Top Space Marine Chapters You Need to Play in 40K

space marine sergeant with chapter faction art in background hor wal feature

Discover the top Space Marine chapters in Warhammer 40K, their key units, and why they dominate the tabletop battlefield.

Updated December 6th, 2024, by Rob Baer with new information and links to relevant content.
Space Marines: the ultimate badasses of the Imperium. Genetically souped-up superhumans handpicked by the Emperor himself, they’re humanity’s shield against the galaxy’s endless horrors. If you’ve wandered into the grimdark world of Warhammer 40K, you already know these guys are the top dogs, leading the charge into chaos and carnage.

But here’s the kicker: there are loads of different chapters of these legendary warriors, each with its own personality, quirks, and backstory. Whether you’re into lore, tactics, or just picking your favorites for the tabletop, there’s plenty to unpack.

Dominate the Battlefield with Humanities Finest

The Space Marines make up a large portion of Warhammer 40k lore, models, and so much more! With so many chapters, you can click any of the chapters below to jump to them. 

Blood AngelsSpace WolvesUltramarinesBlack TemplarsWhite ScarsImperial Fists
Dark AngelsRaven GuardSalamanders| Flesh TearersHow to Play Space Marines| Where to Buy Space Marines

Space Marines Chapters

Space Marines Chapters 10th Edition 40k RulesSpace Marines. The top-tier warriors of the Imperium, handpicked by the Emperor himself, are genetically upgraded super-soldiers committed to shielding humanity from the countless horrors lurking in the galaxy. If you’ve glanced into the shadowy chaos of Warhammer 40K, you know these folks are the cream of the crop, the ultimate badasses. But here’s a twist—there are tons of chapters of these battle-hardened heroes, each rocking its own vibe and personality. Get ready for a whirlwind journey through the many Space Marine chapters, their backstories, quirks, and tips for leading them to victory on the battlefield.

While there are possibly thousands of chapters floating around after all the founding, here are the original chapters:

Legion Name Primarch
I Dark Angels Lion El’Jonson
II [Information expunged] [Information expunged]
III Emperor’s Children Fulgrim
IV Iron Warriors Perturabo
V White Scars Jaghatai Khan
VI Space Wolves Leman Russ
VII Imperial Fists Rogal Dorn
VIII Night Lords Konrad Curze
IX Blood Angels Sanguinius
X Iron Hands Ferrus Manus
XI [Information expunged] [Information expunged]
XII World Eaters Angron
XIII Ultramarines Roboute Guilliman
XIV Death Guard Mortarion
XV Thousand Sons Magnus the Red
XVI Luna Wolves (later Sons of Horus, then Black Legion) Horus Lupercal
XVII Word Bearers Lorgar
XVIII Salamanders Vulkan
XIX Raven Guard Corvus Corax
XX Alpha Legion Alpharius Omegon

Now, let’s jump into some of the most significant chapters in 40k!

Blood Angels

blood angels hor wal warhammer 40kThe Blood Angels are equal parts noble, tragic, and downright deadly. With a bloodlust rooted in their Primarch, Sanguinius, they dominate in close combat, turning elegance and ferocity into a fine art. Beneath their shining glory, though, lies the shadow of their tragic flaw: the Red Thirst. It’s the bittersweet story of a chapter forged in triumph and melancholy. And their homeworld? Baal—a wasteland of radiation and misery, where they’ve managed to set up a fortress-monastery as majestic as they are.

Lore & The Red Thirst

Born in the First Founding, the Blood Angels were led by their angelic Primarch, Sanguinius. A figure of beauty, wisdom, and unmatched grace, Sanguinius carried the weight of knowing his own doomed fate. In the Horus Heresy, he fought valiantly in Terra’s defense, only to face his tragic end in a final duel with Horus. His death was a gut punch to his sons, but his legacy inspires them to honor his memory in every battle.

Now, let’s talk curses. The Blood Angels have two: the Red Thirst and the Black Rage. The Red Thirst is a vampiric craving for blood that can send them into a frenzy. Then there’s the Black Rage, where they relive Sanguinius’s death and become raging, unstoppable warriors. These aren’t just tragic weaknesses—they’re also a source of raw power that fuels their battlefield heroics.

Key Units & Tactics

blood angels hor wal warhammer 40k 2When it comes to smashing the enemy, the Blood Angels are all about fast, hard-hitting assaults. These units make them shine:

  • Death Company: These are the Black Rage victims, fearless and utterly terrifying. Pain doesn’t bother them—they charge in like berserkers and hit like trucks.
  • Sanguinary Guard: Decked out in golden armor, these elite fighters are living tributes to Sanguinius himself. They’re graceful, lethal, and packed with devastating weaponry.
  • Baal Predator: This tank variant doesn’t mess around, with flamestorm or assault cannons for some fiery, up-close destruction.

