New 40k Genestealer Cult Rules Model Sprues SPOTTED!

Genestealer Cultists

New rules and images of sprues were revealed by Games Workshop for the second wave Genestealer Cults codex teasers. Check it out!

Games Workshop has been busy giving the Cult an overhaul on the way the work on the tabletop. With all of the new rules comes new models as well. Let’s go over the confirmed special rules for some new units.

Be sure to take a look at the first wave of previews as well as the latest bit of rumors spotted around the web. 

Atalan Jackals

gsc jackals

With a Move of 14”, this Fast Attack choice is perfect for grabbing objectives, harassing targets of opportunity and hunting down vulnerable foes

These guys are going to be the fast objective grabbers and tarpits (at two wounds a pop) that can reach out and touch the enemy turn one. They move a whopping 14″ and can even Ambush if you want them to.


Because these units are small and so fast, they are actually -1 to hit in the shooting phase. To really get a hold of these guys, you’ll have to charge them. Good luck catching up to something moving 14″.

genestealer cult bike

The Wolfquad (ATV) is an optional model that can be taken with your squad. It can actually be decked out with the heavy mining laser you see above, or the Atalan Incinerator.

incineratorYou can hang back and harass armor from afar or get up close and scorch the enemy ranks!

Spotted on the Warhammer 40,000 Facebook Page, they actually broke down exactly what the sprues are going to look like.

atalan jackals sprue

A box is going to come with the ability to make one Wolfquad (which you can take one of for every four bikes), ten heads for male and female options, and other various wargear. All in all, the sprues look packed with bits and is looking to be one of the most anticipated units GW has ever released!

Jackal Alphus

jackal alphus

The Jackal Alphus is the character version of the Atalan Jackals and she comes equipped with her own sniper rifle and a host of special rules.

 With a BS of 2+, they can pick off enemy Characters from afar with dead-eye shots from their high-powered sniper rifle even on the move:

jackal sniper

Her sniper is better than what the Space Marine Snipers use. At -2 AP, she’ll almost always force a character to take their invulnerable save and can even do D3 damage + a mortal wound with each shot.

priority target sighted

If she’s hanging close by to some enemy models, she can spot a unit out and give a 6″ (12″ for Bikes) aura to add 1 to all hit rolls for attacks that target the unit. You can bring multiple Jackals Alphus’s, but their abilities don’t stack on the same target.

The Locus


This guy is solely a bodyguard to your more-squishy characters. He can heroic intervene 6″ and can take the hits for a character on a 2+ instead of the normal 4+ for the army.


The Locus has a 5++ save which is nice. That means he won’t get completely melted by an angry Smash Captain. But where he really comes in is the Quicksilver Strike rule. He always gets to fight first unless your opponent has a similar ability.

The Clamavus

gsc clamavus

The Clamavus is solely a support character that can fill two roles as you need:

clamavus rule

He can create a 12″ non-deepstriking bubble of 12″ around himself. This is perfect for leaving a couple of these guys spattered in your deployment while everyone else moves up. However, if you want to deepstrike him and a group of Aberrants or Genestealers 9″ away, he lets them add +1 to any advance and Charge rolls as well as boost their leadership. Oh, and he can cause a mortal wound that might be relevant once every five games.

The Sanctus


The Sanctus is a new character that looks to have a few different loadout options…

sanctus sniper

Although he’s modeled with a blade, he can also take a souped-up sniper rifle that picks on Psykers especially. If a Psyker does take a wound from the shot, it also immediately suffers a Perils of the Warp. This guy could pretty consistently one-shot pesky snipers.

cult assassin

gsc a perfect ambush

A perfect Ambush is expensive at 3CP, however, it lets a unit arriving from ambush either move D6 inches or immediately shoot. Note that the unit can still shoot in the shooting phase and even charge.

Thanks to the Cult Assassin special rule, if you use the Perfect Ambush  Strat, the cost goes from 3Cp down to 0. We’re thinking one of these guys is going to be an auto-include in any list because of the immense value.

The Nexos


Moving right along to the Nexos, he is the field commander and orchestrator of everything going on.

A Nexos grants you the ability to redeploy one of your ambush markers to help you throw your opponent off the scent or react even more effectively to their deployment. Their Strategic Coordinator ability also grants you the opportunity to gain Command Points during the game each time either you or your opponent spend them.

Not only does he let you redeploy a unit for free, but he can also net you Cp whenever you or your opponent pop a Stratagem.

Tectonic Frag Drill


underground pass

Your units can use the drill (within 1″ to be exact) to dig a hole underground and pop up 9″ away from the enemy.  They do have to stay in reserves for a turn after they go in, however.

seismic tremors

Because this drill is massive and busy mulching up the landscape, any units that come within 12″ have to subtract 2″ from their charges unless they Fly.

The Seismic Quake rule just gives you a way to do quite a few mortal wounds. You draw a line from one end of the table to the other that passes through this terrain piece. Any unit that the line passes over takes D3 mortal wounds on a 4+ and the movement is halved. (fly is unaffected again here). You’ll want to make sure you pay close attention to where you place your units to prevent any unnecessary mortal wounds hitting your guys.

All in all, the rumors that were previewed combined with these sound very engrossing to say the least. Check them out and take a closer look at the things GW hasn’t talked about in their previews below:

New 40k Stratagems & Rules For Genestealer Cult Spotted!

RUMORS: Full Genestealer Cult Codex Rules Revealed!

What do you think about the new character’s rules? Are you going to be running swarms of Bikes or spamming Clamavuses in your deployment to beef your other units? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.