Cracked! A New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

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A new rumor engine is here and it’s already cracked! But don’t worry. It’s supposed to come like that. Can you think of what it’s supposed to go to?

Warhammer Community dropped a new rumor engine right on time. But what are we looking at exactly? Whatever it is, it looks worn down.

Cracked!: A New GW Rumor Engine Spotted

rumor engine 4-16-19

There’s a lot to say about this rumor engine but even more that has to be left unanswered. This bit looks like a zoomed-in broken bottle opener at first glance. But we obviously know it’s something far better. So what do you think it could be?

This is a neutral bit that could pop up anywhere in AoS or 40k. Could this be a detailed piece of a character’s base? Maybe it’s the zoomed in bit of anoter faction terrain kit coming. Either way, this one definitely left us scratching our heads.

Games Workshop didn’t give us a whole lot to chew this week so we are going to leave it up to our hobby maniacs on what it could be. We’ve already seen Skaven and Skaven pop up in AoS most recently so we doubt it would be a bit that would go to that army. However, looking to 40k, this could easily be a mystery piece on something like another Primaris Lieutenant.

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What do you think this bit could go to? Is it for 40k or AoS? Have you seen the curved metal-like design somewhere else before? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.