Their strategy revolves around rapid deployment and closing the gap fast. With melee-focused bonuses and powerful psychic support from their Librarians, they’ve got plenty of tools to tear through foes up close.

How to Play & What Books You Need For the Blood Angels

blood angels hor wal Warhammer 40k

If you’re rolling with the Blood Angels, plan on aggression with a side of precision. Your goal is to get into combat as quickly as possible without taking too many hits along the way. Use Assault Marines and Sanguinary Guard to punch through enemy lines, with Death Company as your unyielding wrecking crew.

Positioning is everything. Take advantage of terrain and other units to keep your assault squads intact until they can bring the pain. Look for gaps in the enemy’s defenses and exploit them with a vengeance.

To run Blood Angels in the current meta, grab the 10th Edition Space Marines codex and their shiny new supplement. For a broader guide to Blood Angel’s tactics, check out our article on playing them—you won’t regret it.

Space Wolves

space wolves ragnar walImagine Vikings in space, and you’ve got the Space Wolves. Led by their ferocious Primarch, Leman Russ, these warriors are known for their savage tactics and formidable units like Thunderwolf Cavalry and Wulfen.

Lore & History

space wolves 3rd edition cover

The Space Wolves come straight out of the icy wasteland of Fenris, a planet that’s as brutal as the warriors it churns out. Led by their Primarch, Leman Russ—a feral and fiercely loyal legend—they’ve carved out a reputation for wild independence, ignoring the Codex Astartes and marching to their own drum. These guys are all about the untamed spirit of Fenris, where loyalty is king and weakness doesn’t get a seat at the table.

Leman Russ wasn’t just a leader; he was a whirlwind of loyalty to the Emperor, with no time for anything soft. During the Horus Heresy, the Space Wolves weren’t just in the thick of it—they burned Prospero to the ground, taking on the Thousand Sons for their dabbling in sorcery. That little drama? Yeah, it kicked off a rivalry that still fuels some serious grudge matches.

The Space Wolves don’t just have wolf vibes—they’ve got actual wolves. Fenrisian wolves are more than pets; they’re battle buddies, sometimes even mounts. Their approach to war is all about speed, savagery, and teamwork, echoing the pack mentality that defines their homeworld.

Key Units & Tactics

Space Wolves units are all about channeling that primal fury:

  • Thunderwolf Cavalry: Space Marines riding giant wolves. Yes, you read that right. Fast, ferocious, and terrifying up close, these cavalry units bring Fenris’s wild spirit straight into the fight.
  • Wulfen: Space Wolves who’ve gone full beast mode thanks to the Canis Helix mutation. They’re unpredictable, sure, but they hit like a freight train.
  • Long Fangs: The grizzled vets who handle the heavy weapons. While the rest of the pack is charging in, these guys rain fire from the back, setting up devastating openings.

Tactically, Space Wolves thrive on in-your-face combat. They’re masters of flanking and overwhelming the enemy with sheer aggression. Their speed lets them hit where it hurts most, and their leaders—like Logan Grimnar and Ragnar Blackmane—bring the kind of abilities that make even their enemies want to cheer.

How to Play & What Books You Need For the Space Wolves

bjorn fell handed space wolves

If you’re running Space Wolves, think fast and furious. Your goal is to charge into melee before your opponent knows what hit them. Units like Thunderwolf Cavalry and Wulfen are tailor-made for smashing through enemy lines, while Long Fangs provide cover fire to soften up targets before the real chaos begins.

Momentum is everything—keep moving, keep hitting, and don’t let up. You’ll need to balance your brutal frontline with smart positioning, so your ranged units can cover the advance and mop up anything that tries to escape.

For now, the 10th Edition Space Marines codex has everything you need to play, but odds are a Space Wolves supplement is in the works. When it drops, you’ll need both the codex and the new book to keep howling through your battles. Read our article on how to play Space Marines here!


ultramarines legionThe poster boys of the Space Marines, Ultramarines, are the epitome of discipline and strategy. Their Primarch, Roboute Guilliman, is a tactical genius. Key units include the ever-reliable Tactical Squads and the elite Victrix Guard.

Lore & History

ultramarines art

The Ultramarines, hailing from the polished and orderly world of Macragge, are the poster boys of the Imperium. Nestled in the realm of Ultramar, they’ve turned their corner of the galaxy into a shining example of order and civilization. Their boss, Roboute Guilliman, is a master strategist and a stickler for structure—he’s the guy who wrote the Codex Astartes, the ultimate handbook on how Space Marines should fight and organize.

