About Those “Missing” October 40k Releases from GW…

new-gw-releases-roadmap codex happy guardsmanThe recent Codex Roadmap from GW was notably missing an October Codex, which has freaked a few hobbyists out online already with thoughts of no 40k releases for a month…

Everyone panic! On second thought don’t- there’s probably still plenty of Warhammer 40k to be had in October where GW has told us yet or not.

We’ve known that Black Templars are going to get some sort of Army Box, and Kill Team is getting a new resurgence of releases. But what about October… why is there an ominous lack of codex book treatment there?

Let’s check out both potential releases and why they might be on the way.

About That “Missing” October 40k Release from GW…

october releaseFirst off, looking at the Roadmap image, Orks are listed as a September release, even though they got the early access codex via the Beat Snagga Box in late July.

This might suggest an Army Box with early access codex for Black Templars in October and then the separate codex coming in November. If this is true, we are sure to get some new models or at least hints very soon as we head into September and past the Orks (Beast Snagga Army Box) spotlight.

October is still 4 weeks long, with plenty of room for another release, which may be where Kill Team comes in.

killteam 3 month cycleThe new Kill Team support seems to be on a conveyor belt for every 3 months as shown off by GW here. Not to mention everyone who got the Kill Team starter should have their copies in their hands by then.

A new October Release with new settings, models, and Killzone seems a likely candidate to fill the Codex release gap.

Dreadknight conversion kitGet rid of the Baby Carrier look with this!

These two releases easily can cover up the big-name items for October and while staying consistent with patterns and what we know from GW so far.


Beast SnaggasWell, it doesn’t seem right to mention October without saying something about the Orks in general. The Greenskins could 100% be why nothing has been mentioned for that month as we know there are what seems to be a ton of separate kit Beast Snagga releases on deck, as well as normal Orks (more on them another day).

Chances are just as good that we’ll see at least one more release wave (but probably two knowing GW) of Orks soon, perhaps even in Orktober…

More Sons!

hexfire-box-set-revealBoth the Sons of Titan and the Thousand Sons could also get releases in October, as both may have Combat Patrol releases on the way to coincide with the release of their independent character models from the Hexfire box set as well.

That being said, these are all still speculations so be sure to take it with a grain of salt. You can also check out other Black Templar-related rumors here, but chances are any new Templar releases would be closer to the end of November/December.

Do you think we could both of these major releases in October? What do you think of these ideas for the “missing” releases from GW?

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