GW Goes All-In On New Warhammer Roadmaps For Nova Open Previews

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Games Workshop may have pumped the breaks on their Monday previews, but they are going all in on new roadmaps for their major Warhammer games at the Nova Open preview.

GW Confirms NOVA Open Warhammer Preview: Major Reveals, Roadmaps, & New Miniatures Await

New AoS Stormcast Models 11

As the dust settles from Operation Hivestorm, Games Workshop is refusing to give our wallets a breather, and just hit us with more Warhammer goodness at the NOVA Open 2024 with a focus on roadmaps for all the games, so while there might not be the most minis, you will get a look at the future of all these games! Click any of the links below to jump to the info you need the most, or just dig in from the beginning.

So, What’s NOVA Open All About?

This year’s NOVA Open is set to be one of the biggest previews we’ve had in a while. Scheduled for August 28th at 8:00 pm EST, this preview promises to give us the lowdown on what’s next for Warhammer 40K, Age of Sigmar, Kill Team, and more. Unlike the more theatrical reveals of yesteryear, this one’s going to focus on roadmaps – a sneak peek at the upcoming releases, timelines, and possibly some curveballs no one’s expecting.

With the recent triumph of the Hivestorm and Helcrown previews still fresh in everyone’s minds – where new Skaven units skittered out of the darkness and Vespid Stingwings zipped across the skies – it feels like Games Workshop is on a roll. And with the NOVA Open boasting a full house of 400 eager fans and plenty of online buzz, the stage is set for something big.

The Rumors Are Flying

Rumors warhammer 40k imperial guard kill team tempestus wal hor Nova Open PreviewThe Warhammer rumor mill has been working overtime. Whispers suggest that the NOVA Open preview could top Operation Hivestorm. There’s chatter about new miniatures for fan-favorite factions, expanded lore, and perhaps even a few cheeky teasers for the long-term future of the game. From towering behemoths in Age of Sigmar to long-forgotten xenos in the grim darkness of Warhammer 40k, this preview could serve up some serious surprises. Plus, there will be reveals for Warhammer Old World, Horus Heresy, and more!

For those of us who’ve been starved of major reveals over the last few months, the back-to-back events are starting to feel like a feast after a famine. The community’s excitement is palpable, and Games Workshop seems intent on rewarding that patience with an avalanche of content.

Roadmaps: The Path to Future Warfare

10th Edition 40k Codex Roadmap release dates warhammer 40k codex(the 40k Roadmap is currently all revealed)

This NOVA preview isn’t just about shiny new toys – though there’s bound to be plenty of that. The focus is on roadmaps, offering an insider’s look at what’s coming in the months ahead. For long-time fans, this is the kind of information that fuels speculation and theory-crafting for weeks. How will these releases shift the balance of power in your games? Will new models breathe life into struggling factions? Or are we staring down the barrel of a massive expansion for a game we didn’t see coming?

These roadmaps also provide clarity for players looking to plan their next army project. Nothing stings like lovingly painting a massive force, only to find out a month later that a brand-new range is about to make your models look outdated. So having that insight is a gift, even if it also teases us with things we’ll need to wait for.

The Community Buzz

gw hq sigmar statue goldenThe Warhammer community has a knack for building hype, and with the NOVA Open so close, you can practically feel the energy crackling across social media. Memes, speculative Reddit threads, and the occasional “leak” are all in full swing. Fans are treating this preview like it’s Christmas in August, and the buildup has turned the NOVA Open into more than just an event – it’s an online celebration.

This preview represents a turning point. After months of relative quiet, Games Workshop is coming out swinging, and fans are gearing up for a tidal wave of content. It’s almost like they’ve been priming us for this, slowly building the tension until we’re on the edge of our seats. And now, the floodgates are about to open.

With so much on the horizon, it’s hard not to be excited for what’s to come. Be sure to check out all the other new release roadmap previews from Games Workshop below for Age of Sigmar, Horus Heresy, and, of course, Warhammer 40k as well:

What’s Next for Warhammer 40k and the Mortal Realms?

As the dust settles after the Hivestorm preview, all eyes turn toward what NOVA has in store. Will we see a whole new wave of Stormcast (probably considering we saw all the new Skaven)? Will forgotten factions rise to prominence? What fresh chaos might be unleashed upon the galaxy? All will be revealed on August 28th – and the Warhammer community is ready and waiting.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the upcoming Nova Open Warhammer preview from Games Workshop? What are you hoping to be revealed?