During the Horus Heresy, Guilliman and his Ultramarines were the glue holding the Imperium together, and after all that chaos, he made sure no one army could throw a wrench into humanity’s future again by splitting the Space Marines into chapters.

The Ultramarines are the gold standard: honorable, disciplined, and efficient. They stick to the rules of the Codex Astartes like glue, making them one of the most well-oiled war machines in the galaxy.

Key Units & Tactics

ultramarinesUltramarines are all about balance, excelling at doing a bit of everything. Their standout units include:

  • Tactical Squads: These versatile squads are your all-purpose toolkit. Need to hold an objective? Clear out enemy troops? They’ve got it covered.
  • Victrix Guard: Guilliman’s personal bodyguards. These elite warriors are decked out in top-tier armor and weapons, perfect for crushing foes or protecting key assets.
  • Primaris Units: The Ultramarines are big fans of the new-and-improved Primaris Marines, using their advanced tech and enhanced skills to outmatch their enemies.

In battle, Ultramarines are like Swiss Army knives. They can switch from defense to offense without breaking a sweat. Their chapter tactics let them fall back from combat and still shoot or charge, keeping them flexible and always a step ahead of the enemy.

How to Play & What Books You Need For Ultramarines

WoT Blitz Tank Ultramarines Wal Hor

Running Ultramarines is all about staying cool, calm, and collected. Use your Tactical Squads to lock down objectives, while Primaris units like Intercessors and Hellblasters handle the heavy lifting against tougher foes.

Their ability to fall back and still keep the heat on is their trump card. It gives you the freedom to reposition, regroup, and maintain constant pressure on your opponent without losing your momentum.

To get started, all you need is the 10th Edition Space Marines codex. No extra supplements, no extra fuss—just you, your army, and the Codex Astartes in spirit (and practice). Read our article on how to play Space Marines here!

Black Templars

black templars hor wal 1200Zealous and relentless, the Black Templars are always on a crusade. They disdain psykers and prefer to close with the enemy. Crusader Squads and Emperor’s Champion are staples in their army.

Lore & History

black templars wal hor logo

The Black Templars are the fiery zealots of the Imperium, forged from the Imperial Fists during the Second Founding. Tasked with continuing the Great Crusade after the Horus Heresy, these guys have one job: hunt down and obliterate the Imperium’s enemies. Their first High Marshal, Sigismund, laid the foundation with his unmatched faith and sheer battle-hardened skill.

Unlike other chapters, the Black Templars don’t hang out on a single homeworld or have a cozy fortress-monastery. Instead, they’re always on the move, living that nomadic crusader life. They crisscross the galaxy in fleets, driven by their unrelenting devotion to the Emperor and a righteous thirst for battle.

And psykers? Not a fan. The Black Templars stick to the Emperor’s no-sorcery rule, relying on raw martial power and unshakable faith instead.

Key Units & Tactics

black templars

If you’re rolling with the Black Templars, it’s all about getting stuck into combat with righteous fury. Core units to know:

  • Crusader Squads: These are your bread and butter—big, flexible squads mixing Primaris and Firstborn Marines. They’re tough, durable, and perfect for locking enemies in combat.
  • Sword Brethren: Elite warriors who pack a punch in melee and look ridiculously cool while doing it. Use them to hit hard where it counts.
  • Emperor’s Champion: The ultimate duelist. This guy is all about taking out enemy leaders with unmatched precision and sheer determination.

Black Templars thrive in close combat, and their ability to re-roll charge rolls ensures they’re always in the thick of it. Their faith-driven invulnerable saves can make them surprisingly resilient, so don’t be afraid to throw them into the heart of the action. Use their aggressive nature to control the flow of the game and keep your opponent scrambling to respond.

How to Play & What Books You Need For the Black Templars

Black Templars Emperors Champion

Playing Black Templars means pushing forward with relentless aggression. Your Crusader Squads should spearhead the assault, tying up enemy units while Sword Brethren and the Emperor’s Champion take care of priority targets.

Keep the pressure on—use your charge re-rolls to ensure your units close the gap, and don’t hesitate to lean on their faith-driven resilience to soak up damage. Black Templars are all about dictating the pace of battle, so keep your foot on the gas and force your opponent to deal with your advancing wall of zeal.

Right now, all you need is the 10th Edition Space Marines codex to bring the Black Templars to the tabletop. But keep an eye out—they’re likely to get their own supplement soon, and when it lands, you’ll want both books to keep crusading in style. Read our article on how to play Space Marines here!

White Scars

White Scars rules featureSpeed is the name of the game for the White Scars. These fast and furious warriors, led by Jaghatai Khan, utilize bikes and speeders to outmaneuver their foes. Key units include Bike Squads and the Outriders.

