40k Ad Mech Skitarii Veteran Cohort Rules: Charadon Book of Fire

gw-new-admech-rulesAnother army of Renown is in Charadon Book of Fire- check out the new 40k Ad Mech rules for the Skitarii Veteran Cohort!

Thanks to a bunch of videos over on YouTube, we can now check out all the Ad Mech rules included in the new Charadon book. For those who want to see all the rules, you can check them out on Imgur here. If you’ve been wondering if the book is worth buying for the rules included for them, well, wonder no longer!

There’s a lot of rules to go over, so let’s jump into them!

40k Ad Mech Skitarii Veteran Cohort Rules: Charadon Book of Fire

Charadon book of fireIf you want to see all the other rules from the new Charadon Act II Book of Fire, click any of the links below to check them out:

Ad Mech Army of Renown

Admech Rules (1)This is more or less the opposite of the last army we saw for them, where basically you used no Skitarii but plenty of armor. This one you can only take Skitarii units, with a couple of exceptions. You gain a better Invuln save, more leadership, and light cover if you don’t move.

Plus access to more stratagems and relics.

Admech Rules 2 (1)The warlord trait lets you use fewer CP depending on what Imperative is active, which is pretty nice because the Stratagems below are pretty pricey. The relic is a nice way to give big units whatever Imperative you want basically all game, so that can be super strong!

Binharic Offense is a little strange, but it can be super devastating. If you really need to get rid of a single unit, this should hopefully do it with that +1 to wound. Bionic Endurance, gives you a 5+ FNP in essence, when you add this with the other benefits from this army, you will be very hard to kill!

Will you be using these new 40k Ad Mech Army of Renown rules? Do you think a full Skitarii army sounds cool?

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