1 Day Left for Table of Ultimate Gaming Kickstarter

By Juan Lopez | September 27th, 2017 | Categories: Kickstarter, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Ultimate Gaming Table 1

The Table of Ultimate Gaming Kickstarter has less than 48 hours remaining. Let’s see what goals they have been able to reach!

The Table of Ultimate Gaming Kickstarter was funded in less than 5 minutes after going live. Now, with less than 48 hours remaining, they have completely blown away their goal of $25k by reaching $1,052,098. They had an amazing showing recently at GenCon and have surpassed their most recent stretch goals: Meeples $700K Stretch Goal and also purple mat and walnut colored wood stain choice added. Their next goal, which they reached, is the addition of a steampunk theme at $850k. This has been added to their other decorative packs: Skulls, Celtic, Dagon, Castle, Cthulhu, and Meeples.

TUOG Steampunk

Jamie and the team have been working very hard on something very exciting for our decoration pack for Steampunk. It will cost more but we plan to give it a shot.

We hope to introduce our first multi-dimensional / multi-layer decoration pack for Steampunk themed tables. This will not affect the current decoration packs now available. Though we could see more of this in the future.

Remember this is a Kickstarter so while we “hope” to release Steampunk as multi-dimensional, we DO have a lot of work to do on it first. This is in developmental stage. That said we wanted to give you a quick sneak peak of the work in progress. But no guarantees. Still…we love it so far.

Add to this the treasure trove of accessories, styles, types of wood, and more that are now being offered to customize your table as much as possible; it is little surprise that this Kickstarter has reached as far as it has. Just in case you have never seen the Table of Ultimate Gaming before, check out our previous article below to get up to speed.

Ultimate Gaming Table Overview

ToUG is a fully modular and expandable system that is made from quality woods and water based paints to ensure years of safety and reliability. They in 3’x5′ and 4’x6′, with three height options: Coffee, Standard, and Counter.

It’s play surface is even adjustable from a shallow 1.5″ to a deep 3.5″. It can come with wood panels that can cover the top or can serve as small desks once inserted into the sides of the table. It is very easy to assemble, with only a hex wrench needed.

Add to this the amount of accessories, organizers, and custom decoration options that the Table of Ultimate Gaming has and you have a table that comes at a very affordable price.

These tables can even be combined with one another to create even larger tables.

Ultimate Gaming Table 4x6

So, you’ll notice that these tables also come in 4’x6′ which will probably have a lot of wargamers chomping at the bit to get a hold of one of these bad boys for their beats labs.

Imagine a game of Warmachine, Age of Sigmar, Kings of War, or whatever 28mm-32mm wargame strikes your fancy on this table.

Wargamers with spouses that would frown on a gaming table, listen up. Here is your sales pitch: not only does it have the look and polish of a quality piece of furniture, it is also functional.

Tell them to imagine having friends over for dinner, coffee, or whatever “normal” social interactions they like and being able to use the table. Or, perhaps, how the kids can have a fun area to study and play. Once, the kids are in bed and those non-gaming heathen friends are gone, you rip the table covers off, bust out the terrain, minis, and dice, and you and your true gamer friends battle and roleplay into the night. If you see yourself doing this, it is not too late to invest in the Kickstarter now!

Below are just some images of this amazing table for you to ogle at or for your significant other who is looking over your shoulder that needs a little more convincing:

Ultimate Gaming Table 2

Stylish Celtic Designs To Add to the Dining Room 

Ultimate Gaming Table 3

For Morning Coffee, Studying, or Destroying Your Opponents Without Mercy 

Ultimate Gaming Table 5

Quick, Hide the Fun!!!!

Ultimate Gaming Table 6

When One Game Is Not Enough

I can keep going but we don’t have enough space in this article for all the extras and pics. So, head on over to the Table of Ultimate Gaming Kickstarter and become a backer today!