Lore & History

white scars chaplainThe White Scars hail from the windswept plains of Chogoris, where their Primarch, Jaghatai Khan, built a legacy of speed and precision. Rooted in a nomadic warrior culture, these Marines are all about lightning-fast raids and hit-and-run tactics, making them the kings of battlefield mobility.

Jaghatai Khan wasn’t just a general—he was a whirlwind on the battlefield. His mastery of swift strikes and relentless motion shaped his legion into the mobile powerhouse it remains today. During the Horus Heresy, the White Scars were a thorn in the traitors’ side, using their speed to outflank and harass enemy forces. Even after the Heresy, they stuck to their roots, becoming one of the most unique Space Marine chapters out there.

Their Mongolian-inspired culture emphasizes honor, loyalty, and the thrill of the hunt. If there’s one thing they hate, it’s sitting still. Static warfare? Not their style. These guys keep their enemies spinning with unpredictable, high-speed attacks.

Key Units & Tactics

white scars

For the White Scars, it’s all about speed, mobility, and hitting hard before anyone sees it coming. Here are their MVPs:

  • Bike Squads: The heart of their fast attack strategy. These guys zip around the battlefield, getting in and out of combat before the enemy knows what hit them.
  • Outriders: Think Bike Squads on steroids. They bring more firepower and durability to the table, perfect for taking down tougher targets.
  • Stormtalon Gunships: Aerial cavalry that swoops in to rain destruction on ground targets. Fast, flexible, and utterly devastating.

Tactically, White Scars dominate with mobility. Their chapter tactics boost advance and charge rolls, letting them hit the fight faster and harder. They’re masters of outmaneuvering their opponents, striking where it hurts most, and vanishing before the counterattack.

How to Play & What Books You Need For the White Scars

White Scars

If you’re leading the White Scars, think speed above all else. Bike Squads and Outriders should lead the charge, harassing enemy units and keeping them off balance. Avoid getting bogged down in prolonged fights—hit hard, hit fast, and reposition before your opponent catches their breath.

Support your fast movers with Stormtalon Gunships or other ranged units to handle targets your bikers can’t reach. The secret sauce to winning with White Scars is simple: stay mobile, control the flow of battle, and never fight on your opponent’s terms.

To get started, all you need is the 10th Edition Space Marines codex. While the White Scars don’t have their own supplement yet, you can bet it’s on the horizon, so keep an eye out for that to keep the momentum rolling. Read our article on how to play Space Marines here!

Imperial Fists

Imperial Fists FeatureMasters of siege warfare, the Imperial Fists excel in defensive tactics. Their Primarch, Rogal Dorn, emphasizes fortification and heavy firepower. Devastator Squads and Centurion Devastators are essential units.

Lore & History

imperial fists wal hor title space marines

The Imperial Fists are the rock-solid defenders of the Imperium, built on stoicism, discipline, and an unmatched talent for siege warfare. Their Primarch, Rogal Dorn, was the definition of loyalty and grit, standing tall against the chaos of the Horus Heresy and making sure the Emperor’s palace didn’t turn into a smoking crater.

Rogal Dorn’s legacy is one of unshakable resilience. After the Heresy, he tightened up the chapter’s operations to keep them sharp and ready. Known for their brutal training and love of a good fortification, the Imperial Fists are masters of digging in and daring the enemy to try their luck.

Their icy homeworld, Inwit, churns out warriors as tough as the frozen tundra they hail from. And their fortress-monastery? The Phalanx—a giant space station that doubles as both a home and a big, floating middle finger to anyone who thinks they can take on the Imperial Fists.

Key Units & Tactics

Imperial Fists

The Imperial Fists pack serious firepower, with units that laugh in the face of enemy fortifications:

  • Devastator Squads: These heavy weapon experts are the backbone of any siege, perfect for shredding enemy armor and turning fortifications into rubble.
  • Centurion Devastators: Slow, steady, and ridiculously destructive. These walking tanks are great for holding ground or blasting it apart.
  • Storm Shields: A favorite bit of kit for their elite units, these shields keep your heavy hitters standing tall when the bullets start flying.

When it comes to tactics, the Imperial Fists excel at holding ground and raining hell on anything that tries to move closer. Their chapter abilities give bolter weapons extra bite, making them perfect for drawn-out firefights and holding the line against waves of enemies.

How to Play & What Books You Need For the Imperial Fists

imperial fists

If you’re running Imperial Fists, patience and firepower are your best friends. Set up your Devastator Squads and Centurion Devastators in strong positions and let them do the heavy lifting. Use Tactical Squads to hold objectives and keep your defenses tight.

