.

necromunda escher matriarch 2We’ve heard about arms shipments stamped with the sigil of the House of Blades that’ll be hitting downhive soon. When they get their hands on these, we’ll have some major problems…

With weapons like an underslung plasma cannon and power sword combined with the Escher’s speed, the Matriarchs might be able to slap really hard really soon. Definitely an exciting buff to the gang.

While this was an unexpected Necromunda preview, it looks like games will be getting even more dynamic thanks to lookouts and rogue docs. Plus, Eschers are getting a sweet helping hand to their force with two new units as well as an increase in weapon range!

Would you rather have a Lookout or a Rogue Doc in your gang list? How many credits do you think they’ll be? Which gang do you play currently?

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