Marvel Drops New Venom Trailer w/ Symbiote

By Chris Lien | April 24th, 2018 | Categories: Marvel, Movie Trailers


venom symbiote

Sony pictures have come along with yet another trailer for the highly-anticipated Venom film, this time with plenty to show including the symbiote we may have always wanted to see.

With their last trailer more acting akin to a cryptic teaser, it’s hard to deny there are high hopes backing the newer trailer to show more of the titular gooey alien more than.. well frankly, nothing at all like the last trailer. This one certainly doesn’t disappoint, however, with tons of footage of the anti-hero symbiote being shown throughout.

With Tom Hardy taking the role of Eddie Brock, seeing him act out the neurotic, and somewhat erratic behavior is all the more exciting for what’s to come in the action sci-fi film. Elements of horror are also present, one would expect from something following Venom’s storyline.

The dark tones from his comics is present as well; violence, human experimentation, shady inhumane corporations.. it all adds up to a wonderful recipe that could potentially be one of Marvel’s most exciting, and brutal superhero films.

venom movie poster

Even in just the trailer’s short amount of footage, watching the shapeshifting symbiote work in tandem with Eddie to attack and defend himself is enough to get excited about, not to mention the oh-so-accurate representation of Venom we’ve all been waiting for.

The anti-hero film is set for release in October. Are you excited about Venom? Is his representation up to snuff?