The key to victory? Let the enemy make the first move. Imperial Fists thrive on punishing overzealous assaults. Use your superior firepower to chip away at their forces before they even think about getting close.

For now, all you need is the 10th Edition Space Marines codex to command the Imperial Fists. But don’t get too comfortable—rumor has it a dedicated supplement is on the way, and when it lands, you’ll want both books to keep the yellow-armored juggernauts rolling strong. Read our article on how to play Space Marines here!

Dark Angels

dark angels new release earlyShrouded in mystery, the Dark Angels have a dark secret they guard fiercely. Known for their stoicism and inner circle, they field units like the Deathwing Terminators and Ravenwing Bikers.

Lore & History

dark angels hor walThe Dark Angels, the First Legion, are the OGs of the Space Marines—oldest, most mysterious, and carrying more secrets than a librarian in a spy thriller. Their Primarch, Lion El’Jonson, was a stoic tactician who knew how to get the job done, even if he didn’t share the full playbook. Their history? A mix of triumph, tragedy, and a betrayal that’s still haunting their every move.

During the Horus Heresy, things went sideways on their homeworld, Caliban. A chunk of their own turned traitor in what’s now called the Fallen saga. Led by the Lion, the loyalists won the day, but the betrayal left scars that never quite healed. These days, the Dark Angels are on a never-ending, super-secret hunt to track down the Fallen and make things right—by any means necessary.

The chapter is split into three specialized groups: the Deathwing, the Ravenwing, and the Greenwing. Each brings its own flavor of badassery, making the Dark Angels a force to reckon with on any battlefield.

Key Units and Tactics

Belial Dark Angels Lore

The Dark Angels have some standout units that showcase their unique structure:

  • Deathwing Terminators: Walking tanks in Terminator armor, these guys take on the toughest jobs and come out on top. Unstoppable in close combat and hard to kill.
  • Ravenwing Bikers: Fast, furious, and essential for recon and hit-and-run strikes. They’re the chapter’s eyes, ears, and occasionally, fists.
  • Interrogator-Chaplains: Only the Dark Angels have these ominous figures, whose job is to dig out the truth and deal with the Fallen. Oh, and they’re no slouches in a fight either.

The Dark Angels thrive on adaptability. They’re equally comfortable holding the line with heavy units, zipping across the field with bikers, or taking objectives with their infantry. Their chapter abilities boost overwatch and leadership, keeping their units tough and sharp under pressure.

How to Play & What Books You Need For the Dark Angels

Asmodai Dark Angels

Running the Dark Angels is about working smarter, not harder. Use your Deathwing Terminators to lock down key positions and go toe-to-toe with enemy elites. Your Ravenwing Bikers should be buzzing around, hitting weak spots and grabbing objectives. The Greenwing (your bread-and-butter Tactical Squads) is there to secure points and keep the fight balanced.

Victory comes from combining the strengths of each wing. Play your Deathwing’s brute strength, Ravenwing’s speed, and Greenwing’s reliability like a symphony of destruction. Interrogator-Chaplains keep morale high while making your force even deadlier in combat.

To field the Dark Angels, you’ll need the 10th Edition Space Marines Codex and their dedicated supplement. Once you’ve got both, you’re ready to unleash the most secretive, relentless hunters in the galaxy. Learn how to play the Dark Angels in our guide here!

Raven Guard

raven guard wal hor titleStealth and surprise are the hallmarks of the Raven Guard. These shadowy warriors, led by Corvus Corax, specialize in guerilla tactics. Vanguard Veterans and Infiltrators are key to their strategy.

Lore & History

raven guard intercessorThe Raven Guard, straight out of the shadowy world of Deliverance, are the masters of sneaky, ruthless warfare. Their Primarch, Corvus Corax, was the galaxy’s ultimate stealth operator, and he made sure his legion could hit hard, vanish, and leave their enemies wondering what just happened.

Corax turned his legion into a force of guerilla fighters, perfecting hit-and-run tactics. They suffered heavy losses during the Dropsite Massacre at Isstvan V in the Horus Heresy, but instead of folding, they adapted, sharpening their already deadly shadowy skills.

Their culture reflects Corax’s belief in justice and freedom—but on the battlefield, it’s all about precision strikes and avoiding unnecessary risk. Open battles? Not their thing. They prefer to appear out of nowhere, land a few devastating blows, and disappear before anyone can hit back.

