Wild West Exodus Previews November Pre-Orders

By Juan Lopez | November 21st, 2017 | Categories: Tabletop Gaming, Tabletop Gaming Products

Wild West Exodus

Wild West Exodus’ November pre-orders are now available. Fresh new model kits and Action & Adventure Decks make up this month’s pre-orders!

Wild West Exodus is a Steampunk Fantasy Miniatures Game set in an alternate history of the Wild West. It is a dynamic, fast-paced semi-skirmish game pitting a cast of brutal characters against each other in a world very much like our own, but twisted by the forces of deepest evil. An advanced D10 system is coupled with an innovative Influence mechanic to simulate the powers of the Dark Council upon their unwitting pawns.

Wild West Exodus is a 35mm steampunk miniatures game set in the Wild West of America and is an action packed game of gunslingers, lawmen, outlaws, mad scientists, aliens and more! Having just released their 2nd Edition rules and format this past September, this month brings Knights and Hunters. Spica Cohort, Constructed Menial, Reavers, and much more. Below is a sample of this month’s pre-orders!


Vet wild west

The law is an elusive animal in the frontier. After the brutal culmination of the Civil War, the western territories began to experience an age of such violence and upheaval that there was almost no hope for ordinary men and women to survive, let alone prosper. Those who rose up to defend them were the Lawmen.

This product contains

  • 5x Veteran Ranger Miniatures
  • 5x Ranger Minutemen Miniatures
  • 10x Bases

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
  • Character Stat Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.


Vet wild west

The Watchers have been observing humanity for thousands of years. A pan-galactic group they consist of dozens of species all working together to a common cause. Their standing order is not to involve themselves in the affairs of a sentient species until they reach a level of technological and cultural sophistication. Once this level is reached, the Watchers reveal themselves and the world is honoured by joining the Watcher Hegemony.

On Earth there is something wrong. Outside and alien influences are interfering with humanity’s development. Technologies are available that are decades, if not centuries, beyond their time.

A small force of Watchers has been despatched to the Earth to investigate and deal with the alien threat. Humanity must be protected from outsiders at all costs. But what is humanity to make of their would-be saviours?

This product contains

  • 4x Pulse Myriad Miniatures
  • 6x Drain Myriad Miniatures
  • 10x Bases

Please note:

  • Miniatures are supplied unpainted and some assembly will be required.
  • Character Stat Cards are not included and can be found on the Wild West Exodus website.


Ac Ad Decks Wild West

One of the most exciting and dynamic elements to the Second Edition of Wild West Exodus is the interplay between the Action and the Adventure card decks. This set contains a complete 60 card Adventure deck and a full 48 card Action deck.

This product contains

  • 1x Action Deck
  • 1x Adventure Deck

Please note: This product is supplied in English

These and other Wild West Exodus kits make up November’s list of pre-orders. To see the complete November listing, click here! These kits and card decks will launch on November 24th.

For more information on these pre-orders and the game of Wild West Exodus, visit visit Wild West Exodus!