It seems almost fitting that the Orks are the first codex out of the gate for 7th edition as they may be the evil poster children of 40k!Checking in at five pages under the “normal” codex size of 110 pages, this book features a new unit singular unit entry page with a half page picture […]
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The Orks are here, and they may have left the best release for last; the new Meganobz! It looks like there are a ton of new bits to be had in this kit, as well as a new grot model, the oiler! If you haven’t seen the new Mega Nobz yet, checkout the spoiler shots […]
Read MoreQuite possible the most randomiest of the Orks are now here, the Ork Shokk Attack Gun and Mek Gun ArtilleryThe new Mek Gun kit features five new wily grot models, with a semi-interchangeable artillery piece that with a little work I think can be made to accept all weapon load outs. This set contains a […]
Read MoreThe Orks are coming for sure, as this issue is crammed full of spoilers for the new book, and even hints at the following week’s release (Mega Nobs?) as well. While we have no “official” confirmation on the new Mega Nobz being released, the latest issue indicates we’ll see the “biggest Ork models ever” next […]
Read MoreTotally redesigned from the ground up, the first Knight Titan variant from Forge World is here. The Cerastus Knight Lancer looks to be adapted over and re-imagined from Epic 40k’s model of the same name, plus we already know there are two other variants in the works from last months Horus Heresy Weekender! Now that […]
Read MoreSometimes things are just better the second time around, and for the Dreadclaw drop pod this seems to be true. The last Dreadclaw seemed to be a little too top heavy and was prone to breakage as it’s moving parts didn’t seem to be able to both move and support the weight of the pod. […]
Read MoreThe shinny-ist of the Orks are now here, the Flash Gitz are now available from Games Workshop.The new kit features five new models, with snazzguns that can be configured a myriad ways (see issue #19 of White Dwarf for the specifics). Plus these guys come with a ton of different heads, and other gobs ‘n […]
Read MoreThe Orks are back again with a new Mek Gun, and Shokk Attack gun kit! We still haven’t seen a hint of the new book yet, BUT there was a neat little spoiler shot of what looks like a new Big Mek / Warboss kit. (like issue #18’s Mega Nobz). I’m hoping that guy in the […]
Read MoreThe Orks are back again with a new Mek Gun, and Shokk Attack gun kit! We still haven’t seen a hint of the new book yet, BUT there was a neat little spoiler shot of what looks like a new Big Mek / Warboss kit. (like issue #18’s Mega Nobz). Check back here on Monday for […]
Read MoreLove it or hate it, the Gorkanaut may just be coming soon to a tabletop near you!Today we take a first look at the new Gorkanaut and there doesn’t seem to be any inch of this model that does not contain some sort of detail. Retailing for $105, the new kit comes in the new “Black Box” styled packaging […]
Read MoreThe Orks are back in this issue with new Flash Gits and a sweet Orkanaut vs Imperial Knight battle report. Once again the Orks have taken over this issue of White Dwarf for their first new release in who knows how long. And while there wasn’t any more spoiler shots of new stuff (like last […]
Read MoreThe Orks are back in this issue with new Flash Gits and a sweet Orkanaut vs Imperial Knight battle report. Once again taken over this issue of White Dwarf for their first new release in who knows how long. And while there wasn’t any more spoiler shots of new stuff (like last weeks Mega Nobz), […]
Read MoreA few times now Secret Weapon Minis has put out their deftly named “Bag ‘O Crap” and both times they’ve sold out in mere hours. Why? Well I think it has to do with the fact that everyone loves a good deal, and this bag is certainly that. While they are not all nice and […]
Read MoreGather up the Ladz, cause there is a Waaagh about to go down! The Orks have taken over this issue of White Dwarf for their first new release in who knows how long. Just about the whole magazine was “Orkified” somehow in the first of what looks to be a few weeks worth of issues […]
Read MoreGather up the Ladz, cause there is a Waaagh about to go down! The Orks have taken over this issue of White Dwarf for their first new release in who knows how long. Plus there was a little spoiler shot of what looks like new plastic MEGA NOBZ as well. Check it all out in […]
Read MoreWell as far as collectors editions go, this one seems to be pretty good.If you haven’t had a chance to see the Apocalypse Collectors Edition from last year, the new 7th Edition Munitorium Edition comes in a very similar collectors box, and features all the new rules as well as some extra goodies. All of the books […]
Read MoreTime to rejoice? The wait is over, 7th Edition is HERE!Not even two years has passed since we were graced with 6th Edition 40k, but now we have what many hope is a more balanced rules set. Only time will tell I suppose. If you haven’t picked up your copy of the new rules yet, […]
Read MoreWell as far as collectors editions go, this one seems to be pretty good. If you haven’t had a chance to see the Apocalypse Collectors Edition from last year, this one comes in a very similar collectors box, and features the normal rules as well as some extra goodies. All of the books are bound […]
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