Key Units & Tactics

The Raven Guard’s roster is packed with units that play to their stealthy strengths:

  • Vanguard Veterans: These jump-pack-equipped elites hit like a ton of bricks, dropping in fast and getting out before the dust settles.
  • Infiltrators: Masters of sabotage and sneaky business, they’re all about disrupting plans and attacking where it hurts most.
  • Phobos Armored Units: These Primaris warriors bring stealth tech and mobility to the fight, making them perfect for flanking and sneaky strikes.

On the battlefield, Raven Guard thrive on guerilla warfare. They infiltrate enemy lines, strike key targets, and leave chaos in their wake. Their chapter tactics boost cover saves and nerf enemy overwatch, so they can slip through the cracks and make their enemies pay for any mistakes.

How to Play & What Books You Need For the Raven Guard


Commanding Raven Guard means thinking a step ahead. Use Infiltrators to scout and throw a wrench in the enemy’s plans, while Vanguard Veterans and Phobos units hit critical targets. Back them up with units like Eliminators and Suppressors to provide sniper fire and keep the pressure on from a distance.

The trick? Stay unpredictable. Keep your opponent guessing where the next attack is coming from, and use your stealth and mobility to control the tempo of the battle. Hit hard where they’re weak, then vanish before they can retaliate.

For now, all you need is the 10th Edition Space Marines codex to run Raven Guard. But if they get their own supplement later, you’ll need to grab that too. Until then, keep it shadowy, sneaky, and devastating. Read our article on how to play Space Marines here!


Salamanders FeatureWith a penchant for heavy flamers and meltaguns, Salamanders bring the heat. Their Primarch, Vulkan, imbued them with a sense of duty to protect humanity. Flamestorm Aggressors and Eradicators are units to watch.

Lore & History


The Salamanders, forged in the fires of Nocturne, bring the heat—literally. Their volcanic homeworld isn’t just scenery; it’s shaped their entire vibe. Led by their Primarch, Vulkan, a master craftsman with a big heart, these guys are all about protecting humanity while rocking the finest gear in the galaxy.

Vulkan taught his legion the value of duty and compassion, insisting they prioritize the lives of the innocent alongside their war efforts. Even though they took a serious hit during the Horus Heresy, their grit and determination kept them in the fight.

Their culture mirrors their world: tough, unyielding, and all about fire. Known for their top-tier craftsmanship, Salamanders personally forge their own weapons and armor, ensuring their gear is as reliable as their resolve.

Key Units & Tactics

The Salamanders lean into their love of fire and durability with these standout units:

  • Flamestorm Aggressors: Packing heavy flamers, these guys make quick work of enemy infantry. If it moves, it’s getting torched.
  • Eradicators: Specialists with meltaguns, these Primaris Marines turn enemy tanks into molten slag.
  • Pyroclasts: Elite warriors with souped-up flamers and melta weapons, embodying the Salamanders’ fiery philosophy.

On the battlefield, Salamanders thrive in close-range firefights. Their chapter tactics give their flame and melta weapons extra punch, making them brutal in clearing out fortified positions or breaking through enemy lines.

How to Play & What Books You Need For the Salamanders

Playing Salamanders is all about controlled firepower and staying power. Use Flamestorm Aggressors and Eradicators to get up close and ruin your enemy’s day with devastating firepower. Meanwhile, bring in some Devastators or Centurions for backup, ensuring your lines hold while you burn through theirs.

To win with Salamanders, focus on positioning and timing. Let your durability soak up the heat while your flamers and meltaguns deal it right back. Control objectives, punish enemies that get too close, and leave a trail of scorched earth in your wake.

Currently, all you need to play Salamanders is the 10th Edition Space Marines codex. But don’t be surprised if they get their own supplement later this edition—when it drops, you’ll want both to keep your fire roaring. Read our article on how to play Space Marines here!

Flesh Tearers

Armies-on-Parade-Lore-40k-flesh-tearers-titleAn offshoot of the Blood Angels, the Flesh Tearers are even more ferocious and bloodthirsty. They are known for their brutal tactics and units like the Flesh Tearers Assault Squad.

Lore & History

Flesh Tearers Shoulder Pad

The Flesh Tearers, heirs to the Blood Angels, are the galaxy’s wildest brawlers. They’re infamous for their savage ferocity and bloodlust, a legacy that stems from their tragic Primarch, Sanguinius. While their parent chapter strives for nobility, the Flesh Tearers lean all the way into their darker instincts. Leading the charge is Gabriel Seth, a no-nonsense powerhouse who’s all about brutal efficiency.

Unfortunately, they didn’t just inherit Sanguinius’s strength—they also got his genetic flaws cranked up to eleven. The Red Thirst and Black Rage hit the Flesh Tearers harder than most, giving them a reputation for crossing lines even other Space Marines hesitate to approach.

