BREAKING: Genestealer Cult Sects, Strats & Points Rumors Spotted!

By Wesley Floyd | January 31st, 2019 | Categories: Genestealer Cults, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Genestealer Cult

Genestealer Cults are getting a preview on their Gene Sects, and more. Plus new rumors for the Primus and points changes galore! Don’t miss these!

Games Workshop previewed the third wave of Genestealer Cult rules teasers. There’s a total of six Gene sects to go over and they’re geared all completely different.

If you missed the other previews of confirmed Genestealer Cult rules, be sure to check them out!  Let’s see which Cult you’ll be bringing to the table when their codex drops:

Cult of the Four-Armed Emperor

cult sect 1

Looking at the Subterranean Ambushers, this is definitely geared towards a Beta-strike build. Coming in turn two from Deepstrike and letting you add +1 to your charge rolls is never bad if you’re going heavy melee. You can actually make yourself +3 to charge…

  • Step 1: Spend 1CP to make a squad of Aberrants an Anointed Throng Formation from Vigilus. Their Warlord trait lets them add +1 to charge rolls within 6″ of the Warlord (who may have been designed to be deep-striked with them)
  • Step 2: Take the Cult of the four-armed Emperor
  • Step 3: Deepstrike a  Clamavus next to the unit that’s going to charge. He adds +1 to charge rolls as well.
  • Step 4: Roll a 6 or better on two dice and connect with your target!

GW also gave us a look into a Gene Sect-specific stratagem.

cult strat 1

Genestealer Cult are getting their own Agents of Vect Stratagem for less! It’s still a massive 3CP dump, but if used properly, you can completely cut off your opponent’s chances of winning. Plus, there’s access to cheap Tyranid Battalions to farm CP using Ripper Swarms.

Twisted Helix

cult sect 2

Looking at the Twisted Helix, these are the guys that brew up strange concoctions for biochemical experiments on their own kind. This Sect adds +1 Strength and +2 to Advance rolls. The first thing that popped into our minds were Genestealer swarms at base S5 advancing D6″ +2 and still being able to charge.

gsc relic 1

Hilariously enough, their relic is an elixir that’s been brewed to perfection. Imagine giving this to a Patriarch that’s already moving at lightning speeds. Now, you’ll have to deal with another attack and another wound all while trying to wound him in the first place.

Pauper Princes

cult sect 3

The Pauper Princes are geared towards smashing into their enemies head-on. We’d recommend Genestealrs, Acolyte Hybrid blobs, or even Aberrants in a Pauper Princes list.

The Hivecult

cult sect 4

For the more disciplined followers in the Cult Community, the Disciplined Militants are the ones that know how to stand in the face of fear. You half the number of models that run when you fail a Morale test and you are able to fall back and shoot at -1 BS, of course.

We’re not sure how great this one is going to be mostly because opponents tend to focus down your scary blobs and completely wipe them off the board instead of letting them test their Morale. Plus, Cult units only hit on a 4+ anyway so it’s not like they’ll be mowing things down after they fall back…but it’s something.

The Bladed Cog

cult sect 5

These Cults have taken a liking to machinery and seek to make man, alien, and metal all one. Therefore, models in this Cult gain a 6++ invuln save. If they’ve already got an invuln, they add +1 (to a max of a 3++). Infantry models also ignore the negative penalty to moving and firing heavy weapons. This is a great list for a mix of 4++ Genestealer swarms and decked-out Neophyte squads with mining lasers.

The Rusted Claw

cult sect 6

These are tailor-fitted to the new Biker models called the Atalan Jackals. Units with this Cult keyword add +1 to their armor save if the weapon being shot at them has an AP of 0 or -1. On top of that, Biker models ignore the penalty of moving and firing heavy weapons or advancing and shooting assault weapons.


The Bikers are looking to be a real solid harasser unit with this Sect and their already built-in -1 to hit in the shooting phase.

Brood Brothers

Imperial Guard

Brood Brothers have also been updated a little. You still can only take one Brood Brother detachment for every GSC detachment. However, they gain additional Leadership bonuses and can jump in front of characters with Unquestioning Loyalty instead of picking up the Cult’s Sect rules.

 Instead of the Cult Creed shared by their Genestealer Cult brethren, Infantry units in Brood Brothers Detachments gain a bonus to their Leadership as well as the Unquestioning Loyalty ability

Primus Rules Rumors Spotted


As of right now, the Primus is a paramount character to bring in any Cult army. He lets you manipulate the Cult Ambush table to almost always get exactly what you want. Which is always a 6+. However, with the way Ambushing will work post-codex, he is going to be getting a rules rework.

Spotted on the Genestealer Cult Discord Server from CaptainBetts, he posted some rumors of the new Primus rules. Keep in mind that there were some rumors that came from him earlier on that were proven to be about 95% accurate with GW’s previews.

gsc wal

  • Cult Demagogue: Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by friendly units in the Fight phase while they are within 6″ of a Primus.
  • Meticulous Planner: The first time this model is set up on the battlefield, select one enemy unit. Re-roll wound rolls of 1 for attacks made by friendly units that have the Cult Ambush ability while they are within 6″ of this model when targeting that enemy unit.

The way things look, he’ll be operating more like a souped-up Lieutenant that can deepstrike. He’s still going to be a must if you’re planning on wanting your Genestealers/Acolyte Rocksaw Hybrids to be hitting on a 2+.

Other Point-Change Rumors

goliath transport

  • Metamorphs: 10pts base
  • Goliath Truck: 72pts base with autocannon and heavy stubber.
  • Goliath Rockgrinder 105 pts base with a heavy mining laser, heavy stubber, and drilldozer blade.

Overall the rumors above and previews combined with these sound very engrossing, to say the least. Check them out and take a closer look at the things GW hasn’t talked about in their previews below:

New 40k Stratagems & Rules For Genestealer Cult Spotted!

RUMORS: Full Genestealer Cult Codex Rules Revealed!

New 40k Genestealer Cult Rules Model Sprues SPOTTED!

Genestealer Cults are looking to get even more powerful with each preview that GW drops. Players may take a small detachment of Cult of the four-armed EmperorFacebook Hobby Group.  just to be able to counter other people’s stratagems. What do you think about this wave of previews? Which Cult are you going to be using the most? Let us know in the comments of our