Mission Unsolvable: GW’s Rumor Engines Set Us Up to Fail

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Ever wonder what the whole point of these Rumor Engines are when in a lot of cases there was no way we could have solved them!

Every Tuesday, Warhammer Community drops a rumor engine. This is a bit of a model that we can expect to see in the near future during a preview. Are the rumor engines in theory supposed to be solvable and point to solid clues for what’s ahead?  Like are we asking for too much here or should we just sit back and go “ohhhhh shiny”?

Our point is that looking back at some rumor engines in the past, there’s quite a few that there is literally no way we could have figured them out and here’s why:

Some Rumor Engines Are Just Impossible

Rumor Engine Cape Pic

Starting off with a blast from the past, this looks like some kind of fabric…and it is.


This bit went to Trjann’s cape. The only thing that’s missing from the rumor engine is his armor plating peaking through the sides which would’ve given us an incredible hint! Seeing the Imperial Eagle, we could’ve known from the get-go that it was for 40k and more specifically, the Imperium. However, what GW did was crop out all of the extra bits outside of the cape leaving us with a watered-down unsolvable clue.

rumor engine 3-12-19

Now take a look at one of the most recent rumor engines out there. Looking at this, you might think there’s some kind of worm/bug thing similar to the Ambull on the way, right?

rumor engine sylvaneth

The bit actually goes to the new Sylvaneth character out of the Looncurse Box Set, But look at how much GW cropped away! If that was left, we could’ve probably figured out that something was on the way for Sylvaneth but there’s no way we would’ve have said: “oh that’s obviously an Arch Revenant”. 

Where’s the Beef?

rumor engine 4-16-19

Here’s another rumor engine that they left us with recently. In what world could we have the slightest inclination as to what faction this goes to. It looks like a broken bottle opener in all honesty. They haven’t given us any specific design that leads us to a faction or game setting for that matter! (40k/AoS). Plus, who knows if anything was cropped out of it.

dr evil

Basically, the community is left with no real way of deciphering the bits that get previewed as a part of the rumor engine. It’s a game of circles until the bit finally gets put out in a preview and we are left going “wow if they didn’t crop everything we probably would have at least known something new was coming to the faction”.

TLDR; We appreciate the thought GW, but throw is a fricking bone here.

What do you think about some of these rumor engines? Have you figured out any ahead of time before any official previews? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.