Their homeworld, Cretacia, is a nightmare jungle, perfectly matching the chapter’s untamed nature. For the Flesh Tearers, constant battle isn’t just strategy—it’s therapy. Every fight is a way to keep their bloodlust in check and cling to some shred of sanity.

Key Units & Tactics

death's shepherd flesh tearersThe Flesh Tearers’ toolkit screams “get in close and break something”:

  • Flesh Tearers Assault Squads: Fast, furious, and packing jump packs to get right into the thick of it. Perfect for spreading chaos up close.
  • Death Company: These warriors, consumed by the Black Rage, are fearless and unstoppable. They embody the Flesh Tearers’ raw, unrelenting fury.
  • Sanguinary Priests: These medics keep things running (and bleeding), offering healing and managing the chapter’s many, many issues.

On the battlefield, Flesh Tearers thrive on aggressive, in-your-face combat. Their tactics are all about speed and brutality—hit fast, hit hard, and leave the enemy too stunned to counterattack. Their chapter rules boost charges and melee damage, turning every engagement into a one-sided brawl.

How to Play Flesh Tearers

Commanding Flesh Tearers is all about relentless offense. Use Assault Squads and Death Company to crash into enemy lines, keeping their troops tied up and their plans in ruins. Back them up with heavier firepower—think Devastators or Baal Predators—to clear out any resistance and support your advance.

Momentum is your best weapon. Keep pushing forward, don’t let up, and overwhelm your opponent with wave after wave of close-combat mayhem. The Flesh Tearers shine brightest when they’re dictating the fight, forcing the enemy to react to their unrelenting assault.

For now, all you need is the 10th Edition Space Marines codex to bring the Flesh Tearers to the table. And let’s be real—they probably aren’t getting their own supplement this time around, so this is the toolkit you’ve got. Good thing it’s all about getting bloody in style. Read our article on how to play Space Marines here!

Who are the Space Marines?

Space Marines Chapters 10th Edition 40k Rules 2Space Marines aren’t just soldiers—they’re walking tanks with attitudes to match. Standing eight feet tall, wrapped in power armor, and toting weapons that scream destruction, they’re the Emperor of Mankind’s personal answer to everything bad in the galaxy. Each chapter has its own quirks, traditions, and flair, making them as diverse as they are deadly.

These warriors are the backbone of the Imperium in Warhammer 40K. Genetically enhanced to be stronger, faster, and tougher than mere mortals, Space Marines are created through a grueling process of training and gene-seed implantation. These gene-seeds? They’re derived from the Primarchs, the Emperor’s godlike sons, so every Marine carries a bit of their Primarch’s swagger and skills.

Their job? Keeping humanity alive in a galaxy that wants it dead. Heretics, alien invaders, and literal demons are just another Tuesday for Space Marines. Each chapter operates as its own badass military unit, able to handle campaigns on their own and defend entire star systems. They’re the Imperium’s ultimate problem solvers—always first in, and usually last standing.

Life as a Space Marine means eternal war. From a young age, they’re trained to fight, pray to the Emperor, and honor their chapter’s traditions. Clad in power armor that boosts their strength and keeps them alive in hellish conditions, these warriors are armed with high-tech weapons and vehicles that make them unstoppable on the battlefield.

What makes Space Marines even cooler is their chapter system. Each chapter is led by a Chapter Master and split into ten companies. The First Company is packed with veterans who often sport Terminator armor, while the Tenth Company is where the rookies, or Scouts, learn the ropes before earning their full Marine status.

Many chapters follow the Codex Astartes, a playbook for tactics and organization written by the Primarch Roboute Guilliman. But not everyone sticks to the script—chapters like the Space Wolves and Black Templars have their own way of doing things, and they make it work just fine.

In a nutshell, Space Marines are the Imperium’s ultimate warriors, a mix of genetic engineering, intense training, and unshakable loyalty to humanity. Each chapter brings its own twist to the battlefield, making the 40K universe full of unique stories and larger-than-life characters.

How to Play Space Marines

Space Marines are a blast to play—versatile, tough, and packed with awesome units. Whether you’re into long-range firepower or up-close brawls, there’s a chapter that fits your style. Building a Space Marine army is all about finding the right balance between units and using their special abilities to crush your enemies. Ready to make some noise on the tabletop? Let’s go!

If you want to see how to play Space Marines, you can check out our full guide here!

The Lore & History of Space Marine Chapters

Space Marines Lieutenant 3The story of the Space Marines kicks off with the Great Crusade, the Emperor’s galaxy-wide “let’s-get-the-band-back-together” campaign. The plan? Reunite humanity under the Imperium’s banner. Sounds great, right? Well, it was—until the Horus Heresy showed up to ruin everything. This brutal civil war tore the Imperium apart, leaving behind the chapters we know today, each one descended from the original legions.

