RUMORS: 40k Black Templars Release & Looking Forward

black Templars FeatureCheck out these Black Templars rumors from last year that talked of Helbrecht, and some similarities with the new Emperor’s Champion.

Well, at the time these rumors were revealed, we didn’t know how close the Black Templars update really was. With the most recent preview of the Emperor’s Champion and the confirmation of a launch box including the Black Templars we know a little more, but still not everything.

Is there a chance the Emperor’s Champion is the only new mini they get? For sure, but there still may be hope for Helbrecht getting the Primaris treatment or maybe another mini or two.

Let’s look at the last time they were updated back in November of 2020:

8th Edition Faith & Fury Black Templar Update

We broke down the entire set of rules here when they dropped for 8th Edition.

psychic awakening 3 table of contents

Overall the Black Templars had a few focuses. The first being on improved chaplains and no longer being able to take Psykers. Granted this was at a time when Chaplains for all space marines were getting buffed, however even in lore chaplains play a pretty big role in the Black Templar dichotomy as well.

The other major updates were to chapter-specific datasheets, and a handful of warlord traits, relics, stratagems, and the assault doctrine. Overall it was a relatively small update since it was packed into a psychic awakening it had relatively limited room.

9th Edition Black Templar Rules:

Black-Templars-previewWhile some hobbyists point to the new Octarius Warzone book as being the potential source for new rules for the darker of the Sons of Dorn, we have been hearing whispers of a whole new codex for the Black Templars as well.

war zone octarius book 1War Zone Octarius Book 1: Rising Tide is the next major narrative supplement for Warhammer 40,000, covering the formation of the Cordon Impenetra and the Imperium’s desperate attempts to keep the war contained. Octarius is packed full of both lore and rules for the armies involved, including new Armies of Renown and Codex Supplements.

Since we just saw the conclusion of Warzone Charadon in its second book, this strongly suggests this will be a recurring theme. While we now know about Octarius, and that it could be the same number (or more) of books as Charadon, it might be safe to assume more Warzone “sectors” will follow.

Industry insiders have told us to expect a whole new codex supplement book for the Templars this fall

beast snagga box

With a new Army Box confirmed by Games Workshop the odds of that rumor have gone up considerably, as every army box to date for both AoS and Warhammer 40k have had a codex book inside!

New Emperor’s Champion

Black Templars Emperors Champion 2Wreathed in divine light, descending from the cold darkness of space with righteous fury, please be upstanding for the living miracle himself – the Emperor’s Champion.

Well, this is definitely Primaris sized, just like we had hoped. The new mini is honestly really cool without totally changing the look and feel of the original. Plus who doesn’t love them a tactical rock too boot!

Black Templars Emperors Champion 3Emperor’s Champions also wear the Armour of Faith and an Iron Halo, artefacts of such sacred power that the Black Templars have been known to launch entire crusades to recover them if a Champion falls in battle. This is a Chapter that does not mess around.

They definitely added a lot of detail this time around, this might be the only new mini they grab, but it’s better than nothing. So, let’s look at the rumor and the possibility of more new minis!

Primaris Helbrecht?

Black Templars High Marshal Helbrecht $25Current Black Templars High Marshal Helbrecht: $25

Over on the Bolter and Chainsword Chapter Mast Valrak dropped some Black Templars Rumors. Supposedly, he got word that a Primaris Helbrecht may be on the way as well.

I’ve really held back talking about this as I don’t want to raise any hope, I actually been keeping stuff to myself because certain ‘news’ sites keep miss quoting me.

Anyway, was contacted and told that Primaris Helbrect is coming, the contact told me he had seen the model, he’s got like one foot standing on a rock IRC.

I personally see this as them getting a supplement.

Anyway, make of it as you will.

So first up, if you look at the rumor it says he’s getting Primaris sized and standing on a rock, well, the new Champion is Primaris sized and standing on a rock, so that kind of hurts the possibility of a new Helbrecht.

Basically, everything GW makes now is Primaris sized and standing on a rock it seems like, so don’t put too much thought into that.

The original post also said April would be the update for Templars, which has already passed, but with all the slowdowns, can’t blame them for that. Who knows, maybe the Emperor’s Champion and Helbrecht will both be in the launch box?

Looking at the Old Rules

Now if we take a look at older Primaris Character upgrades we can see that they tend to get an extra wound and attack while staying about the same power level. In the past some of the characters received some fluff rules changes/NERF, for example, Mephiston could only take one psychic discipline.

Here are the current rules for the Helbrecht from 2019:

High Marshal HelbrechtHe’s got the standard Chapter Master ability to re-roll all hits for Black templars within 6″, which is always welcome. He does get a 4+ Invulnerable and Crusade of Wrath, Add 1 to the strength of Black Templars within 6″. Considering the melee focus of this army, that buff is sometimes a huge deal.

Hopefully, if they get a 9th Edition update it would mean they would get their own book (or be incorporated into a Crimson/Imperial Fists codex) and perhaps get more than 15 pages of love!

However, the most important thing will always be that shiny new model to lead your forces. You never know, maybe GW will have him standing on a rock…

Do you think we could see more than one mini for them? What do you think of these Black Templars rumors?

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