Free Warhammer Minis, IG Tank Sale, New Exclusive 40k Models

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Here’s the latest tabletop wargaming news and expert commentary from the world of tabletop wargaming for February 1st, 2024!

Updated February 2nd, 2025, by Rob Baer with new information and links to relevant content.

Looking to stay ahead of the curve in the Warhammer and miniatures hobby? Here’s your quick roundup of the freshest news from this week’s Warhammer and tabletop miniatures scene!

Whether you’re gearing up for your next big game or just trying to figure out which fancy new mini to add to your collection, you’ll be equipped with all the juicy tidbits to keep you in the know.

Latest Warhammer & Tabletop Miniatures Hobby News

So, let’s get into this week’s hottest topics in the Warhammer hobby and the tabletop miniatures wargaming space, all chosen by your clicks and views!

Cavill warhammer 40k movie amazon 1

Latest details for movie star Henry Cavill’s Warhammer 40k TV show for Games Workshop, Amazon Studio’s contract agreement and series casting news! Read More

emperors children 40k noise marine with sonic blaster art pink background slaanesh and legion icon hor wal (2)

Emperor’s Children have a release date of 2025, from an army box to a 10th Edition codex, and even Fulgrim; here’s what the rumors say is on the way for Warhammer 40k. Read More

codex book roadmap games workshop latest star background warhammer 40k

Here is the 2025 Warhammer 40k Codex roadmap with faction updates, release dates schedule, and gameplay shifts for 10th Edition! Read More

new pre-order gitmob army set no text paint miniatures background with box set in foreground

Here is the new lineup and pricing for the Gitmob Army Box Set, Necromunda, Empire MTO, and Black Library releases, hitting pre-order this week! Read More

meta watch 40k primaris space marine art in front of win rates graphs wal hor

According to the data from Games Workshop, these are the best (top winning lists) and worst Warhammer 40k armies in the meta right now! Read More

images of upcoming warhammer 40k factions new releases roadmap icons for 2025 hor wal

Here is the latest Games Workshop new releases roadmap featuring release dates for most upcoming Warhammer and 40k products in 2025! Read More

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Heads up, here are the two new Warhammer event exclusive miniatures for 2025, as both AoS and Warhammer 40k are getting models once again! Read More

champions of slaanesh emperor champion army box set image painted Lords Kakophonist. and models in background reveal warhammer 40k

Kickstart your Emperor’s Children army with the Champions of Slaanesh box set, packed with new miniatures, Noise Marines, and the new codex! Read More

meta deathwatch painted model hor wal warhammer 40k win percentage background

Unlock victory with the top 40k tournament army lists featuring Blood Angels, Space Marines, and Deathwatch from the LVO 2025 Champs. Read More

death korps of krieg art with reaver titan warhammer 40k hor wal

New plastic Death Korps of Krieg 40k models have landed; from an Army Box Set and codex to riders, here are release dates and rumors. Read More

pricing and value champions of slaanesh emperor children army box set image painted Lords and models in background reveal warhammer 40k

Your guide to the new Warhammer 40k Emperor’s Children Champions of Slaanesh Army Box Set, contents, value, and release date in our savings breakdown! Read More

warhammer 40k base sizes schematic with diameters sizes and unit names warhammer 40k hor wal 2

Stay in the know with the official Games Workshop bases to use for Warhammer 40k with this complete basing size guide for miniatures. Read More

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Transform your 40k army’s Baneblade with high-quality Blood and Skulls Industries conversion bits and kits, now 20% off, from Elrik’s Hobbies. Read More

Free warhammer mini of the month hor wal space marin primaris words free 1

Get a free new Skaven mini alongside the latest GW coin promotion for the February 2025 Warhammer miniature of the month! Read More

eldar aeldari codex cover and artwork close up featured image rumors

Huge news and rumors are here for new Warhammer 40k Aeldari miniatures and release dates for more Eldar Aspect Warriors plastic kits! Read More

death korps of krieg army box over top of painted army models warhammer 40k hor wal army box set

Your guide to the new Warhammer 40k Death Korps of Krieg Army Box Set, contents, value, and release date in our savings breakdown! Read More

warhammer 40k New eldar fugean art with warpgate run in background pre order revealed

Here is the new lineup and pricing for the latest Warhammer 40k  Aeldari unit and character releases that are on pre-order now! Read More

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Learn why Warhammer Day miniatures, Warhammer World Exclusives, and 40k Commemorative Series are prized collectibles, plus where to score these rare models, even on the secondary market. Read More

age of sigmar warhammer roadmap with faction icons and gand alliance details hor wal Age of sigmar 2024 Roadmap new models battletomes

Here’s the latest Age of Sigmar (AoS) new releases roadmap previews for 2024-25 for all the upcoming new models, miniatures, and battletomes! Read More

Final Thoughts On This Week’s Big Warhammer and Hobby News

news rumors warhammer 40k tabletop gaming miniatures

And there you have it! We’ve covered a lot of ground in the world of Warhammer and tabletop miniatures this week. Whether you’re excited about Cavill’s Warhammer TV show, eyeing those new Emperor’s Children models, or just looking to snag the latest codex, there’s plenty to get stuck in with.

Thanks for staying up-to-date with the latest in wargaming hobby news and announcements.  Hopefully, you’re now armed with enough knowledge to dominate your next gaming session or miniatures hobby purchase!

If that’s not enough for you, don’t miss these other new releases, top hobby products, and cheap deals:

All the Latest Warhammer News & Model Rumors

What do you think about the latest miniatures and tabletop gaming news for this week?