8th Edition’s Psychic Phase & Perils Rules Spotted

By Rob Baer | May 27th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

draigo spire of madness lore

Come see the new rules for the Perils of the Warp and the Psychic Phase that are coming to Warhammer 8th Edition in two short weeks!

Scanner is at it again with the new Quick Reference card for 8th edition. First we saw the turn structure worked, then the movement phase, and attacking. Now we’re seeing how the Psyhic phase works!

psychic phase in 40k 8th edition how it works

Again the Psychic sequence looks to be very straight forwardly similar from Age of Sigmar, with one big exception:

psychic phase in 40k 8th edition how it works

So some things to keep in mind here, mortal wounds can splash over from figure to figure in each of these units that are within 6″ of a psyker that perils, and now it’s back to being triggered on double 1’s or 6’s!

The rest is just as GW explained it a few weeks ago:

psychic phase in 40k 8th edition how it works

In the new system, the Psychic phase has been re-worked from the ground up.

Each time you pick a psyker, you can cast as many spells as their datasheet states (which would previously be the same as their Mastery Level) and there’s a simpler, two-dice mechanic for casting, you just need to beat the warp charge value. The more potent the power, the harder it will be to cast.

Enemy psykers will then have a chance to block these powers if they are within 24″, and again, the mastery of the psyker will dictate how often they can block a power each turn.

Perils of the Warp is still there of course. It wouldn’t be Warhammer 40,000 without the chance of accidentally having your mind eaten by a Daemon and your soul sucked into the psychic oblivion of the Warp while your body exploded in a multifaceted explosion of etheric ichor…

Every faction will have its own psychic lore with a range of thematic powers. In addition, every psyker knows the Smite power:


Mortal Wounds are a new mechanic too – these cannot be saved by any means and punch straight through thick armour and even invulnerable saves! Ouch.

Sight unseen of all the powers that are available to psykers in 8th edition, I would hope that their abilities are WORTH the gamble of a perils, as they are now just plain brutal.

Remember too that causalities from perils attacks will apply to your morale at the end of the turn too as well!

Hungry for more? Checkout the rest of the pages from the 8th Edition quick reference that were spotted and judge for yourself if they will bring balance to 40k.

What are your thoughts on the new Force Organization rules for 8th Edition? Let us know in the comments below.

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