Impressive Wingspan: Lord of Slaughter REVIEW

By Juan Lopez | November 4th, 2017 | Categories: Creature Caster, Product Review, Videos

Lord of Slaughter Post 2

Ready your armies and prepare for blood as the Lord of Slaughter is looking for great acts of carnage, and he could find them on your tabletop!

Create Caster continues to impress and amaze with the quality and design of the models. Their latest one, the Lord of Slaughter is no exception. This terrifying, psychopathic beast has been designed to be the embodiment of carnage and our very own Rob Baer will show you just how large and dominating this lord truly is. Here is a sample of our quick and dirty review to give you the lowdown on what you can expect to see with this kit.

For our complete review, be sure to scroll down and press play on the full video below.

Lord of Slaughter unassembled 2

The Lord of Slaughter kit comes with 26 pieces that include weapon, wing, head variants and a custom base that the model will slot into. Just by first glance, Rob could tell that this is the best laid out and cast kit from Creature Caster thus far. The amount of detail that can be seen with the skull filled base, the bone work, and down to the veins in the wings is amazing. The various customization options that come with this kit are great for giving the Lord of Slaughter that unique look that you are going for.

Lord of Slaughter assembled

When assembled, the Lord of Slaughter will measure about 6″ tall from the base to to the top of the wings. The model is designed to fit a 60mm base if you have another option in mind. If you need a better size comparison, the Lord of Slaughter measures up to the size of a Demon Prince model. Creature Caster’s Warrior Demon model is larger and will compare to a Greater Demon model. All in all, the Lord of Slaughter is a great kit and a great alternative model for any demon army you have.

Rob goes into more detail concerning options and how to hobby on this model in the review video below.

Lord of Slaughter Preorder: $61

Lord of Slaughter

The Lord of Slaughter is a terrifying, psychopathic beast, that hunts others for no purpose other than the thrill of killing. He embodies one of the most sinister aspects of war, that of unending blood thirst. Unlike most demonic lords he shuns the concepts of holding power, territory, or influence. Truth be told he does not even have interest in martial skill or testing his metal against a worthy foe. Instead he is utterly devoted to the act of killing, through any method, and at any cost. For him true satisfaction is only obtained as his blades tear into the body of his foe, and he can taste their arterial spray upon his lips.

Lord of Slaughter 2

Many would mistake his actions for those of a mindless beast, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Lord of Slaughter is possessed of a dark intelligence, and his eyes glimmer with malice and cunning. It is not that he could not rule over a vast empire, it is that he chooses not to. Instead all his willpower is bent to the task of greater and more impressive acts of carnage. His every thought is dedicated to realizing unspeakable acts of violence upon others. For him, bringing death is an addiction, and he takes a savage joy from it. He is murder built large. A horde of lesser demons trail after him, from conflict to conflict, enthralled by his unstoppable battle prowess. Little do they realize that they are just victims in waiting.

Lord of SLaughter bits

The Lord of Slaughter is hand cast in pure, unfilled, resin. He is designed to fit a 60mm round base and has a height of 11.5cm from bottom of his scenic base to top of his horns, and 13.7cm to top of his wings. Model is unassembled and unpainted. Intended for ages 14+. Check out our blog for scale comparisons, sketches, and more!

The Lord of Slaughter is available now to pre-order from Creature Caster. It will ship on November 20th, 2017. Be sure to press play on our quick and dirty unboxing and review video below for the full review.

For more the Lord of Slaughter and other awesome models, visit Creature Caster!