New Fantasy Wargame By The Creator of Frostgrave

By Juan Lopez | October 21st, 2017 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming, Tabletop Gaming Products


From the creator of Frostgrave and Osprey Games comes a new fantasy wargame that will let you field an army you have always wanted!

Oathmark, created by Frostgrave’s Joseph McCullogh, is a mass-battle fantasy wargame that will have dwarves, goblins, elves, and men campaigning to expand their realms and controlling what they conquer. The part that is drawing potential players’ attention is the ‘field the army you have always wanted’ promise. Essentially, if you want men and goblins fighting alongside each other, you can. Elves and dwarves? Sure, why not.

Oathmark teaser

Currently, the only faction available for pre-order is the Dwarves. Goblins will be the next in line. The Dwarven kits come in Regiment, Brigade, and Army bundles. Champions and special characters can be ordered individually or in bundles. All miniatures are 28mm and come in hard plastic or metal. Transfers are available as well. Sadly, we have now idea of the mechanics and lore of Oathmark but McCullogh broke down some of what we can expect to see on his blog, The Renaissance Troll. Here is what he had to say:

It’s true, I am currently designing a mass-battle fantasy game as part of my job for Osprey Games. I don’t want to talk too much about it at present, because it is still in the early stages of development. It is still going to be a long time before a set of rules hits the market, and many elements can, and probably will, change from now until then.

That said, for the curious, I can make a few statements about which I am ‘mostly’ confident.

  • Oathmark is a ‘rank and file’ game, meaning that most figures will be organized into units that will fight in blocks.
  • However, the basic element of the game is the figure. Each figure has its own stats, and casualties are removed individually.
  • The standard base for most ‘human-ish’ sized figures is 25mm square, so figures mounted on round 25mm, or smaller, bases will be usable with movement trays.
  • The game features a bunch of different races – four main ones to start – each of which have unique stats.
  • There will be a full campaign system, which involves building your kingdom as well as your army. (Assuming I can get all of it to work!).
  • This game has no connection to Frostgrave other than sharing a few deep routed philosophies about what I believe makes a fun fantasy wargame. (Plus most of the plastic kits for the two games will be compatible!).

Here is a selection of the Oathmark Dwarves that you can order now. Prices listed for the bundles are special pre-order prices that will end on October 23rd.

OATH2 – Pre-order Dwarf Brigade: £40

Oathmark dwarves

A two boxes of Dwarves pre-order deal. Buy the Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age Dwarf Infantry box sets in our pre-order deal and get them for £40 rather than £50.

As part of the deal, we’ll include free the Dwarf Champion, Acwellan Axeweilder, to lead the Brigade. And you will also get a model of Dwarf Champion, Halwende the Hammer. This is a special model, designed as a maquette for Oathmark so will never be on sale, he will only be available with special offers.

All figures are 28mm sized and supplied unpainted. Deal contains 60 plastic Dwarves and 2 metal Dwarves. Pre-Order Offers end 23rd October.

OATH4 – Dwarf King: £3

Dwarf King

The Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age metal Dwarf figures will only be available individually during the pre-order period to the 23rd of October. After this time they will go into multi-packs.

Dwarven King Kimball. 28mm sized metal figure, supplied unpainted.

OATH3 – Pre-order Dwarf Army: £100

Oathmark dwarves Army

A five boxes of Dwarves pre-order deal. Buy the Oathmark: Battles of the Lost Age Dwarf Infantry box sets in our pre-order deal and get them for £100 rather than £125. As part of the deal, we’ll include all six metal Dwarves FREE. This includes King Kimball, Wizard Ware, Heretoga the Horn and the three champions Achwellan, Ordway and Scand Scandson.

And you will also get a model of Dwarf Champion, Halwende the Hammer. This is a special model, designed as a maquette for Oathmark so will never be on sale, he will only be available with special offers. All figures are 28mm sized and supplied unpainted. Deal contains 150 plastic Dwarves and 7 metal Dwarves. Pre-Order Offers end 23rd October.

The complete selection of Dwarves can be found on North Star Military Figures’ site.

For more on Oathmark and other great games, visit Osprey Games!