The Great Crusade

God Emperor with Adeptus Custodes and Slient SistersThe Great Crusade was the Emperor’s ambitious plan to bring scattered human colonies back into the fold. To make it happen, he created 20 Primarchs, each designed to lead a legion of Space Marines, aka the Legiones Astartes. These genetically enhanced warriors weren’t just soldiers—they were conquerors, each legion tailored for a specific brand of warfare.

Under their Primarchs, the Space Marines scored win after win, expanding the Imperium’s reach. The legions reflected their leaders, from the sneaky and surgical Raven Guard to the “all rage, all the time” World Eaters. They were unstoppable—until they weren’t.

The Horus Heresy

emperor vs horus clipartThings went sideways when Horus, the Emperor’s favorite Primarch, decided betrayal sounded like a good idea. Corrupted by the powers of Chaos, Horus turned nine legions against the Imperium in a bloody bid for power.

The Heresy was a nightmare—brothers fighting brothers, planets reduced to ash, and iconic battles like the Dropsite Massacre at Isstvan V. It all came to a head during the Siege of Terra, where Horus and his traitors stormed the Imperial Palace. The Emperor and Horus faced off in a final, heart-wrenching duel aboard Horus’s flagship. The Emperor won, but at a terrible cost—he was mortally wounded and confined to the Golden Throne, keeping him alive but in constant agony.

The Founding of Chapters

desktop 10th warhammer 40k space marines terminators clipartWith the Heresy over, the Imperium was in shambles. Roboute Guilliman, ever the planner, came up with the Second Founding to make sure nothing like this could happen again. The legions were broken into smaller, self-sufficient chapters, each with its own traditions and gene-seed from their parent legion.

This move wasn’t just damage control—it set the stage for the modern Space Marine structure. Over time, additional foundings created new chapters, each with unique quirks and specialties. From the stoic Imperial Fists to the wolf-loving Space Wolves, these chapters gave the Imperium the flexibility to face threats from every corner of the galaxy.

Legacy & Influence

Emperor_golden_throneThe Space Marines are more than warriors—they’re legends. Their history is packed with tales of heroism, betrayal, and sacrifice. Each chapter carries the weight of its past while striving to live up to the ideals of the Imperium.

On the battlefield, they’re unstoppable juggernauts. Off it, they’re symbols of hope for humanity and pure terror for its enemies. When a Space Marine squad touches down, you know things are about to get intense—whether it’s uplifting the downtrodden or crushing rebellion under an iron boot.

In the end, the Space Marines are the Imperium’s greatest defenders, forged in the fires of the Great Crusade and tempered by the Horus Heresy. Their story is one of glory and heartbreak, filled with larger-than-life heroes, bitter rivalries, and battles that shape the galaxy. They’re not just warriors—they’re the Imperium’s last, best hope.

Where to Buy Space Marines

Snag your new Space Marines from our handpicked list of models, and give us a high-five in support! Every qualifying purchase helps Spikey Bits keep the lights on and the fun going.

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store

Codex-Book-space-marinesReady to start your Space Marine collection? You’ve got several options. Official Games Workshop stores and their website are the go-to places for the latest models and codexes. Online retailers like Amazon and eBay also offer a plethora of options, often at discounted prices. For those on a budget, second-hand markets can be a goldmine of deals.


Space Marines are the backbone of the Imperium’s defense, and with so many chapters to choose from, there’s a flavor for every type of player. Whether you’re drawn to the noble sacrifice of the Blood Angels, the savage fury of the Space Wolves, or the disciplined tactics of the Ultramarines, the galaxy of Warhammer 40K has a place for you.

Frequently Asked Questions About Space Marines

space marines previews clip art

Which Space Marine Chapter is the Best For Beginners?

Ultramarines are often recommended for beginners due to their balanced tactics and straightforward gameplay.

Can I Mix Units From Different Chapters?

Mixing Chapters can add a lot of flavor to your army. However, with the new way the rules are set up in 10th Edition, you have to pick a certain detachment, which comes with rules for your entire army. But… that means you can now paint your army pretty much however you want and pick your color scheme.

Where Can I Find the Latest Rules & Updates For Space Marines?

The Games Workshop website and Warhammer Community site are excellent resources for the latest updates and FAQs.

You can also see the latest rule changes, model releases, and more right here!

There you have it, a deep dive into the myriad Space Marine chapters of Warhammer 40K. Now, pick your chapter, muster your forces, and let the Emperor’s will be done!

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

What do you think about the Warhammer 40k Space Marines? What is your favorite chapter?