More Infamous 40k Servants of Nurgle: LORE

By Juan Lopez | December 31st, 2017 | Categories: Nurgle, Warhammer 40k Lore, Warhammer 40k News

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Nurgle’s servants are countless as are his Champions and Daemons. Here is a selection of some of Nurgle’s finest and their deeds.

Via our friends at Lexicanum

Champion of Nurgle are disease and death are the most potent forces in the galaxy and the Champions of Nurgle embody all of these. They are swollen and bloated, often little more than moving pus sacks and disease transmitters. Their bodies have been dulled to pain and as such can endure much damage before they die. Greater Daemons are the most powerful of the Chaos Gods’ servants. They act as wardens of their patron’s realm and have authority over the lesser Daemons of their respective God. It is often they who lead Daemonic Incursions. Such is their might that they cannot simply be summoned like Lesser Daemons. A greater Daemon needs to possess a living body in order to manifest itself. The followers of Chaos try to gain the attention of their gods in order to gain terrible power and great rewards. Those striving in the way of their god are known as Chaos Champions, whose ultimate, driving goal is to transcend mortality by becoming a Daemon Prince. Those who become Daemon Princes are counted among the most powerful creatures of Chaos, second only to the Chaos Gods themselves. However this path can as easily lead to another extreme. Throughout the path to power the Champion undergoes constant change, until either the god judges him worthy of Daemonic ascension or his form finally is overcome by the accumulated mutations and he descends into a mindless Chaos Spawn.

Ignatius Grulgor

Ignatius Grulgor

Ignatius Grulgor, known as the Eater of Lives was Captain of the Second Company of the Death Guard legion during the Horus Heresy. He has since been elevated into a Daemon Prince. Grulgor was born on Barbarus and like many of his legion from that planet, despised some of the old traditions that his brothers from Terra practised. He was very headstrong, and always looked for a chance to impress his Primarch Mortarion. Shortly before the Battle of Isstvan III, Grulgor and his men were stationed by First Captain Typhon on the frigate Eisenstein with Captain Nathaniel Garro and his loyal Marines, whom he was supposed to eliminate. He failed, and was killed by a virus bomb that was damaged in his fight with Garro’s men. However while the Eisenstein was in transit through the warp, attempting to reach Terra after fleeing the Isstvan system, the ship’s Gellar Field began to fail, and Grulgor and his fellow traitors were gifted by Nurgle with new life. They proceeded to attack the loyalist Death Guards once again. Grulgor managed to infect one of Garro’s men, Solun Decius, with Nurgle’s Rot,

During The Fall of Medusa V campaign, Ignatius Grulgor reappeared in the form of a Daemon Prince to lead an attack of Chaos Space Marines against the planet Medusa IV. The siege of the monastery should have lasted weeks, if not months. But Grulgor and his Plague Marines made easy work of the garrisoned Imperial Guard, including three Leman Russ Battle Tanks from the Mordian Ironskins which guarded the gates. Gulgor and his forces quickly withdrew from the monastery and despite being chased through the surrounding valleys and mountain paths by Canoness Magda Comptress, they mysteriously vanished off the planet, a suppurating crevasse as the only sign of their passing.

Ku’Gath the Plaguefather


Ku’Gath the Plaguefather is a Great Unclean One of Nurgle. Ku’Gath was once a Nurgling sitting upon the shoulder of Nurgle. Whilst Nurgle was mixing his most virulent toxin ever, Ku’Gath tumbled from his nesting place into the cauldron, where he took a great draught of the filthy contents and swelled with its power. Invigorated, Ku’Gath drank and drank until the cauldron was nearly empty and he had grown into a Great Unclean One. Nurgle laughed at the antics of his Nurgling, who had become the embodiment of the perfect disease that had been bubbling within the cauldron. Ku’Gath, however, realised that he had robbed his father of the greatest disease ever concocted; and has since been wandering the universe, searching for the perfect ingredients to recreate the toxin for Nurgle. He also captures those whom his diseases corrupt and take them back to his lair, where he can observe their degeneration more closely.

During the Gheistos Cataclysm in M41, Ku’Gath is known to have led the Daemonic forces who besieged the Planetary Governor‘s Fortress. In 927.M41, Ku’Gath was summoned on the Agri-World of Curwen at the head of the Daemonic Legion. A Grey Knights strike force arrived, and Justicar Anval Thawn led a force into the very heart of the Daemonic horde to avoid encirclement. Ku’Gath swallowed the Purifier whole, but Thawn detonated his weapon inside the Daemon’s throat and burst from its body. Ku’Gath was slain and banished back to the WarpKu’Gath appears again in 998.M41, when intervention of Justicar Styer and his Grey Knightsin attempts of Inquisitor Malia Orbiana to find on the planet Squire’s Rest of Sanctus Reach biological weapons against Orks, led to the manifestation in reality the Bonewrack disease – once lost Ku’Gath’s infection. Later the Grey Knight managed to defeat Ku’Gath and his horde of Plaguebearers and expel daemons to the warp. Ku’Gath himself was defeated by the blow of Librarian Gared when his Nemesis Greatsword bisected Ku’Gath’s head. In 111.M42 during the Plague Wars, he appeared on Iax leading seven hosts of daemons, trying to destroy it because of its conversion to a hospital-planet, something that caused death to Nurgle’s gifts.



Corpulax is a Plague Marine and Chaos Warlord. He was originally a member of the Consecrators Chapter, but was infected with the Zombie Plague when battling against the forces of Typhus. Left for dead on a devastated planet, Corpulax awoke as a reanimated corpse. However, unlike so many of the plague’s victims, Corpulax retained his intelligence and cognitive powers. Over the last three hundred years, he has orchestrated an inexorable rise to power, finally becoming one of Abaddon’s most trusted warlords. He has fought in dozens of battles, either at Abaddon’s side or carrying out his bidding. Wherever he appears, he spreads the terrible plague with which he is afflicted, and is single-handedly responsible for disseminating the disease that wiped out every inhabitant of the city of Atika during the Pandorax Campaign.

Nurgle Demon mini

Read More About Nurgle’s Champions and Demons